Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I think the one dose of doxycycline has helped Geoffrey. It took a few hours, but I think he is breathing easier, with less
coughing frequency. Thank you, God...

Poor baby is completely exhausted. I picked up a few things at the grocery store. Geoffrey never came out to greet me, check out my purchases, sniff the cart or even go after the plastic. I knew he was very sick.

Dr B's Secretary, J, was checking on us all day.. Love her, also...

Yes, I think Geoffrey was running a fever last night.
I am kind of wondering why I was not sent home with the antibiotic, yesterday. Unless the official X-ray report read something differently.. or Dr B. wanted to see if G could fight this on his own. Who knows? With Human Bronchitis, they are hesitant to prescribe antibiotics, unless you have an underlying condition: like Asthma.. I know from my own experiences.

This morning, he could barely keep his eyes open. No, the third eyelid was not showing.. I checked.
I have instructions for the weekend, on what to do if the Doxycycline does not work. He told me what to many doses to wait on the doxycycline, before switching to the heavy duty Prednisolone--which I have on hand.

Dr B is not on this weekend, but his Associate/Resident is---just in case. I have his name, and instructions to call and speak with him BEFORE I even think of going to ER.

I like Dr B.. He is dedicated to keeping his patients OUT of the ER...

Now, praying for the Insurance Company to reimburse me...

Geoffrey is curled up, on a towel; which is on top of my hamper. I am not disturbing him.. food intake has been a bit low, same with water.
I would love to give him some laxatone, due to hard stool--not being able to brush him. Since he is on an antibiotic, I do not know what havoc that will do to his GI system. Better not to tempt fate..

As Dr B always says--less medication is better.

Anyone reading this: I thank you for your caring. I have a funny feeling, this journey is going to be a long one. I will try to cut back on posting. I do not want to monopolize this forum.. not taking advantage of the kind people on her and the administrators.. And ANNE!!

I hope, someone, at sometime, somewhere; can learn/get support/ get some type of understanding that they are not the only one going through things.. and perhaps, gain some insight --into feelings, etc...
Dr. B. and his team sound excellent. Geoffrey has just the team he needs! *PRAYERS* for the very best for him and for him NOT to need extra or the ER. also so you can have a relaxing weekend.
This is Geoffrey's thread, isn't it?


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
I'm so glad the doxy is helping. Frequent coughing 24 hours a day really wrecks any sleep you might get. I'm hoping that's the case for him and he just needs to catch up on the sleep he lost the night he couldn't get any rest. I had bronchitis a few years ago and after a few nights of coughing fits and being unable to stay asleep for more than 15-20 minutes I was approaching wanting to just throw myself on the floor toddler style and cry. I was SO tired but unable to sleep a wink. I didn't want food either. Once it ironed out, I slept for a LONG time and ate like there was no tomorrow. Hoping this is the case for him.
I've gained insight from your thread because these feelings are real. Anytime they aren't feeling well, we don't feel well. My dog gave me a scare this morning and all I really wanted to do was throw up, then curl up into a ball. He's fine now, and so am I. It's scary because you feel your emotions are outside of your ability to control.
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  • #83


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
It has been a few days since I last posted.. in case anyone cares.. sorry, getting despondent, a bit.

The 2 doses of doxy, on Friday, seemed to really help Geoffrey. I was so grateful.

Saturday morning came around, time for 1st doxy dose.. Tried it, no way!! Geoffrey completely refused it. I am taking this as he was feeling a bit improved, so he could fight it.
Spit it out--all over me, him, the recliner, Foamed at the mouth, gagging, forced vomiting.. absolutely no way he got any of it.

I waited and hour, tried again.. same result.. I gave up.
Tried the evening dose---same thing.. at this point he had laryngitis from all of this.. Gave up...

Went to bed, he tried to cuddle. He felt really warm. and was coughing. I finally got up at 11:30pm, at gave him a dose of Prednisolone. (The Vet said it was ok to start it, if he worsened). I figured, he needed something. It is a pill, which I put in an empty gel cap.. goes down so much easier.

Still giving prednisone twice a day.. He seems to be slowly improving, but his cough sounds like a motorcycle revving up.
It is frightening.. sounds like a mans deep cough.. never knew a cat could be so loud and deep. He lost his voice.
He did groom a tiny bit, last night.
Still lethargic, not interested in much... find him just hanging out on the floor. At this point, I do not know if it the bronchitis, or the effects of the steroid.. I think both. and exhaustion.

I have had bronchitis/pneumonia many times in the past, so I understand how he feels.

it is so frustrating.. I mean.. He has SCL.. We have the diagnosis.. He has cancer.. we are delaying treatment, because of one thing over the other..
If this is how he is going to respond to treatment.. I really have my doubts..

SCL has not cure.. It has remission, but for how long?? He is so sick from the bronchitis.. can I deal with what is to come?
There is no guarantee that the chemo will help him.. that he will be able to tolerate long term prednisolone use.. and chemo..
The medicating is causing me/us to lose our bond. Is this worth it>. Am I ready to give up> The do I do so?

There is no cure.. none at all.. only a chance at remission..

With Artie, I held on too long.. really too long.. and he was so good about it.. I do not want Geoffrey to suffer.,. not at all.. am I ready? Financially, I cannot afford this.. not at all.. I feel so darn sad about this..

Sorry about this...
It is also so darned humid outside. I am sick of the Air Conditioner. Is it betting for Geoffrey to be in colder air, or in humid.. I do not want either the AC or the Fans blowing on him.. dam...

Projecting: I feel Geoffrey will be the last cat for me.. I cannot go through this again.. I love having a cat in my life.. but not an older and sick one..

I need to go, and get the day started.. I got up late, slept poorly---again...

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Spew away: I’m in sort of the same boat as you, a little further along, if it helps. Unlike Geoffrey and Oscar (of rockitorknockit) Zorro has never extensively vomited from having SCL though (I wonder why— perhaps physical location?) and doesn’t have bronchitis, so I am hesitant to offer advice. I will say he is in “remission “ whatever that means, and his quality of life is fairly good, having been on pred and chemo for almost a year! The time has allowed us to bond even more closely. I do sense that things are beginning to slow down for Zorro, but, if you can afford the meds I might keep trying, since this is all so new for you both. I have friends who have persistently told their vet: “Look, I simply can’t afford this, can you cut me some slack?’ and on the spot, the vet was kind enough to do so: don’t ask me how! But just to say, it might be worth being insistent in that regard. As for heat, Zorro seems to like being placed between two fans, and on really hot days doesn’t mind a quick rub of an ice cube at his nape. I think it comes down to quality of life, both yours AND Geoffrey’s. After the sudden shock of all these new meds and the diagnosis has sunk in, you might find yourself getting into a rhythm w/ each other that can run deep. (Sorry to ramble, just— feeling what you’re going through, and know you’re not alone).
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  • #89


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Please post any time that you would like. Remember, lots of members read who do not necessarily post, and they care as well.
Thank you.. After all the exhausting thread I had about Artie, I do not want to monopolize this forum.. I thank Anne Anne and all the moderators for understanding.. :hugs::redheartpump:


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Cindy, I can't think of anyone who wouldn't want you to post with regular updates about sweet Geoffrey.:lovecat3: I agree you have been through a lot, first with Artie and now with Geoffie. It definitely takes a toll on us as caretakers and doting cat parents. I think most of us have been there at some point in our lives with one pet or another. The financial burden only compounds what you're going through. Thankfully you have Dr. B in your corner and he knows you well. I'm sure he will do whatever it takes to help both of you. 🤗 The only words of advice I have are to take it one day at a time. And please remember we are always here to listen and offer our support.:grouphug:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
It has been a few days since I last posted.. in case anyone cares.. sorry, getting despondent, a bit.

The 2 doses of doxy, on Friday, seemed to really help Geoffrey. I was so grateful.

Saturday morning came around, time for 1st doxy dose.. Tried it, no way!! Geoffrey completely refused it. I am taking this as he was feeling a bit improved, so he could fight it.
Spit it out--all over me, him, the recliner, Foamed at the mouth, gagging, forced vomiting.. absolutely no way he got any of it.

I waited and hour, tried again.. same result.. I gave up.
Tried the evening dose---same thing.. at this point he had laryngitis from all of this.. Gave up...

Went to bed, he tried to cuddle. He felt really warm. and was coughing. I finally got up at 11:30pm, at gave him a dose of Prednisolone. (The Vet said it was ok to start it, if he worsened). I figured, he needed something. It is a pill, which I put in an empty gel cap.. goes down so much easier.

Still giving prednisone twice a day.. He seems to be slowly improving, but his cough sounds like a motorcycle revving up.
It is frightening.. sounds like a mans deep cough.. never knew a cat could be so loud and deep. He lost his voice.
He did groom a tiny bit, last night.
Still lethargic, not interested in much... find him just hanging out on the floor. At this point, I do not know if it the bronchitis, or the effects of the steroid.. I think both. and exhaustion.

I have had bronchitis/pneumonia many times in the past, so I understand how he feels.

it is so frustrating.. I mean.. He has SCL.. We have the diagnosis.. He has cancer.. we are delaying treatment, because of one thing over the other..
If this is how he is going to respond to treatment.. I really have my doubts..

SCL has not cure.. It has remission, but for how long?? He is so sick from the bronchitis.. can I deal with what is to come?
There is no guarantee that the chemo will help him.. that he will be able to tolerate long term prednisolone use.. and chemo..
The medicating is causing me/us to lose our bond. Is this worth it>. Am I ready to give up> The do I do so?

There is no cure.. none at all.. only a chance at remission..

With Artie, I held on too long.. really too long.. and he was so good about it.. I do not want Geoffrey to suffer.,. not at all.. am I ready? Financially, I cannot afford this.. not at all.. I feel so darn sad about this..

Sorry about this...
It is also so darned humid outside. I am sick of the Air Conditioner. Is it betting for Geoffrey to be in colder air, or in humid.. I do not want either the AC or the Fans blowing on him.. dam...

Projecting: I feel Geoffrey will be the last cat for me.. I cannot go through this again.. I love having a cat in my life.. but not an older and sick one..

I need to go, and get the day started.. I got up late, slept poorly---again...
The bare fact is that none of us gets out alive, and that life is pretty harsh for most of us, of any species. Having an illness, especially a major one, makes it worse. But another way of looking at it is indeed, one step at a time, one day/hour/moment at a time, and to just be grateful for the love you share and the quality time you still do share. In comparison, a lot have it so much worse. I know, because of my advocacy work and being involved in a lot of different things. You also follow the little horses, so you know what's going on there. Never knowing what will happen next means you're constantly on alert, constantly in some amount of stress. But in a lot of war zones, people actually learn how to roll with the punches and you'll see kids playing right in the middle of it. It's not completely different from what you and Geoffrey are going through.
Try, when and if you can, to enjoy the radiant moments. You know there are some, even now. Treasure them. Treasure Geoffrey, as he is.
And of course each person is different, but I could never deny myself the joy and love that comes with sharing life with cats. And there are so many cats in need of love and shelter from us. The need is great. There will always be a need, but it's particularly great now. Geoffrey has you and you have him. Give thanks! and share that love.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
The bare fact is that none of us gets out alive, and that life is pretty harsh for most of us, of any species. Having an illness, especially a major one, makes it worse. But another way of looking at it is indeed, one step at a time, one day/hour/moment at a time, and to just be grateful for the love you share and the quality time you still do share. In comparison, a lot have it so much worse. I know, because of my advocacy work and being involved in a lot of different things. You also follow the little horses, so you know what's going on there. Never knowing what will happen next means you're constantly on alert, constantly in some amount of stress. But in a lot of war zones, people actually learn how to roll with the punches and you'll see kids playing right in the middle of it. It's not completely different from what you and Geoffrey are going through.
Try, when and if you can, to enjoy the radiant moments. You know there are some, even now. Treasure them. Treasure Geoffrey, as he is.
And of course each person is different, but I could never deny myself the joy and love that comes with sharing life with cats. And there are so many cats in need of love and shelter from us. The need is great. There will always be a need, but it's particularly great now. Geoffrey has you and you have him. Give thanks! and share that love.
Love this.
With my sick dog, I'm falling into the habit of mourning his loss while he's at my feet staring at the freezer begging for his nightly frozen kong treat. It's extremely difficult to not do that, but I try to catch myself as much as I can.
Years ago I cared for a little dog who was diagnosed with a malignant mass in his jawbone/gums. That kind of cancer in dogs is really, really bad news. Very hard to operate on, it spreads fast and takes them fast. I've seen dogs develop those masses and not make it a month. One of the worst IOW. Well, this dog must have decided he didn't care what the prognosis was. He had some real low points but he'd bounce back. He lived for several YEARS with this malignant, "fast growing death-sentence" of a cancer, and they were good, quality years too. The cancer isn't what got him in the end, it was something to do with his spine that paralyzed him at a very, very old age. I keep that dog in the back of my mind a lot when I get bad news about my animals, because it was just so awesome seeing him not give a damn that the vets said he'd be dead in 2 months.
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  • #95


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Want to give a quick update on Geoffrey's Bronchopneumonia. He is slowly improving. Tuesday, I picked up the tablet version of the Doxycycline. It is so much easier for me to take the cut tablet (1/4 pill is the dose), put it into a gel cap, use a pill gun with a syringe of water after it. Geoffrey is easy to pill--not easy to grab.

His cough has improved a lot--still there, still deep and bronchial, but not as often. I was able to sleep last night.
He is not feverish, is alert, but he does have laryngitis! I miss his voice.. He does not even try.
Geoffrey asked to be brushed yesterday---by body language--jumping on file cabinet, and giving me a pleading look..
He even went over to his catnip pickle, and played with it for a few minutes! Much more alert.
Head bopping me this morning to get up--his food bowl was empty.
Still not playing, but very alert.. does seem to sleep more..
Due to the prednisolone, he has gained so much weight--not taking any at this point. I am trying to space out filling his food dish.

Yesterday, I was exhausted from everything, and a bit of a colitis episode. I ended up sleeping most of day. Geoffrey came and cuddled under the sheet with me. Sweet thing.

Got the Chemo in capsule form--sitting in my refrigerator.. ugh.. I wish I had a separate place for it.. It is double bagged, in a medicine container. I have a small tray to put it in.
I know we have to wait for him to completely recover from this episode before we even attempt to try the chemo.. Not even asking Dr B about it...

Strange thing is; he is not even acting as if he has lymphoma.. has not vomited for 2 weeks... bizarre.

Yes, once we begin treatment; I will reevaluate in about 3 months and then at 6 months to see how he is doing..

I got partial, reimbursement for the endoscopy!
Since I have a $250 deductible, I will not be getting reimbursed for the chemo.. and for Vet visits with blood work, it would only be about 20-30 dollars.. but I am going to submit ... The insurance has already paid for itself, with the endoscopy.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Cindy, this is wonderful news! I'm so thankful there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are marvelous at being Geoffrey's advocate and caretaker. :hugs: Sending mega hugs and special thoughts that Geoffie continues to improve.:grouphug::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Want to give a quick update on Geoffrey's Bronchopneumonia. He is slowly improving. Tuesday, I picked up the tablet version of the Doxycycline. It is so much easier for me to take the cut tablet (1/4 pill is the dose), put it into a gel cap, use a pill gun with a syringe of water after it. Geoffrey is easy to pill--not easy to grab.

His cough has improved a lot--still there, still deep and bronchial, but not as often. I was able to sleep last night.
He is not feverish, is alert, but he does have laryngitis! I miss his voice.. He does not even try.
Geoffrey asked to be brushed yesterday---by body language--jumping on file cabinet, and giving me a pleading look..
He even went over to his catnip pickle, and played with it for a few minutes! Much more alert.
Head bopping me this morning to get up--his food bowl was empty.
Still not playing, but very alert.. does seem to sleep more..
Due to the prednisolone, he has gained so much weight--not taking any at this point. I am trying to space out filling his food dish.

Yesterday, I was exhausted from everything, and a bit of a colitis episode. I ended up sleeping most of day. Geoffrey came and cuddled under the sheet with me. Sweet thing.

Got the Chemo in capsule form--sitting in my refrigerator.. ugh.. I wish I had a separate place for it.. It is double bagged, in a medicine container. I have a small tray to put it in.
I know we have to wait for him to completely recover from this episode before we even attempt to try the chemo.. Not even asking Dr B about it...

Strange thing is; he is not even acting as if he has lymphoma.. has not vomited for 2 weeks... bizarre.

Yes, once we begin treatment; I will reevaluate in about 3 months and then at 6 months to see how he is doing..

I got partial, reimbursement for the endoscopy!
Since I have a $250 deductible, I will not be getting reimbursed for the chemo.. and for Vet visits with blood work, it would only be about 20-30 dollars.. but I am going to submit ... The insurance has already paid for itself, with the endoscopy.
We both know to keep the Faith and never give up! Geoffrey is doing very well and you're doing a great job of caring for him. Weight gain is pretty normal with Pred. Not to worry.
Playing with his catnip pickle? Wonderful! Wishing we could see that on video or even stills. *Balm for the soul* to hear about!
And brushies! And the reimbursement doesn't hurt a bit, no matter the amount. It buys cat food! :redheartpump::redcat::redheartpump::clap::hugs:
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