Frustrating vet visit


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Jun 5, 2006
Under a pile of cats (and dogs)

I took Ruby to a new vet for the first time since we moved. I loved my old vet, he could answer questions, would listen to me, and he was cute.
So I needed a refill of her medicine because she gets constipated.
This new vet looked like he was younger than me (though given the 8 years of schooling I suppose he was probably at least as old as me) and he seemed really nice.
I wasn't optimistic going in because I knew chances were he wouldn't measure up to my old vet. He took a good history, very detailed. I thought "Ok, this could be alright!" Then things went downhill.
I thought he was pushy (it wasn't like he was asking me if it was ok, more like he was telling me that's what he was going to was weird), he wanted to do an x-ray and/or ultrasound to see what her intestines looked like. That's totally valid and would be great if I had the $600 it would have cost. And he didn't listen to me. I said I was at my old job for a year, and then he asked me how long I'd worked there. I told him Ruby would absolutely not eat anything else (Fancy Feast, one flavor) and he suggested trying a more fiber filled diet.
He charged me $30 for anal glands, which he didn't tell me the price first (I get upset if I go in expecting one price and end up paying more) yes they needed to be done, yes I would have done it, but I wouldn't have been upset when I'd checked out and instead of $50 my bill was $85 if he'd told me the price first.
And then to top it all, I requested 16 ounces of her medicine, because she gets two doses every day and 16 ounces lasts me about 4-5 months. I brought in her old file, it shouldn't have been a problem. He told me he didn't know if they had that much, then the tech comes out with 2 ounces and tells me that he's not going to dispense more than that.
guy didn't have the nerve to tell me that himself?!
I'm convinced they only gave me 2 ounces because that's when the recheck of her anal glands is due, and I didn't schedule because I don't know if I'm going to be here, we're trying to move in the next week or so, maybe he thought I was lying about that. And from her anal glands, they had to do an infusion (they didn't tell me what that meant, I thought it meant squirting a little water up there to flush it out because they were yucky) but now she's got matts on her butt! And I can't brush her, she doesn't go for that.
They took her into the back to do her glands, and then as I was waiting to pay they still hadnâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t brought her back. I finally asked where my cat was and the receptionist was like "Oh! Well I'll go get her!" she was super nice sounded like she forgot about giving me my cat back!!!
Why is it SO difficult to find a good vet!

Anyhow, I just had to vent and my "dog friends" just can't quite sympathize with me when I get worked up about my cats


TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
Oh hun I'm sorry you had a bad time at the vet. There is nothing worse than a pushy vet that makes you uncomfortable there and forgetting to give you ruby back is unforgivable


TCS Member
Jan 30, 2005
Typically vets do not know even basic pricing.. Unless it is a one vet clinic...I understand not appreciating the extra $$... At time of check out I would have said I was quoted this
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TCS Member
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Jun 5, 2006
Under a pile of cats (and dogs)
I did ask what the charges were before I paid and she said what each item was, but not how much. It was odd.
I'm trying to decide if I should call them and tell them how displeased I am with the fact that they sent her home matted (when I adopted her she was matted and I had to have her put under anesthesia to groom her!) or if I should just take a deep breath and let it go


TCS Member
Jan 30, 2005
Definately call... They need to know that you are not pleased with certain parts of the visit..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
On the other hand,

if it's more than a one vet practice, most vets do not know the exact prices of the procedures, at best they'll know round numbers. If going to a new vet, it might be useful to ask before hand, when making the appointment, not at the check out, what standard procedure costs are - prices can vary, legitimately, from area to area, and vet to vet.

Secondly, your vet sounds like my internist - when he wants to be sure to see a patient (and it's not for his health, it's for mine), he'll give a limited prescription to ensure I pop back in. I can see a vet with a new patient not giving out an extended prescription. Especially if the patient has a chronic problem - new vet may want to see how the treatment is going well before six months goes by, which is like a few years for a cat.

And, honestly, I can see new guy wanting to do his own detailed exam, including tests, unless old guy had done them within the last couple of weeks.

And you might want to check about the infusion - when my cat had infected anal glands, she was infiltrated - i.e., they infused antibiotics into the tissue surrounding the area. If that was done, well, $30 is more than reasonable in my book.

The thing to me is that you seemed to have gone in expecting the worst, as you said - do you think there's any possibility that attitude filtered over into your interactions with the vet and his staff? That said, maybe take a deep breath and call the vet's office later to just go over what your expectations are, and what their protocols are - could be a misunderstanding between the two of you, or could be this is not a marriage made in heaven.

Certainly you need a vet you can work with, for your cat's health - and you can always interview vets well before bringing your kitty in.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Originally Posted by sharky

Typically vets do not know even basic pricing.. Unless it is a one vet clinic..
LOL, my. Vet doesn't know the pricing at all. It's his practice! But if you ask him how much something costs, he either has to pull out his price book (if the receptionist isn't there), or he tells you to ask the receptionist. He doesn't know how to work the credit card machine either. It's kinda cute how helpless some men are without a woman to run things!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 16, 2010
seattle, wa
all the vets that I have gone to always give me a price quote to look over before they even do anything beyond a physical check-up (blood draws, cultures.) that's just rude of them to do those things without okaying it with you first. what if you couldn't pay that day or something???


TCS Member
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Aug 18, 2010
near Chicago
My vet always knows the price of things, or he finds out. It is his business, though. He uses another vet for some surgeries and as subs.

The only thing that sounds wacky to me is that he couldn't or didn't tell you prices before hand (next time I'd insist on that before they do the procedure), and that they let you leave with your cat having mats she didn't come in with. Regarding that, I'd call and ask them to take care of it. I'd explain that you can't get these out and that removing mats before required anesthesia. If they are not receptive to making that right, they wouldn't see me again. I'd insist, however, on copies of the results of all the tests they just did and you paid for. It is your right.

I agree that the reduced amount of medicine was probably to ensure you came back for the recheck. Some of my own physicians to that. It's a common practice. That he didn't tell you was evasive, but also not uncommon. They want to stay on good terms with you. They pay people to deliver this kind of bad news.

I think I'd wait a few days, call and ask for the vet you saw to call you. And then discuss with him what your concerns are - as calmly as possible. Of course, if he doesn't call you back or listen, I'd be out of there.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
Was this a chain vet?
I would not be returning personally.


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Super Cat
Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
My new vet is AAHA accredited, which, personally this is the first AAHA vet I've been to but it's the best one I've ever had (Counting the three offices I've been to) ... Definitely tell them if you're displeased. I get worried even seeing a different vet inside my current vet's practice because I am so used to the two women, and not keen on the male, but he's nice... just.. male. :T

Anyway, my new vet always tells me the estimated price of things before they do it, because they do not want to get stuck with me saying I can't afford something. Recently here in the news, a vet kept a woman's cat because she couldn't pay when they popped up afterwards and said it was a 600 dollar bill. She paid 200 of it, but they still kept her cat. Of course I haven't heard anything else on the matter lately.

Tell them when you are displeased with something. If they care about what they do like my new vet apparently does, they would immediately correct it. I've had lots of "complimentary" services done for my cats there already, which is nice, but I either ask how much a service will be or they tell me up front.

When Boo went in for the pre-dental surgery look around, they told me flat out they would work with me because they knew how expensive it was going to be.

And if you're not happy, certainly find another vet.

Boo came home with diarrhea and matted fur all over his backside when they gave him an enema at that old horrible vet and they acted like they were washing a window or something, and gave him back to me nasty. That is unacceptable and giving your cat back with mats is unacceptable to me, IMHO.

Bastetservant is totally right. Calm down before you call, and talk to the vet personally on the phone, and try to be as nice as possible, but if he brushes you off or otherwise doesn't listen, I agree, I'd be outta there.

Good luck
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TCS Member
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Jun 5, 2006
Under a pile of cats (and dogs)
I haven't called them. I think if I'm still here when the time for her recheck comes around I'll go back, mention that I was unhappy with a few things, and go from there.

Originally Posted by darlili

If going to a new vet, it might be useful to ask before hand, when making the appointment, not at the check out, what standard procedure costs are

And, honestly, I can see new guy wanting to do his own detailed exam, including tests, unless old guy had done them within the last couple of weeks.

And you might want to check about the infusion - when my cat had infected anal glands, she was infiltrated - i.e., they infused antibiotics into the tissue surrounding the area. If that was done, well, $30 is more than reasonable in my book.
I did ask about prices first, that's why I was so suprised when it was way more than I expected. The vet should have told me the charge for the expressing the glands before he did it, just to make sure I was ok with it. But he never mentioned that there was an extra fee. It's always been included in the exam charge where I've worked before so I didnt even think to assume that it was different here.

Like I said, I can see wanting to do new tests too, but $600 is pretty steep. Especially considering my old vet told me that she didn't have what this guy wanted to test for, and my old vet could tell just by feeling.

I will ask about the infusion, but if they used antibiotics, and if she had an infection and they didn't tell me, it will make me even more upset.

Interviewing vets would be awesome!