From Neglect to Shame


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
The cat's name is Vale, as in Vale Colorado. She is my one white cat, the only one that I have ever had. She came into my mother's life 17 years ago when two little girls found her under our porch in the dead of winter and begged my mother to take her in. My mother being the sucker that she is, agreed Vale was a nightmare from the beginning as she was one of the most prolific biters that my family had ever encountered. I ended up twice in the Emergency room for petting Vale, and my brother had to be admitted overnight when he placed his left hand next to her. It got so bad that nobody trusted her and my mother became too leery of Vale to even allow her to come up on her lap. When I left home, my mother insisted that Vale go with me.

Now Vale is 17 and she looks like she is 22 and I take full responsibility for her appearance. Ever since Jeff passed away, I have not been to attentive to my other cats, the result being one of the nastiest flea invasions that I have ever experienced. Being old, Vale suffered the worse. She also has a cold and painful arthritis. Obviously with a cold she couldn't smell her food and that eventually caused her to stop eating. I am now looking at a bone with some white fur on it.

I administered flea treatment to her yesterday, began antibiotics, and gave her both pain and nausea medication. She is so weak from the fleas that all she wants to do right now is to cuddle next to the radiator and sleep. I have been giving her lactose-free whole milk for extra calories, but I honestly don't know if she will make it, or even if she should.

My question is this: Am I doing too much for her, thus doing too much TO her? Part of me wants to put her down but another part of me says 'you got her into this mess, you need to try everything you can to get her out of it'. I know she will not bounce back as a younger cat in the same predicament

I guess I am really asking: when is it time to fight for a life and when is it time to say goodbye? I am so ashamed.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
You are doiing a lot for her, all the right things. How is her organ function? That is the main other thing I would be concerned about. Perhaps IV fluids would be good too. Hang in there though. Please report back on her bloodwork, that would be very beneficial to know to make an informed decision. Otherwise I would see how she impoves in the next week now that she is on pain meds and antibiotics and flea treatment. Keep up with the flea treatment every month, what product are you using? The fleas in the environment around her will just jump back on and reproduce everywhere if she doesnt stay treated.


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Echo all of jen jen 's questions. Feeby (15+ yo) went through her first flea infestation on all of her life this year. Lots of health issues from it, and I am still not sure she is 100% over it. She lost weight, she stopped doing much of anything, she had bowel/urinary issues, and everything about her changed. This all started somewhere between April and July, and there are just now signs that things are stabilizing. She too has arthritis (thankfully no cold). It has been a struggle.

I realize that Vale is older than Feeby, but I guess what I am saying is that is worth giving her a shot - you never know. However, I am not hearing if a vet is involved in this situation and what they have to say?
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  • #4


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
You are doiing a lot for her, all the right things. How is her organ function? That is the main other thing I would be concerned about. Perhaps IV fluids would be good too. Hang in there though. Please report back on her bloodwork, that would be very beneficial to know to make an informed decision. Otherwise I would see how she impoves in the next week now that she is on pain meds and antibiotics and flea treatment. Keep up with the flea treatment every month, what product are you using? The fleas in the environment around her will just jump back on and reproduce everywhere if she doesnt stay treated.

Thank you for replying.

I want to say Revolution for the fleas. I think the IV fluids would probably give her a pick me up although I am embarrassed to take her to my vets with the way I let her get. However, its not about me and I will get her to him tomorrow for some fluids. She is so weak to the point of getting feces on her back legs and tail. I gave her a bath last night and that seemed to improve things- she began to groom herself. I don't get paid until next week so right now all of my cats are taking a beating from fleas- but at least Vale is at peace.
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  • #5


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
Echo all of jen jen 's questions. Feeby (15+ yo) went through her first flea infestation on all of her life this year. Lots of health issues from it, and I am still not sure she is 100% over it. She lost weight, she stopped doing much of anything, she had bowel/urinary issues, and everything about her changed. This all started somewhere between April and July, and there are just now signs that things are stabilizing. She too has arthritis (thankfully no cold). It has been a struggle.

I realize that Vale is older than Feeby, but I guess what I am saying is that is worth giving her a shot - you never know. However, I am not hearing if a vet is involved in this situation and what they have to say?

Thank you for replying.

My vet is not involved, but he does know Vale, and has seen her many times in the past. I remember a vet telling my parents years ago that fleas will jump the oldest, the youngest, and the weakest in a household- he was so right. I can't believe I allowed this to get so out of hand.

I am happy to hear that Feeby is on the mend, I hope you have many long years to come with her.


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Thank you for replying. My vet is not involved, but he does know Vale, and has seen her many times in the past. I remember a vet telling my parents years ago that fleas will jump the oldest, the youngest, and the weakest in a household- he was so right. I can't believe I allowed this to get so out of hand. I am happy to hear that Feeby is on the mend, I hope you have many long years to come with her.
As I do you with Vale. All is not lost yet. Get her vet involved, and get her the best care you can.

Edit: In addition to the IV fluids, you can get her a feeding tube - I know you've been involved on this site long enough to know it is not as daunting as it sounds.
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  • #7


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
As I do you with Vale. All is not lost yet. Get her vet involved, and get her the best care you can.

Thank you so much- I do appreciate your words.

I know she is not a happy cat, but I will do my best to make sure she is loved, has vet care, and is made comfortable.
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  • #9


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
Goodmorning, FeebysOwner. Thank you. I ended up giving her white tuna last night.

She is doing better today, she is more interested in food and she is up walking around. She is scooting on her bottom, especially in the litter-box. In fact, she tries to have a bowel movement and ends up falling on her behind and scooting it around the litter-box. I have always heard that is a sign of worm, which would make sense with all the fleas she has been dealing with lately. Have you head of it being a sign of something else?


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I am glad she is doing a bit better today - and, happy to hear she is willing to eat the tuna! Scooting could be worms, it could also be related to constipation (or diarrhea, for that matter). It could also have something to do with her being weak, or even her arthritis is playing a role.

If she has worms from fleas, I would think you could find tapeworms in her stool. If you do, can you get her a wormer for tapeworms?
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  • #11


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
Hi. I am glad she is doing a bit better today - and, happy to hear she is willing to eat the tuna! Scooting could be worms, it could also be related to constipation (or diarrhea, for that matter). It could also have something to do with her being weak, or even her arthritis is playing a role.

If she has worms from fleas, I would think you could find tapeworms in her stool. If you do, can you get her a wormer for tapeworms?

What can I do if it is constipation? I did see some signs of diarrhea earlier in the week because it was all over her tail and back legs.

Yes, my vet is pretty good when it comes to listening to me and giving me medication without having to bring my cats in.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
So, now when she scoots she isn't getting stuff all over her tail and back legs, leading you to think she had diarrhea earlier in the week, but not now? Diarrhea can be associated with tapeworms, but if the diarrhea is gone now - then, I don't know.

As far as constipation, members on this site recommend plain canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie mix), but they have used it for both diarrhea and constipation, so I am never sure the exact conditions that have to exist in each scenario for it to work both ways. I usually recommend Miralax, as little as 1/8 tsp might be enough. I wouldn't be giving this to her unless you are absolutely sure she really has constipation.
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  • #13


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
So, now when she scoots she isn't getting stuff all over her tail and back legs, leading you to think she had diarrhea earlier in the week, but not now? Diarrhea can be associated with tapeworms, but if the diarrhea is gone now - then, I don't know.

As far as constipation, members on this site recommend plain canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie mix), but they have used it for both diarrhea and constipation, so I am never sure the exact conditions that have to exist in each scenario for it to work both ways. I usually recommend Miralax, as little as 1/8 tsp might be enough. I wouldn't be giving this to her unless you are absolutely sure she really has constipation.

She hasn't messed herself up again, so far. To be honest,I don't know if she has enough food in her to actually have anything come out. Thank you for those suggestions! The can pumpkin I can do ! I plan to consult my vet for more input on what she is going through.
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  • #15


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
Not to muddy the waters (but, I guess I am), I got to thinking: a really, really bad infestation with tapeworms can cause intestinal obstructions. So, get her eating as much as you can, see if that changes how much she 'goes', but also ask the vet about this aspect as well.

Worms can do a great amount of harm to an animal and I am wondering if that is the reason there was blood around her bottom.

Thank you, FeebysOwner for all of your replies.

It is too bad that this thread didn't get more traction because it is a cautionary tale- a story of how even a person with the best intentions can mess up- badly.
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TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
That's disconcerting about the blood around her bottom! Has that stopped? And, I am sure you notified the vet of that issue as well?

Throughout all of Feeby's issues - which I feel were the result of her flea infestation - she did have diarrhea at one time with some blood. The vet and I contributed to a food issue (a whole other story), but I think her reaction to all of the fleas contributed to it as well. However, I did correct the food issue and the diarrhea and blood stopped. The vet said it was a form of colitis, which can happen for many reasons - and stress is certainly one of them! May be worthless information for your situation...

As far as traction - there have been 238 viewings of this thread and you only started it a couple of days ago. So, while maybe there haven't been as many responses as you had hoped there would be by now, people are reading it. Until it happens to someone, it is a hard thing to relate to. But, trust me, you and I aren't the only ones who have 'mucked' up in one fashion or another - for one reason or the other. It took me longer than it should have to recognize Feeby's flea infestation, and I wasn't being distracted by the death/illness of another cat, nor trying to take care of multiple cats.

I have seen many other threads where members were kicking themselves in the behind for overlooking something. The thing is - to them, to you, and to myself: Hindsight is 20/20.


spec's pet human
Alpha Cat
Sep 1, 2019
Not exactly on time or helpful here but egg yolk can do one hell of a job to get things moving down there. So much so that I've mucked up twice and helped a little too much; giving my girl diarrhea style poops. I'd say mix a spoonful or so into water and have them drink that. I don't know the ratio, I just give a little and see. Usually that works, we don't have to do it much if at all anymore because both her foods have eggs in them though (tiki cat quail egg and chciken, u-stew)

Mines never gotten worms oddly despite any flea issues we used to have when me and her repsecitivly were under bad and harmful parental care. (we moved, me and the cat, and are now independant) HOWEVER, when she was on dry food (ew!) she had a bout of bloody stool related issues and it turned out to be an anal fissure type of thing (that's the word, right.. can't recall) due to dry stools and no more since wet food. so the blood could be lack of moisture

the general thought is the brighter the blood, the better your odds are. for humans too, because darker blood usually means its internal bleeding and not just a nick or scratch on/inside the hole itself
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  • #18


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
That's disconcerting about the blood around her bottom! Has that stopped? And, I am sure you notified the vet of that issue as well?

Throughout all of Feeby's issues - which I feel were the result of her flea infestation - she did have diarrhea at one time with some blood. The vet and I contributed to a food issue (a whole other story), but I think her reaction to all of the fleas contributed to it as well. However, I did correct the food issue and the diarrhea and blood stopped. The vet said it was a form of colitis, which can happen for many reasons - and stress is certainly one of them! May be worthless information for your situation...

As far as traction - there have been 238 viewings of this thread and you only started it a couple of days ago. So, while maybe there haven't been as many responses as you had hoped there would be by now, people are reading it. Until it happens to someone, it is a hard thing to relate to. But, trust me, you and I aren't the only ones who have 'mucked' up in one fashion or another - for one reason or the other. It took me longer than it should have to recognize Feeby's flea infestation, and I wasn't being distracted by the death/illness of another cat, nor trying to take care of multiple cats.

I have seen many other threads where members were kicking themselves in the behind for overlooking something. The thing is - to them, to you, and to myself: Hindsight is 20/20.

Vale, unlike your baby, couldn't have had a food issue because there was hardly any food getting down her. That is another thing worth mentioning here, the younger and healthier cats were taking advantage of her illness by eating her food. That is another serious drawback when having multiple cats, you can't always watch every one of them, all the time. I would just fix her dinner and would assume that when her plate was empty, she had been the one who emptied it.

Yes, he has been notified about the bleeding and thinks it is because of the high impact of worms she had. When he examined her down there he didn't see any signs of a tumor. I am going to try some olive oil in her wet food. I wonder if there is some high fiber wet food for cats out there? She will not eat dry food anymore.

My other cats are still dealing with fleas and all will be treated on this Monday and coming Wednesday.

I'm glad you told me that others are viewing my thread because three things need to be really stressed here:

1. Fleas are not just a pesky nuance. They can kill.
2. Keep your eye on your elderly cats. Just like with any senior, they need our protection.
3. Things can go downhill very rapidly.
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  • #19


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
Not exactly on time or helpful here but egg yolk can do one hell of a job to get things moving down there. So much so that I've mucked up twice and helped a little too much; giving my girl diarrhea style poops. I'd say mix a spoonful or so into water and have them drink that. I don't know the ratio, I just give a little and see. Usually that works, we don't have to do it much if at all anymore because both her foods have eggs in them though (tiki cat quail egg and chciken, u-stew)

Mines never gotten worms oddly despite any flea issues we used to have when me and her repsecitivly were under bad and harmful parental care. (we moved, me and the cat, and are now independant) HOWEVER, when she was on dry food (ew!) she had a bout of bloody stool related issues and it turned out to be an anal fissure type of thing (that's the word, right.. can't recall) due to dry stools and no more since wet food. so the blood could be lack of moisture

the general thought is the brighter the blood, the better your odds are. for humans too, because darker blood usually means its internal bleeding and not just a nick or scratch on/inside the hole itself

Thank you for replying to my thread and suggesting egg yolk for her constipation. I have eggs on hand and can mix some yolk with her wet food tonight.

I am so glad that you and your kitty are in a safer environment now.

Her blood was mixed with feces and both had dried on her tail and around her bottom so I can not really guess at the opacity of it.