From Ibd To Cancer And Going Downhill :'(


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 12, 2017
I'd like to share my story about Scribbles. He is an 11 year old Lynx point Siamese (possibly cross). He was a rescue who found us 7 years ago. He literally jumped into my lap, and he's been our loving little cuddle bug ever since. He loves to be picked up and held, or to sit in your lap, or curl up between your legs under the sheets. Our lives have been enriched by this cat. We have two more cats, who we also love dearly, and who have their own special personalities. They just aren't quite as excessively cuddly as Scribbles.
In Dec. of 2015 Scribbles became ill. He started vomiting a lot and his appetite decreased with it. Of course we brought him to the vet. They did blood work and x-rays, but everything looked ok. He was given a Cerenia shot and that helped instantly. When the vomiting and nausea stopped, his appetite came back. However, it came back in Jan. and this time they just gave him another Cerenia shot. He was good again until Feb. and the vet gave him another one. We were happy it helped but didn't like not knowing what was going on. All they did was suggest the prescription kibble with the awful ingredients I can barely pronounce. No thanks.
So we decided to take him to a holistic vet we were recommended to by a friend. They had saved her dog. She operates with a homeopath out of a more homey setting. They don't have facilities to do any x-rays or surgeries etc. They spent a lot of time getting to know all about Scribbles. First thing they suggested was to get him off kibble. We had been feeding only the best grain free stuff, and had even switched him off chicken (at the suggestion of the previous vet). They wanted to see him on at least canned food if not raw. We started him on probiotics and other supplements as well as a few remedies aimed at improving digestion and gut health. We researched and learned so much about nutrition that we were horrified that we had fed kibble. We put all our cats on canned right away. The kibble left our house for ever, as they all started to show health improvements with better, shiny coats and overall health. They wouldn't eat raw at first. That came later. Meantime our relationship with the original vets changed, as they were not believers in Homeopathic treatments, or of raw food.
Scribbles had another flare up and it was worse this time. We took him to an emergency hospital and they did blood work and put him on IV fluids. The nest day he had an ultrasound. This showed a thickening of his small intestine. They figured it could be IBD, or it could be cancer. They wanted to do exploratory surgery and try to take a biopsy. They admitted that there was only a chance that they would get cells that were cancerous, so even if he appeared to not have cancer, he might. Given his very poor health, we decided not to put him through it on the off chance it proved cancer. The original vet and the clinic were disappointed, but we brought him home and then back to the holistic vet the next day. The original, conventional vet wanted to put him on steroids. I researched that as well, and in fact, knew first hand of some horror stories about it being so harsh and the beginning of the end. Instead we went with aggressive homeopathic treatment for IBD and cancer. We decided to give it a chance and if he didn't improve quickly, we were going to put him down. We couldn't bare to see him continue like he was.
Miraculously it worked! Very quickly on these supplements and remedies, and with the inclusion of raw, we saw a tremendous difference. He was back to his old self. No... he was better. His weight was perfect, his appetite good. He had normal BMs. Life was good and we became total believers in alternative medicine. From March 2016 until Feb 2017 he was better. Then it started again. Not too bad, but some vomiting. We went to a new conventional vet for blood work and a Cerenia shot so we could take the results to our holistic vet. He also gave him Convenia, much to our horror. Luckily he was ok with it. The blood work was good. We adjusted him remedies and he improved. We did follow up blood work and he was still good.
On July 8 it started again. Not too much vomiting. Just once during the night, but it was pink and his appetite ceased. He seemed like he was losing weight quickly. On July 10 we went to another vet recommended by a friend, just to do the diagnosis part. We had blood work done again as well as x-rays and urinalysis. Not good. The x-rays showed a mass in his abdomen. It was unclear if it was attached to the spleen or liver, so they recommended an ultrasound. The blood work was bad. He was anemic and some of his organs were not doing well. Now it was pointing to cancer. They wanted to do exploratory surgery and possibly try to remove it. (We had another cat with cancer, so we are aware of the risks. In fact, she died very quickly after her surgery as "poking it" made it aggressive and the cells multiplied even quicker). We took him to our holistic vet the next day with the results. On Friday we did the ultrasound and it showed it was not attached to the liver or spleen, but to the small intestine. We decided not to do the FNA for the risk. We figured either his IBD turned to cancer, or he had cancer all along but not so bad, so he had gone into remission. Now the vet did not recommend surgery. He recommended the worst news any animal lover wants to hear... to euthanize. Our holistic vet is so compassionate and we had a good chat about quality of life and knowing when it's time. Our wonderful homeopath wasn't quite ready to give up, so he is on aggressive remedy treatment now as well as suggesting CBD oil and THC we picked up from a dispensary that specializes in use for pets. (It is easy to get here in BC). It improved his appetite and his demeanor and he sleeps peaceful now. Although hopeful, realistically we figure he doesn't have much time. It is large mass. If he doesn't show vast improvement soon we will have to say goodbye to our beloved Scribbles and it is absolutely breaking our hearts. We are spending all the time we can with him now. We know we have to do the right thing but we are devastated.
To boot, my sister in law was upset with us for not going out of town my mother in law's birthday celebration. We told her what was happening, but she didn't care. In fact she said the taboo words to my husband.... "It is just a cat. Put it down and come up for Mom's birthday". So I disowned my sister in law, but that loss is not nearly so bad as losing this cat will be. At least everyone else at least tries to understand even if they don't really get it, and we have friends who totally get it an feel for us. Our cat sitters will come to visit and say goodbye.
If anyone hear has gone through similar and can offer support from experience, it is always much appreciated. Any and all support is welcome at this time.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 30, 2008
Upstate New York
I lost my almost 10-year-old a few weeks ago--renal disease. I knew it was 'time' and that it was the right thing to do, and my vet was even just waiting for me to say the word. I've been through this before and assumed I was prepared--but I'm devastated. All I can do is advise you to mourn in any way that feels right to you. You are losing someone precious whom you love, and please just ignore anyone who doesn't get it.

When I lost my first cat, I read something online that has stayed with me (and helped)--i.e., "A good death is the final gift you can give your beloved pet."

I had never experienced euthanasia before, and I read posts from people who described their experience. Only a very few regretted the decision, and in EVERY case, it was because they felt they'd waited too long. Our cats are great at hiding their pain, so just trust yourself to know when it's time for that final gift.

P. Barkley

TCS Member
Jul 16, 2017
I'd like to share my story about Scribbles. He is an 11 year old Lynx point Siamese (possibly cross). He was a rescue who found us 7 years ago. He literally jumped into my lap, and he's been our loving little cuddle bug ever since. He loves to be picked up and held, or to sit in your lap, or curl up between your legs under the sheets. Our lives have been enriched by this cat. We have two more cats, who we also love dearly, and who have their own special personalities. They just aren't quite as excessively cuddly as Scribbles.
In Dec. of 2015 Scribbles became ill. He started vomiting a lot and his appetite decreased with it. Of course we brought him to the vet. They did blood work and x-rays, but everything looked ok. He was given a Cerenia shot and that helped instantly. When the vomiting and nausea stopped, his appetite came back. However, it came back in Jan. and this time they just gave him another Cerenia shot. He was good again until Feb. and the vet gave him another one. We were happy it helped but didn't like not knowing what was going on. All they did was suggest the prescription kibble with the awful ingredients I can barely pronounce. No thanks.
So we decided to take him to a holistic vet we were recommended to by a friend. They had saved her dog. She operates with a homeopath out of a more homey setting. They don't have facilities to do any x-rays or surgeries etc. They spent a lot of time getting to know all about Scribbles. First thing they suggested was to get him off kibble. We had been feeding only the best grain free stuff, and had even switched him off chicken (at the suggestion of the previous vet). They wanted to see him on at least canned food if not raw. We started him on probiotics and other supplements as well as a few remedies aimed at improving digestion and gut health. We researched and learned so much about nutrition that we were horrified that we had fed kibble. We put all our cats on canned right away. The kibble left our house for ever, as they all started to show health improvements with better, shiny coats and overall health. They wouldn't eat raw at first. That came later. Meantime our relationship with the original vets changed, as they were not believers in Homeopathic treatments, or of raw food.
Scribbles had another flare up and it was worse this time. We took him to an emergency hospital and they did blood work and put him on IV fluids. The nest day he had an ultrasound. This showed a thickening of his small intestine. They figured it could be IBD, or it could be cancer. They wanted to do exploratory surgery and try to take a biopsy. They admitted that there was only a chance that they would get cells that were cancerous, so even if he appeared to not have cancer, he might. Given his very poor health, we decided not to put him through it on the off chance it proved cancer. The original vet and the clinic were disappointed, but we brought him home and then back to the holistic vet the next day. The original, conventional vet wanted to put him on steroids. I researched that as well, and in fact, knew first hand of some horror stories about it being so harsh and the beginning of the end. Instead we went with aggressive homeopathic treatment for IBD and cancer. We decided to give it a chance and if he didn't improve quickly, we were going to put him down. We couldn't bare to see him continue like he was.
Miraculously it worked! Very quickly on these supplements and remedies, and with the inclusion of raw, we saw a tremendous difference. He was back to his old self. No... he was better. His weight was perfect, his appetite good. He had normal BMs. Life was good and we became total believers in alternative medicine. From March 2016 until Feb 2017 he was better. Then it started again. Not too bad, but some vomiting. We went to a new conventional vet for blood work and a Cerenia shot so we could take the results to our holistic vet. He also gave him Convenia, much to our horror. Luckily he was ok with it. The blood work was good. We adjusted him remedies and he improved. We did follow up blood work and he was still good.
On July 8 it started again. Not too much vomiting. Just once during the night, but it was pink and his appetite ceased. He seemed like he was losing weight quickly. On July 10 we went to another vet recommended by a friend, just to do the diagnosis part. We had blood work done again as well as x-rays and urinalysis. Not good. The x-rays showed a mass in his abdomen. It was unclear if it was attached to the spleen or liver, so they recommended an ultrasound. The blood work was bad. He was anemic and some of his organs were not doing well. Now it was pointing to cancer. They wanted to do exploratory surgery and possibly try to remove it. (We had another cat with cancer, so we are aware of the risks. In fact, she died very quickly after her surgery as "poking it" made it aggressive and the cells multiplied even quicker). We took him to our holistic vet the next day with the results. On Friday we did the ultrasound and it showed it was not attached to the liver or spleen, but to the small intestine. We decided not to do the FNA for the risk. We figured either his IBD turned to cancer, or he had cancer all along but not so bad, so he had gone into remission. Now the vet did not recommend surgery. He recommended the worst news any animal lover wants to hear... to euthanize. Our holistic vet is so compassionate and we had a good chat about quality of life and knowing when it's time. Our wonderful homeopath wasn't quite ready to give up, so he is on aggressive remedy treatment now as well as suggesting CBD oil and THC we picked up from a dispensary that specializes in use for pets. (It is easy to get here in BC). It improved his appetite and his demeanor and he sleeps peaceful now. Although hopeful, realistically we figure he doesn't have much time. It is large mass. If he doesn't show vast improvement soon we will have to say goodbye to our beloved Scribbles and it is absolutely breaking our hearts. We are spending all the time we can with him now. We know we have to do the right thing but we are devastated.
To boot, my sister in law was upset with us for not going out of town my mother in law's birthday celebration. We told her what was happening, but she didn't care. In fact she said the taboo words to my husband.... "It is just a cat. Put it down and come up for Mom's birthday". So I disowned my sister in law, but that loss is not nearly so bad as losing this cat will be. At least everyone else at least tries to understand even if they don't really get it, and we have friends who totally get it an feel for us. Our cat sitters will come to visit and say goodbye.
If anyone hear has gone through similar and can offer support from experience, it is always much appreciated. Any and all support is welcome at this time.

P. Barkley

TCS Member
Jul 16, 2017
I have just been through a similar problem with my cat Whoopie who just passed this Friday, July 14. I adopted Whoopie and her sister Gracie 2 yrs ago after my 18 yr old cat Makensee passed away. I wasn't ready to adopt, but I had just picked up Makensee's ashes up from the vet and stopped to pick my Sheltie up from the groomers and still crying of course. The lady at the groomers showed me these 2 Manx cats she had. The owner was an elderly lady who had just been put into hospice and her daughter did not want the cats and was going to put them to sleep. The groomer primos Ed the owner she would find them a home. She did-ME. The owner passed away the day she heard her "babies" had a good home. My husband and I love those 2, he even called Whoopie his princess. Suddenly the last couple months Whoopie has been throwing up, diarrhea and weight loss. She would eat constantly but loose weight continually. We had many, many tests done. An ultrasound showed thickening in her abdomen. We went to 3 different vets. Tried different medications, I changed her diet, tried lactaid milk, we have a cupboard full of different foods. She got prednisone shots, you name it we tried it. She went from 9 lbs to 4lbs 4ozs. Thurs night when I went to bed she was sitting in the hallway by our bedroom, Friday morning we found her laying in the closet under my clothes, she had crossed over the rainbow bridge. Her sister Gracie keeps looking for her, my husband and I are devastated. We miss her so, and I am filled with regret. " why didn't I try this, why did I do that. I still don't know if it was IBD or cancer.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 12, 2017
Aww... I am so sorry for your loss. That is devastating. Bug hugs to you
The other cat I had with cancer went quick too. She had a pea sized lump on her side that we had removed. After that it recurred and grew in days. She was eating a bit so we were trying to determine the right time. Such a fine line between too soon and too late sometimes. She seemed a bit worse one morning and before my husband could get home to take her in with me, she died in my arms. Terrible. Devastating. I don't want to go through it again.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 6, 2016
Hugs to you. I just went through this with my boy Bandit (likely, as I never tested him given his age and knowing wouldn't have affected the outcome).
What can I say? I had an arsenal of medication to make him feel better--Cerenia, Pepcid AC, buperenorphine---the list goes on. Bandit also had a chronic bowel problem--megacolon. Pepcid AC really helped him, likely because he was dealing with pancreatitis a lot. But, whatever was causing pancreatitis finally started to rapidly progress and my little baby boy, finally was laid to rest in my arms, at home by the vet. He was just shy of 17. His darling sister joined him 4 months later--I never knew if she had the same condition but it showed differently since she didn't have mega colon. But, being blood sibilings and dealing with pancreatitis, I figured that's what it was. I miss them both so very much.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 12, 2017
I'm sorry for your loss as well. Its just horrible when they get ill and you feel so helpless when nothing seems to help.
I'd like to add that although I'm not a fan of conventional medicatons, I totally understand people trying all sorts of things. No judgement. Usually it is what our vets recommend and we want to trust them. I've just been let down too many times so decided a on a differnt route.
To update... Scribbles has been eating a little and sleeping all night on my (now also sleeping) husband. This is why I am here surfing so late. I don't want to disturb them but it's time for bed...
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 12, 2017
I don't want to get too excited but Scribbles had a BM and is eating much better. His weight is up a smidge. He seems more himself too, and without any pain meds masking things. I know things like this can be up and down like a roller coaster, so am I crazy to have some hope?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
I think the best thing to do is just take it a day at a time. Try to make the most of everyday, this might be a sad outlook on life, depending on how you look at it, but for Scribbles or anyone else, cancer or not, no one on this earth is promised another day. Try to take the joy that you have now and hold it dear, especially sweet Scribbles. His eating is good, and so long as he doesn't seem to want to hide off by himself or not want to cuddle anymore, I think that is well. Best of thoughts to the both of you in this time.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2015
Maybe you should try conventional medicine of chemotherapy/steroids. There is a reason they are conventional...they tend to work. If holistic medicine worked wonders, it would be mainstream medicine. Think about that.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 1, 2016
Some things in your post I can relate to and I'll apologize beforehand for my very long story. My furbaby Pumpkin (that's him in the pic) started vomiting daily in Dec. 2015. He still had a normal appetite and showed no other signs of being ill (as a matter of fact, at first I thought it might be hairballs he couldn't quite expel). I took him to his vet and he gave me an antibiotic thinking it must be some virus and if I remember correctly also gave him a steroid by injection. For a while it seemed to help but in Jan. 2016 he started vomiting daily again; this time vet took some x-rays which really didn't show anything abnormal. He said he could give me a referral to a specialist out of town to do an ultrasound (we have nothing like that here). Because of cost (hubby didn't have a steady job at the time) and travel which would've been too stressful for Pumpkin I declined, so he decided to treat it as possible IBD, gave me meds (prednisone) and told me to switch his food from Hill's prescription c/d (he'd had a UTI years before and as a precaution I left him on it) to i/d. I wasn't too satisfied with the diagnosis so I took him to another vet in town for a second opinion (must also add we have no holistic vets). After more x-rays and blood work, the second vet also didn't have a definite diagnosis (also wanted to send me out of town and I had to once again decline); she said IBD, a food allergy or maybe even cancer. I was scared and devastated. She too prescribed prednisone, Cerenia and put him on the z/d and basically said let's see if something works. If he didn't improve, then I'd know it was likely cancer. As heartbroken as I was, I began to prepare for the worse. By this time it was late Feb./early March 2016. Well, as soon as I switched him to the z/d, his vomiting stopped, he didn't even need the meds (probably would've also worked with the i/d the first vet recommended, but Pumpkin refused it so I had kept him on the c/d). Second vet was thrilled and determined it really had been a food allergy. A lot of things made sense to me then, because before putting him on the c/d in 2009 when he was 2 yrs. old, he'd experienced a lot of tummy problems, this despite trying healthier, quality foods on him. After his UTI and the switch to c/d, he improved so much, no more health issues and even a nicer coat with less shedding. Now, I know how much some people hate dry food (I feed both wet and dry) and especially prescription foods; I think everyone is entitled to their opinion but I believe in some cases they do serve a good purpose (that's my take on it, not here to argue with anyone about that). So in 2016 I figured, he'd probably had a food allergy all along that other vets didn't catch. Even though c/d is not for allergies, something in the formula must've helped; but, after years on it, he probably became allergic to that too (this is what I was telling myself at the time).

For the rest of 2016 he seemed to be doing pretty well. He never recovered the one pound he had lost during his last bout but I figured it was probably just the change in food. In November when I took him in for his boosters the vet didn't detect anything abnormal during a routine physical exam (I would've liked bloodwork and maybe x-rays but money was still short). I was happy thinking all was well. In late April of this year I began noticing a bit of a cough in him; in early May I took him to vet fearful it might turn out to be his heart but hoping it'd be something less serious (no other symptoms other than the cough and he still looked like a healthy, strong kitty). Instead, vet felt a mass in his abdomen, confirmed by x-rays; it also showed spots around his heart and on his lungs which he said was likely cancer (he sent x-rays off to a feline specialist who agreed with his diagnosis). After that he declined very quickly. Eight days after his diagnosis I had to let him go, as he had stopped eating and drinking and knowing he was terminal, I wasn't going to force feed just to buy a little more time.

Anyway, the reason why I'm sharing all this is because I too have been left wondering if maybe it was really IBD all along (when he was having stomach problems as a young cat) or the beginning of cancer (back in 2016)...but then, in my kitty's case, a new food alone wouldn't have sent cancer into "remission" or masked its symptoms. Still, I keep wondering; it just seems strange all this happened after an IBD/cancer scare that instead was supposedly just a food allergy, only to then have him diagnosed with cancer after all. I know it's of no use now, but I can't help going over it in my head again and again.

I'm glad your furball is eating again; however long this improvement lasts, enjoy it and make the most of the good days. And I'm sorry about your sister-in-law, I never understand people who can be so damn cold about the furry members in the family. Even if they can't relate to that kind of love or grief, they should at least respect it. Just put that out of your mind and focus on your furbaby.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 12, 2017
Mewcatmew you sound like a vet... closed minded. The reason it isn't mainstream is because Americans and Canadians are mostly raised to beleive that whatever doctors or vets say is the only option. Its sadly our culture Whenever any alternatives work they deny it. It's stupid really because medicine started as plant based remedies before they started cooking up drugs in labs that can cause horrific side effects, leading to.more drugs, and so on and so on. I have a lot of experience with this with both animals and humans. OMG i have stories. So I will.pass on your judgemental advice and negative condescending attitude. I never asked if I should do chemo. Even my conventional vet isn't suggesting it. I've proven vets wrong many times and I would love to do it again but I know cancer can best ALL types of treatments.
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 12, 2017
In contrast, thanks Katlady for sharing your story, even though it must've been difficult. I appreciate the support and sharing of stories to not feel like I'm the only one. I am so sorry for your loss. Don't beat yourself up about the what ifs. I know that's easier said than done. Many times I wish I'd done things differently and not listened to the vet. You did all you could for your cat. Take peace in that.... and thanks for getting it about the sister in law. The cold humans are out there. I have no use for them in my life. I love my cats more than most humans.


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
I'm sorry about what you're going through with your cat. Enjoy the good days you get and your time with him as their little lives are so short even if they live to be 20. I've posted on other threads about my losses of my beloved cats and last dog. I've gone to natural and holistic vets and conventional vets and believe there's value in both types if treatments. I try to be open minded and flexible and not extreme in either view. My mom died of cancer and she did both chemotherapy and eventually radiation but also acupuncture with Chinese herbs and Tom wren therapy. Her prognosis was less than six months as her cancer was advanced when diagnosed bit she lived relately symptom free for three years so something helped her.
The cat that I did alternative treatments for lived eight months after being given a one month prognosis by a conventional vet. It was an aggressive jaw cancer. He didn't beat it though it came back after two surgeries that supposedly removed it. My cats that had conventional treatment also died from cancer so I don't think anything cures this awful disease.
I lost five cats and my dog in the past two years so I can empathize with your stress. Definitely spend every second with him and enjoy every good moment you can. Don't let anyone pressure you into making any decisions you're not ready to or feel won't be good for your kitty. Vets are experts with lots of advanced specialized training but some aren't as good with compassion and bedside manner unfortunately and the right medical advice isn't always practical or comfortable for a cat.
I've had family and other people not understand how important my animals are a lot of times in my life and have also ended friendships and other relationships with people who just didn't understand. It stinks but if they really care about you they'll make an effort to care about your feelings and what's important to you.
Ive been in similar situations with 5 cats who died of various types of cancer. It's heartbreaking to go through the ups and downs. My mom's cat Tigey who actually found her cancer way before her doctors did, and I inherited after she died and had for almost 7 years, died last October 2016. He had cancer all over his stomach, intestines and liver. He only acted slightly off for two weeks and lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks from not eating as much. No diarrhea no vomiting. Just very clingy and suddenly always with me, probably trying to tell me goodbye. I took him in and they couldn't find anything wrong so didn't do x rays or ultrasound. Two weeks later he still wasn't right so I weighed him and brought him back when I realized he'd lost 3 pounds. They did all the tests and cancer everywhere. I had to euthanize him in 2 days he couldn't even make it to the consult with the oncologist the next day he got worse and was in pain. Only 12 and seemed in good health til then.

I've posted a novel about my beloved Inky who died a little over a month ago. He had many health problems for the last two years and was completely feral and I had to tame him but I did and got him healthy and beautiful and he eventually turned into the most loving affectionate cat. No one even believed he was completely wild and started out being unable to be touched at all without attacking. He got a rare type of ear cancer which they removed and said rarely comes back and usually not for 5 years. It came back for him and metastasized in just over a month. My current dog found it both times. This dog has ibd and food allergies but is young so hopefully no cancer.

Sending you hugs and good wishes for your kitty. He's beautiful.


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
Inky had 2 different chemo treatments, just one treatment of each kind as his tumors kept growing so the oncologist felt they weren't working so switched after one treatment to a different one. The first one did nothing but had no side effects. The second one made him very sick, vomiting, nausea and drooling for days and he stopped eating. I had to give him subcutaneous antinausea injections twice daily as any liquid oral meds made him more nauseous. And it didn't help the cancer. He then went downhill very quickly and was too weak and unstable to even try radiation for comfort. He was scratching his ears til they bled constantly even with strong pain meds and my apartment and bed cinstantly looked like a crime scene despite me cleaning blood constantly. But he was eating and drinking and cuddling with me and sleeping wrapped around my head and snuggling close to me and wrapping his paws around my arm and head butting me and even licking my face all the time so he wasn't ready to go yet. So I bandaged his ears and put a cone or donut on him and spent every second I could with him. And put him in the hospital when he needed it and visited him for hours daily til he was done.
But going through that one bad chemo treatment with him, I'd never give it to a pet who already has stomach and weight issues. Inky ate like a horse constantly and was always a bit chunky and demanding more food.
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 12, 2017
Sorry to not respond for awhile. Very stressful times. Thanks to all who supported me. Funny how only one negative, judgemental person turns one off a site like this.
Surgery wasn't an option, btw. The conventional vet recommended euthanasia. But we didn't want to give up, and some of the remedies and CBD recommended by our holistic vet helped for a bit, as he was eating. However, the last couple days have not been good. He's barely been eating. We upped the remedies, and gave him subQ fluids. He started sitting in the litter box almost contstantly. Mind you, it's been very hot and the skies filled with forest fire smoke. Not nice at all. But today was cooler and he wasn't better.
We tried all we could to turn him around, but we love him too much to see him suffer. It's all about quality of life.
So today we said goodbye to Scribbles. We brought him in and had him put to sleep to end his pain. We were fully supported, snd we know it was right.. but our hearts are broken and big parts of us died with this amazing cat today. We miss him already. RIP Scribbles. We love you more than you can know.


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been there sadly many times now. The last day or two my sweet Inky started sitting only in the kitty litter and wouldn't eat at all unless I was in the hospital handfeeding him and encouraging him to drink the juice from a can of human tuna fish or other especially delicious food. But only the juice. Then he'd look at the water bowl and at me and I'd just read his mind and know he'd want me to dump it out and change it with ice cold fresh clean water and bring the bowl to him and hold it up for him to drink. He drank a lot for me that way and told me when he wanted more and when he was done, same with the tuna juice. But he wouldn't leave the kitty litter and stopped wanting petting except I was allowed to hold up his chin.
It's so awful to lose these little babies. There are no words at all to make this loss easier except he's in a much better place now, happy, healthy and completely free of pain and you'll be together again one day. And he's always going to be with you watching over you in your heart. I really believe this and am praying for you and for peace for you.