Found kitten on side of interstate


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016

My boyfriend works at job sites in the middle of nowhere and when he got back to his car, this little guy was under it. He didn't have the heart to leave him so he brought him back. Since it's Saturday, we're gonna take him to the vet on Monday and see if he's chipped. I'm going to put a post of my town's Facebook lost & found animal page to see of anyone lost him. Though my boyfriend's car was parked right off the interstate in the middle of nowhere. The closest residential area would've been a few miles away on the opposite side of the interstate.

He had mud all over his head and is still a bit dirty with small mats. I would like to give him a bath but I've never bathed a cat before. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

We have two cats and three dogs. Only my Crocker Spaniel has crossed paths with him and kitty didn't take it too well. This was after we got him some water and fed him some hard food, which he ate without problem and quite fast. I brought a litter box in my room and he used it perfectly.

I was a kid when my cats were kittens. I don't feel like it'll be much different because this little guy isn't too too much of a kitten anymore.

He's super friendly with humans, very energetic, just wants to play and be loved.

How old do you guys think he is? Any food we put down, he gobbles up so how much food should we limit him? If he's not chipped and no one claims him were just going to keep him, but only if he learns how to get along with my dog. The two cats and one of the dogs are my parents' and other dog is my sister's (roommate) so he just has to get along with my dog. I don't want him to be around the cats because one is just evil but they're both female and he's a currently unfixed male. My parents will be collecting their animals in two months when they've finished moving.

I'm also 32 weeks pregnant and my mom thinks it's dumb to take on another mouth to feed before I have a baby. I know many people who get baby animals when they're pregnant, it gives the baby a companion from birth.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hello @Raejae42  Welcome to The Cat Site.

What an adorable little guy! Thank you for trying to help him.

I guess he could be lost but there is a chance he has been dumped too. It's great that you are doing so much to find out if he has a home somewhere. With those big paws but still smallish body I would say he is under 1 year old. Young cats eat a lot and if he's been fending for himself for a while he's probably very hungry. Feed him as much as he will eat for now. Wet food is better than dry, it has a higher water content and it makes them feel full faster. Something like Friskies will do. You can feed wet and dry, in separate bowls, and make sure he has plenty of water.

Most cats don't like being bathed. For now I would suggest that you get a small face cloth, dip it in hot water and wring it out and use that to get the mud off. If he has long fur the best thing to get mats out is a fine toothed greyhound comb. You could ask the vet to shave the mats off for you if that's easier.

I think the key to dogs and cats getting along is a well-behaved dog who lets the cat take his time about getting to know each other.

Here's a few articles that could help.

 [article="29827"]Caring For Cats And Dogs​[/article]  

 [article="31649"]Best And Worst Dog Breeds To Live With Cats​[/article]  

I agree with you about pets being a great thing for a child to grow up with. My parents had cats before they had kids and they became our best friends. Some people say that pregnant women shouldn't be around cats, but I think the dangers have been wildly exaggerated.

 [article="22432"]Toxoplasmosis And Cats​[/article]  

 [article="22512"]Cats And Babies Myths Going Strong​[/article]  

Hope some of this helps. Please keep us updated.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
Hi! He was cold and thats why he was under the truck, so lost or dummped would be my guesses. Once he is fixed (look up low/no cost spay/neuter and your zip - especally with baby comming) be should calm down. If you can look at and count his teeth that can give you an age guess and so can weight...sort of, not knowing his time alone, cats average 8 pounds when grown.

I would feed wet half a can in the am and half at night and leave 3/4ths cup dry for free feeding because he can get sick from to much to soon... Had he not already been goobling i would recommend a slower start. He needs to "own" things to know he has a place to belong, it helps with confidence too, so even if its a folded towel and blanket for 2 beds in the same room, somewhere to be up high, even a dresser or something, and maybe a circle with the ball the goes around and scratching cardboard in tbe middle... When I fostrer i call it a safety circle because my bottle raised baby is about 4 now and he still sits on the middle and uses the circle for the ball to go both as it is supposed to be, but also to lay in the middle and use the ball circle as a "moat" to stay safe...its good at absorbing their sent saying they own it....all positives for him.

Remember its good to have someone else change the litter box for now, or I went the potty training route, so he gets mad when someone walks in on him or he doesn't get to see the flush.

You said cat roommate he needs to vet along with so the more things he can "own" in a smaller area while your pet sitting (thats why your a saint to help your parents while moving, create a human AND take in a fur baby - anyone that your currently helping shouldn't be upset that you took someone in, they should be thankful you helpled them while being so close to being done making a human!), but when you move out the pets being petsat give it a few days to calm down and then start spreading out the new babies stuff, definiatly a 2nd litter box - thats the BIG I OWN SPACE thing, then some of the other things you made his - I recommend going cheap until he is yours, cheap but many. If you have a kennel, well 2... Thats the way i have had the best luch with introducdtions. Then they forsure see, smell and you see reactions that let you decided if its just normal "hi, why are you here hissing" or "you look tasty and i am going to work to find out if you taste good.

I dont remember if you asked anything else, but it you do in door/out door with him - remember he already knows cars/trucks are nice and warm - I lost a cat as a child that climbed into the enginge to hide and be warm and he died, so tapling the hood when cold is always good...

Oh baths! Big towel or 2 medium ones, your baby soap will work fine, cats body temps are higher than people, so dont go cool water, wear layers, prepare to be wet... If you have a toy the cat can and will hug, thats great, otherwise cover as much of you as you can - you cant handle cat scratch fever or the high chance of infection from a bite and make a baby, usually its not a big deal-just the old wives tales- I just recommend extra covering due to your pregnancy. I use a big bowl with some baby soap and a spray hose for rinsing well, i always cut nails first - it protects you and gives you an idea of what the bath will be like. After that wash regularly, skip most of head, damp rag for eyes, ears, face, nose and later butt. Dry with the first half of big towel or first smaller one, cuddle with warm heating pad and dry side of towel and rub lots and do it against the way the hair goes and when he starts washing himself - its really drying, then you are done, give love and cookies after some washing and then you dry and change when he is washing before loves and cookies!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
Thank you both for your helpful words. We got him some wet food and he absolutely loved it! I mean, what cat doesn't. We got him a few toys and a scratching post since he kept scratching up the chair in our room. He hasn't quite figured out the scratching post but every time he scratches up the chair we say no and then put him by the post and take him paws and do the same motion he does with the chair. Is there another way to get him to figure it out or is time the best option?

He now loves my dog. Rubs up on him, tries to play around but my dog is kinda lazy so he doesn't really get far. I think he just needed to get used to being here and my dog finally relaxed after being able to see him so him calming down probably greatly helped.

We gave him a bath. My boyfriend geared up and help him while I soaked and soaped him. Wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Just a lot of yowling. He's even softer than before but clearing away the dust layer made us see that he has a bit of grease on his coat - probably from hiding under cars.

Tomorrow is gonna be a big day of possibly going to the vet and then checking out the animal shelter, even though we're going to keep him with us.

I made that Facebook post about him on the lost n found pets and no one has yet to claim him but it's only been a day. I honestly doubt anyone will claim him, does seem like he was dumped, but we'll keep trying and if not one claims him, he's ours. So he's pretty set either way.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Thank you for the update, that all sounds like it's going well.

You can encourage him to use his scratching post by sprinkling a bit of powdered catnip on it. That usually gets their attention. Cats don't like lemony smells, so I put a bit of citrus oil and water in a squirt bottle and give the back of the couch a spray with that every day. It stops them scratching as they don't want their paws to smell of citrus.

You did well with the bath! Only one of mine will tolerate being bathed, the rest of them would claw my eyes out.

Good luck at the vet tomorrow.



TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
Okay I know it sounds stupid but keep going to straighten the scratcher for the cat... When you walk by it you scratch it he scratches it even if you need to help him scratch it some cats like catnip some cats don't care so try putting catnip on it and then do him like a dog once you scratch it and eat a Cheerio or something and then let him have the opportunity to scratch and if he does it on his own or if he even stands up to it then he gets a cookie if not you demonstrate to scratching with his hands as you have been doing and then give him a couple of cat cookies and this will create the positive Association that this is good this is what the people want me to do the other thing that you need to do is all positive reinforcement no negative reinforcement they don't really understand no so much as they do understand being redirected even know if that's a different kind of toy thrown across the room or something different the other thing that you can do is they have deterrents sprays and sticky stuff to prevent them from scratching on things you don't like and aluminum foil really is good for that depending on you know if you can sit aluminum foil where the problem is and that's all I can think of off the top of my head but it sounds stupid to lay down on the floor as best as you can as pregnant as you are and demonstrate scratching on the post multiple times a day and then eating a piece of cereal and then giving him a kitty cat cookie but it works amazingly well to treat a cat like you would treat a dog!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
I'm sorry I cannot find edit on here I meant demonstrate not straighten the scratcher and I haven't seen any other typos like that but I'm having to use talk to text because I'm in the hospital and I can't use my hands well I wish I could edit better but I forgot until after I hit send so if you have any questions about what I said please don't feel odd asking I get it I'm medicated and I have to rely on the phone to figure out what I mean!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
Oh one more thing I forgot is the cat scratcher is not near where the cat is currently wanting to scratch maybe get a second scratcher whether it be a cardboard one or the tall post kinda doesn't matter but put another one where the cat is wanting to scratch and then as time goes if you don't like it there move it a little bit every day like you would do a litter box if there was a peeing problem or a pooping problem in an area where you did not like it and you should be good to go there... And as much as I want it to work out for the people that may or may not on the cat I think he has a great family the way it is and I really kind of hope he's not microchipped even though all my animals are even though they are indoor animals I just would hate it to hurt your heart because you're so very invested and it's so very obvious and it's just already got a good home!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Thank you both for your helpful words. We got him some wet food and he absolutely loved it! I mean, what cat doesn't. We got him a few toys and a scratching post since he kept scratching up the chair in our room. He hasn't quite figured out the scratching post but every time he scratches up the chair we say no and then put him by the post and take him paws and do the same motion he does with the chair. Is there another way to get him to figure it out or is time the best option?

He now loves my dog. Rubs up on him, tries to play around but my dog is kinda lazy so he doesn't really get far. I think he just needed to get used to being here and my dog finally relaxed after being able to see him so him calming down probably greatly helped.

We gave him a bath. My boyfriend geared up and help him while I soaked and soaped him. Wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Just a lot of yowling. He's even softer than before but clearing away the dust layer made us see that he has a bit of grease on his coat - probably from hiding under cars.

Tomorrow is gonna be a big day of possibly going to the vet and then checking out the animal shelter, even though we're going to keep him with us.

I made that Facebook post about him on the lost n found pets and no one has yet to claim him but it's only been a day. I honestly doubt anyone will claim him, does seem like he was dumped, but we'll keep trying and if not one claims him, he's ours. So he's pretty set either way.
If anyone responds on FB be sure it is his owner. There are tons of psychos out there.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
This is definitely true and the way I have weeded that out in the past is to say well our local people in the kennels charge X dollars a day I've had your cat 4X days he has had this grooming service he has had that grooming service he has been to the vet I have a total expense of X number of dollars so I feel like at this point he is my cat without reimbursement but was reimbursement we can see what we can do...

Of course photos with the cat that's obviously the cat and the Cat shows obvious emotion to them if you chose to meet then I might go a different route but just by saying these are my expenses it usually ends there and if not when I say Plus this is what boarding typically costs - then the conversation is usually over and I would worry more about people's ill intentions since he is mostly black and it is almost Halloween and that at least where I live is not a recipe for anything good!

Every cat sanctuary and no kill shelter and Cat Rescue that I have volunteered my time with over the years since my baby came into my life won't even consider releasing a black or mostly black cat at this time of year... Disgusting thoughts but they made those policies for real reasons that they learned from...

it is Monday I have been thinking about you all day.Is there a chip?... I hope it all is going well with you and hopefully your new baby!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
kittylove14 kittylove14 He is absolutely gorgeous. And his personality makes it even better!! I'm already falling in love! (: [br]
Primula Primula Thanks for the heads up! I've definitely been worried about that.
[br] bottlebabymom bottlebabymom Thanks for the advice! Very helpful! No one has yet to claim him and he's not chipped. We already got him a little collar and pretty much are calling him our own.

Especially after our little car trip last night, I really would like to keep him & possibly see if I could register him as an emotional support animal. I have driving anxiety leftover from this rollover I was in a few years back, which was totally my fault. Ever since, whether I'm driving or not, I get really anxious about driving at fast speeds like on the interstate (which I have to drive everyday to get to town from where I live). I get especially anxious when others are driving and get close to the sides of the road. When we went on a drive with Sammy (what we're calling him), he just curled up on my lap or on my chest and just purred like crazy. He did the same thing on the way to the vet today and it completely relaxed me and I didn't freak out once. And last night my boyfriend said he was driving a bit crazy to see how I'd react and I didn't. I was staring at the road the entire time too.

The vet said he looks healthy, estimates that he's about 5 months old, he's still intact which makes sense, and gave me a list of what vaccine he needs and when so that nice. Also let me know that the shelter here does it for cheaper and will also neuter him too for cheap/free - depends on income. Which is nice with the upcoming baby. Oh! Which reminds me, Sammy likes to cuddle with/on my belly. Baby kicks a lot when Sammy purrs when he's on my belly too. I especially like that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Please don't drive with an animal out of his carrier. It is very dangerous even if you've a passenger because you don't know what the animal might do.
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Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
Primula Primula We went on little drives with him first and he only does two things: curl up on me and purr or stand up on my shoulders and meow because he wants more food. I'd like to get him a carrier for being safe if there was ever a wreck but if we're on our little drives around my country neighborhood I don't really feel like there's any danger of him reacting badly. I'd like to get him used to the car just like I have my dogs.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
I called the animal shelter and no one has called to claim him but I gave them my information. They said after 3 days I can legally take him as my own if no one comes forward.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I called the animal shelter and no one has called to claim him but I gave them my information. They said after 3 days I can legally take him as my own if no one comes forward.
Yay!  I hope you get him.  He's gorgeous.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Fingers crossed that you get to keep him.

And I'm sorry, I hate to be a kill joy but I just want to add my 
 to what @Primula  said about letting him ride in the car with you. I've heard of cats getting freaked out and running away after just a little bump or people being pulled over by the cops. If you have him in the car with you could you get a harness for him to wear and make sure the leash is through the seat belt or secured in some way? 

He'll still be able to ride on your lap, but you won't have to worry about him panicking and running off if anything bad ever happened.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 22, 2016
Norachan Norachan I totally understand that. Like I stated in my reply to Primula, I am going to get a cat carrier for safety reasons. We're also going to try to leash train him so of course we'll have the harness but on short little drives out in the country where I live won't be too big of a deal. He's been over speed bumps and cattle guards many times and still just stayed in my lap.

I've owned animals my entire life (dogs, cats, rats, hamsters) and am completely aware that animals are animals firstly and will react unexpectedly at times because humans and animals are on different cognitive levels. What we might think as an insignificant thing might be huge to them.

Thanks for all the support! I really think we'll be keeping him. If no one has contacted the shelter thus far, I don't think they will by Friday. But that's also a bit of wishful thinking.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sammy is adorable. What a lucky kitty that your boyfriend found him.

I'd also like to add something I read a while ago about not driving with pets on your lap. It was actually about a small dog, but a cat would be the same thing.  Even if a car is in a small accident with little damage, if the airbags deploy, the speed and force with which they hit the driver / passenger will force the pet into the human's body likely killing both the pet and human. It's a terrible image to imagine and one I would never have thought of if I hadn't read about it. I believe the person who wrote the article was a first responder to accidents, and therefore had seen many terrible accidents.