Foster Kitten Won't Eat, 6 Weeks Old


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 24, 2014
Hello! I want to preface this by saying that we are in constant contact with the vet techs who work at the shelter we are fostering through, and the little one has seen a vet. Everyone has been very helpful. I'm just looking for some supplemental information from experienced fosters and kitten rescuers, because we are all a little stumped.

She is 6 weeks old, came to the facility with her 3 siblings very underweight but otherwise healthy. They were treated for worms and parasites. No URI signs or eye issues. They are all playful and in good spirits. One of them started to turn her nose up at food about 2 and a half days ago, however, and has lost all of the weight she gained over the last 6 days in shelter and foster care (430g to 400g, so it could be argued she never was gaining well at all). Her siblings are completely fine, it's just her exhibiting this weird aversion to food.

We have been syringe feeding her about 4 to 6mL of water and wet food mixture every 4 hours. It all has to be force fed because she will not take KMR, or any kind of kibble, or any of the wet food we have. We are terrified of her aspirating but I think our technique has been working so far. She used to be a playful little maniac and now she is only interested in her toys and siblings for limited periods of time. Her poop was fine, but after not eating it got mucous and thin, and now that we are syringe feeding her regularly it's formed and the right medium brown colour but very thin. Oh, and we are providing a heat source for them constantly.

We suspect she might have broken her ribs when she was younger, or might have a congenital issue with her ribs, as the left side sticks out strangely. Feels like bone, but it's like there's extra bone, or bone where it shouldn't be. They were going to take x rays and do blood work but it was decided to hold off today, as she, for some crazy reason, actually ate some kibble when she was there.

Anyway! We have the kmr and we aren't using it because she won't take it anyway and if we are force feeding her might as well feed her something that won't upset her GI. What can we do? Is 4 to 6mL every 4 hours enough or should we push her more? Should we try playing with her more in hopes of stimulating appetite or should we let her sleep? What has worked for people in similar situations? any insight anyone might have would be so appreciated, we are baffled.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
How much does she weigh at 6 weeks? That does not sound like enough food.

It also sounds like she is not feeling well. Kittens normally eat well as the others seem to be doing.

I encourage you to get an x-ray done ASAP to see what is going on with her rib cage. Something is not right. She may need medicine as well.

I would not force her to play. Let her rest, but get her to the vet!
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TCS Member
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Jun 24, 2014
Thanks for your reply! When she went to the vet today I thought they were going to do X-rays, but they didn't and I'm not sure why, it might be because she otherwise looks healthy and snacked and played a bit when she was there, and they also had to fit us into a very busy day. This is all through the shelter so we can only go to certain clinics, so while X-rays are in her future I don't know when that will happen. I am monitoring her very closely so yeah, if she makes no progress or worse, goes downhill tonight, she will probably her X-rays sooner rather than later. I just can't speak for the shelter and the way they do things, it's my first time fostering.

I need to keep her as healthy has possible until the X-rays, though, so in the meantime I want to do everything I can to maintain her weight or even increase it if possible. She only weighs 400g right now. For syringe feeding, how much do you think would be enough? I started off feeding so little because she struggled so much and she puked up one of her feedings (she went from having not eaten for about 5 hours to getting 2 6mL slurry syringe feedings in an hour so I think I just pushed her too much), but maybe now that our routine is established she will be able to handle more...?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 1, 2017
I have fostered for 2 or 3 years now and have not had the serious problem you had. It is tough getting this the first time you foster. Bless you for not giving up on the baby.
As for food 1of my current fosters had to be syringe fed for only about 4 days She weighed 12 oz and got 12 cc every 2 or 3 hours. I am not sure how that converts to grams But follow the instructions of the vet. They are there. And I would definitely push for the x ray And I would not force her to play. Provide toys and let her play if she wants to. She does not have extra energy at this point.
Again bless you for not giving up. I hope she will pull through.
Hopefully you will foster again It is usually not this hard. I will pray for the baby.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
At 14 ounces (400 grams) she needs 112mLs of food each 24 hours. If you feed every 3 hours, this would be 14 mLs per feeding. She may or may not be ready for that much yet, but perhaps you can work up to it.

Try a slurry of Gerber turkey baby food and KMR. Since this will be heavier (and more protein rich) than just milk, she will likely take less, but she may like it better.

I’m concerned about her chest needing an x-ray. I hope the shelter will agree to one soon.
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TCS Member
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Jun 24, 2014
Wow!! Rgwanner that is quite a bit more than I was doing/thinking but I'll aim for that figure next time she needs syringe feeding. I don't know how it happened but today she is finally eating on her own as of 10am!! She was down to 385g at 7:30, she was looking pale in the gums again so I syringe fed her and brought her downstairs for some 1 on 1 attention and she started mewing after a long nap, so I gave her tons of options for food -- pate, slices in gravy, gruel, tiny kibble-- and she picked one and started eating!! She didn't eat too much at first but I picked the winner and kept offering it to her every 2 hours or so (or if she mowed again) and after several hours of that she is eating even the pate now and was playing with her siblings.

I know she isn't out of the woods yet so I'm thinking of putting her brother in with her overnight in the isolation pen and continuing the trend. I'm afraid of stopping too soon and losing all of this progress. I haven't weighed her yet but she is feeling more solid and her poops are bigger and formed now. J think we are on the upswing. :')
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TCS Member
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Jun 24, 2014
Sarther2, I think I'm going to go out and buy that food tomorrow. We are really concerned about her chest too. I remember the techs mentioned that the vet wasn't overly concerned because they had been poking and prodding at her and she showed no sign of pain or tenderness, but I wish I could have gone there to talk to the vet because all this info is second hand now :( I'm with you, I think it's no coincidence that she has weird ribs and these eating problems. They did give her antibiotics. I forgot to mention that in my panic of posting. But she wasn't running a fever at the time and has no history of it far as I know, so that's another thing I wish I could have been there to talk about just to have been able to hear his thoughts on it. I go in again tomorrow to get more food. They told me not to do KMR unless it's an emergency so I'll keep that in reserve for if she stops eating again and I'll go out and get some of that baby food. Thanks for the suggestions :)
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TCS Member
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Jun 24, 2014
It has been really stressful because I can handle sick kittens with an appetite but syringe feeding was a first for me. I guess it had to happen sooner or later. This has been a rough learning experience but I will certainly continue fostering. My goal is to be able to take on the really difficult cases and give critically I'll or malnourished kittens a second chance.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You are doing a superb job and are to be commended! Keep up the nice work! Labor of love! :)