Foster Cat Had Her Kittens This Am!


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
The food she likes is only 2.75oz per can, so yeah, it's not a crazy amount! The ONLY wet food I have been reliably able to get her to eat is this gross Meow Mix fishy stuff that comes in little plastic cups (it *is* a nutritionally complete cat meal, not a "treat," thank goodness). She likes the salmon and tuna flavors. Everything else I have tried - and I have tried a lot (Fancy Feast, Blue Buffalo, Authority, Science Diet, Wellness, fresh cooked plain chicken that I made myself, canned tuna) - she turns her nose up at. I guess she just loves her junk food. It's the same way with dry food. Meow Mix or Friskies are all she'll eat. Luckily now I have her tricked into eating a 50/50 mix of Friskies and Blue Buffalo Kitten in her kibble bowl. :biggrin: I add KMR to her wet food to make sure she's getting adequate nutrition for the little ones. But I'm just glad she's eating. I just ordered 4 12-packs of the stuff on, so needless to say we are going through it real fast!! :crackup:

The rescue I volunteer for did provide me with some food, but it was all stuff she wouldn't eat. If the kittens don't eat it once they're older I'll just give it back or save it for my next "batch" of fosters. Honestly though, I don't mind buying the food myself. My husband and I are fortunate to be financially comfortable, and we have also chosen not to have children, so this is our labor of love. Money at the rescue is always stretched thin so I would rather their resources go to the people who really need them. :)
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Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
As I write this I am unable to stop crying. We lost poor kitten this morning. His leg had worsened overnight and was black and blue in spots; he also had lost a few grams. I took him (and mama and sibs, naturally) to my vet as soon as they opened. They said the leg appeared to actually be broken - this could have even happened during delivery - and it had become infected and spread to the thigh and groin area. Because he's too young for painkillers or to go under anesthesia, the only other option I had was to have the vet give him a small dose of antibiotics and then take him home and continue to try bottle feeding. But without pain meds (again, too young), his desire to eat was only expected to decline so there was a very good chance that I would have to watch him die slowly, in pain, and in starvation. The vet strongly recommended euthanasia and after talking with my volunteer coordinator I decided that that was the most ethical way to go for this poor little soul.

I named him Sesame so that he wouldn't die without a name. He passed peacefully in my arms. I am beyond heartbroken. How do you cope with losing something so small, sweet, and innocent that never even had a chance? I'm a mess.

RIP sweet little Sesame.

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Oh you poor dear, I am so sorry I wasn't here for moral support! I am NOT getting many of my alerts...Don't blame yourself, under the circumstances you made the right decision, thank heavens you have a great vet.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Yes, I had prepared myself for the worst after reading so many threads on this forum. But after the birth seemed to go so well, I assumed we were mostly out of the danger zone, which was foolish of course. I am still glad I had the opportunity to know him and make his short time on this earth warm and comfortable. Thank you for the kind words. Mama and her babies are definitely my therapy today.
You filled his short life with love and safety. You are wonderful.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Yes, #2 is the one we think may be from another daddy. He is also the only one who looks like mom, the rest are black & white! One of his eyes has stayed open and yes, he's fairly mobile! Not quite walking but certainly a stronger crawler than his sibs.

I had mom next to me while I held Sesame on my lap after they gave him the injection and we waited together for him to pass. Thinking of it still makes me cry. :(
:hearthrob::grouphug2::alright::grouphug2::redheartpump: :bawling::sniffle:


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
I have tried just dropping, but it tends to just roll down the side of their jaw and onto the floor. Maybe an eye dropper would be better? I've been using a 3cc syringe.

I've also noticed that mama cat is easily distracted and I have a male (neutered, of course) cat who is very raucous and makes lots of noise. Obviously he is never allowed in her room, but she freaks out and runs to the door any time she hears him meowing, running by the door, scratching, etc. I've now quarantined him in the hopes that it brings her more peace.
Eye dropper might work, hopefully the boy was distracting her.:grouphug::grouphug2::hearthrob::redheartpump:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Two of my kittens lost 10g overnight. One of them is the big "alpha," the other one is the runt. I am just absolutely miffed. When mom lays with them they do not nurse. They just go to sleep. The other two kittens gained 10g and 20g so clearly she is nursing some of them.

I tried an eye dropper this morning, everything gets spit up. They still won't take a bottle or a syringe. I'm losing hope.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Okay, these two need supplementing for sure. Let's for now assume nothing is clinically wrong with them.

Please wrap the kitten you want to feed in a towel like a burrito with only the head out. Hold the wrapped kitten upright to your chest so there is little room for it to move. If need be gently hold the kitten's head still with your fingers of the hand holding the kitten to your chest.

Using a very small 1 or 2 mL syringe (size matters), gently insert the tip of the syringe in the side of the kitten's mouth and release a drop or two of milk. Remove the syringe and let the kitten swallow. Go again.

Kittens with moms will fight supplementing in the beginning until they realize it's good stuff. Once they do, after a few feedings, they will actively begin suckling on the syringe.

I hope this helps!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Is this due to the kittens losing weight, or are there other issues?
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  • #116


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Is this due to the kittens losing weight, or are there other issues?
I discovered another swollen paw this morning. Much like Seasame's. :( So it's both that as well as the weight loss.
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  • #120


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Please try antibiotics and sub-q fluids on the runt to see if the kitten can be saved.
The vet is going to keep the kittens in the ICU and continue to run tests to try and figure out what is going on with the paw. They are also going to tube feed the malnourished ones. They are actually keeping all 4 because all signs indicate that mom might actually be in heat again already and is rejecting the kittens in the process. She won't lay with them for more than a few minutes at a time. The concern was that she would eventually reject the other two if I took them home. So my rescue agreed it was best to leave them all with the vet for now and let them tube feed and try to acclimate them to bottle feeding. When I bring them home (I am praying I get to bring all 4 of them home eventually) they will be bottle babies until they can be weaned. I'm very lucky to be volunteering for a rescue that is in a financial position to be able to save these kittens. I will update you all as soon as I know more. I am very sad to be going home without them. :(