Force feeding, what to give


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 24, 2006
Antwerpen in Belgium
I have a very ill kitten. We went to thevet yesterday morning since she stopped eating thursday night and when we present her food she sniffs it and then begin to making movements as if she was puking. Vet saw that she had diareea and that she had an inflammation in her mouth, trouth and eye lids. She also has a slight fever.

i am now giving her medication agains the fewer and the inflammation and the vet also prescribed anitibiotics even if he thinks this is a virus. She is properly dewormed.

Now 24 hours later she is still not eating. She drinks but mnot enoyhg and she begins to be a little bit wobbely on her hind legs. I think I need to get some energy in to her and Sunday here everything is closed. Can I make my own sugar solution and give in the mouth and if yes does any one know how I make it - what the proportions should be?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Hi Malena, here is some good information for you:

Home-made kitten formula (Kitten Glop)

8 ounces water (boiled then cooled)
1 envelope Knox unflavored gelatin
8 ounces whole evaporated milk (not skim)
2 tablespoons mayonnaise (not low fat)
2 tablespoons plain yogurt (not low fat)
1 large or 2 small eggs yolks (raw)
1 teaspoon clear Karo syrup
* 1-3 drops liquid pet vitamins
* 1 capsule acidophilus
* 1 drop Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
* Optional, though very beneficial.
Boil the water, add the gelatin and mix well. Add the following ingredients in order, mixing well after each addition:

1/2 of the canned milk
Mayonnaise and Yogurt
Rest of the milk
All other ingredients

You can substitute canned goat's milk for the canned evaporated milk, if you prefer it. This mixture will keep in the fridge for up to four days. It is jello-like in consistency in the fridge so you can just scoop out as much as you need and warm. It can also be frozen in ice cube trays and defrosted as needed. You can find pet vitamins at a pet store or your vet, and acidophilus and GSE in the liquid form at a good health food store.

If you prefer, you can use this recipe permanently, instead of a commercially available kitten formula. If you are using a commercial formula, add a quarter of a teaspoon of full fat yogurt to the first bottle of each day. This will aid in your kitten's digestion.
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Yes, use the recipe above for your kitty. And yes, if you need to use a syringe to get it in her, please do so. You can even use your finger to splop some over the hump of her tongue if necessary. Cats cannot use fat stores like people do - in fact, it damages their liver. She's probably not eating because she can't smell the food, and she may also be nauseous. But she needs the food moving through her system, and sometimes forcing them to feed will "kick start" them eating on their own again. :nod:

You can also try a tinned food - warming it up a little, or pouring tuna juice on it, to see if that will help her eat on her own. A member from France was just posting about an eating problem, and someone from France recommended fromage frais, I think it was, to get something in kitty. I don't know what that would be here in the U.S., but it's likely something you already know what it is and where to get it in Belgium. :)

Hope your kitty's feeling better soon! :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :cross:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
I posted about the fromage frais. It is fresh cream cheese, and you can get it unsalted here , sold in cartons like yoghurt. It is brilliant as an appetite stimulant and easy to get kitties to eat it as you can put some on your finger and either pop it on the tongue or on the outside of the mouth and gums so they have to lick it off. It is very nutritious and low in lactose so it is suitable for small kittens as well as sick adults. It is available in any supermarket throughout Europe and I am sure something similar exists in the US.