Food Snobs!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 3, 2015
My kittens refuse to eat leftovers.  You'd think they were born in Buckingham Palace instead of a cow barn in the middle of the prairies. Yeesh.   

Once I know they are done with their meals, I will scoop up whatever is left and put it in the fridge.  But when I bring the leftovers out when they're hungry again they take a sniff and then walk away--even after warming it up a bit in the microwave.  I have to open another can.  They will eat the leftovers the next day.  They just refuse to eat the same meal twice in one day.  I do have more success with the 3oz cans because they can gobble up the entire thing between the two of them.  I just don't like buying the 3oz cans because they aren't as cost-effective.  And there are days when they can finish up a 5.5oz can in a single sitting and still mew for more (growing babies!)

My kittens will eat pretty much any flavour or brand I buy for them.  They just want variety, variety, variety.

Anyone else with food snobs? 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 19, 2006
Yes!  When I give Chessy leftovers (which I have to do often, because he eats super slow and only a little at a time), he will just look at it and then stare up at me like "Really!?"  

Then I have to tell him that's what he needs to eat, and after a minute of staring at the food, he usually accepts that. 

Mia on the other hand, will gobble up anything I put in front of her and then immediately try to think of a way to get to Chessy's food. 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Oh yes. They will not eat leftovers under any circumstances but it gets better than that.  If I give Sophie a scrap of meat from my plate and she drops it, she will not eat it. if it is offered to her again, she will turn her head away from it. how DARE I offer her something like that? Lilith will SOMETIMES eat a bit of food that she has dropped but she will not go after it. I have to pick it up and give it to her. 

They also will not eat the same food twice in a row and if I serve them something they don't want or like, they will leave the table in a huff. They let me know very clearly that they are offended. Henry used to be my good eater but the diva sisters have gotten to him. He's still better about food then they are but he's become pretty picky too. 

Lilith and Sophie were rescued from an abandoned house. Henry was turned into a local shelter as a kitten. The girls definitely think they are royalty but I think that all Persians do. 
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Adult Cat
Aug 3, 2015

Our cats can be so ridiculous, can't they?  That's why we love 'em!   I have to pick out any bits that might have crusted over before the kittens will even touch it.  I hate throwing out food!  

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico

Our cats can be so ridiculous, can't they?  That's why we love 'em!   I have to pick out any bits that might have crusted over before the kittens will even touch it.  I hate throwing out food!  
I save the round lids from the semi disposable kitchen storage containers. Usually one of them will fit over the food bowl. Both of them can flip the lid off I just have to come by and put it back on.  Low tech but easy and cheap.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 3, 2015
LOL!  You can tell her I ain't buying it.  

My kittens have only been here 5 weeks and they've already got me jumping through hoops for them.  Pepper is otherwise a well-behaved gentleman but his sister Pickles....well....not so much.   She is also the pickiest of the two.  She's the reason we switched to a nearly all-canned food diet.  She was practically starving herself on the kibble.  It wasn't good enough for her.
 Now I got to go scoop up some more leftovers.  The duke and duchess deigned to take a few nibbles of the leftovers but otherwise passed it over.  I hope they'll eat it tomorrow.  I don't like the thought of tossing nearly 2 whole cans of Natural Balance. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I had to repeat that face. Yes when we still had the feral cats around they ate pretty darned good.

Sometimes I can cheat and fluff it with a fork. I found throwing the can in a bowl of warm water for a few made it more appealing. I swear they can smell a treat that the bag didn't get properly closed and that will be rejected. One of Kittens first meats was salmon steaks. It was the only thing I had out here that I thought might be suitable for a cat to eat. She's never looked back.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 2, 2015
I love that "I'm innocent" face! So cute! These stories are all so funny. Heehee, crazy cats.

I was a dog person for years and years before I got Alice, so you can imagine my shock the first time I set food in front of her and she rejected it. :) I have since learned that she will only eat cold leftovers, in defiance of all that stuff about cats liking their leftovers warm. If I warm it, she will refuse it on principle even after it's cooled down again.

She also only eats the tops of pates. I've tried to trick her into believing it's a new pate by taking it away and bringing it back and chopping it up so she can't tell that she ate it, but she always knows and refuses the rest. *tosses hands up* I stopped buying pates because I was throwing away too much food. She's pretty good about eating her gravy stuff, but every once in a while I'll buy a flavor that'll make her stick her nose in the air and walk away. (The last one was Nutro Breakfast Scramble. Guess she doesn't like eggs...)


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
every once in a while I'll buy a flavor that'll make her stick her nose in the air and walk away. (The last one was Nutro Breakfast Scramble. Guess she doesn't like eggs...)
All 3 of my cats rejected the Nutro breakfast scramble. They wouldn't touch it. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
I've read so many reports of feline disgust over the Nutro Breakfast Scrambles foods that I'm starting to want to try one out on our cats!
Alas, our two have also turned into picky little foodies, though PureBites seem to turn everything into a gourmet meal for them. The only problem with that is that, like @PicklesPepper's cats, they insist on variety, variety, variety, so I don't want to overdo the PureBites!

And oh is Sophie's face, @Kat0121 familiar! Edwina makes faces like that, too: it will look like she's going to cry because she's so offended at what we're trying to feed her.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 26, 2014
My cat is a food snob also, and when i opened the can of Nutro's breakfast scamble, I thought, no way is he going to eat this, but low and behold, he loved it. I too hear so many say that there cat won't eat it, but my cat loves it


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I've read so many reports of feline disgust over the Nutro Breakfast Scrambles foods that I'm starting to want to try one out on our cats!
Alas, our two have also turned into picky little foodies, though PureBites seem to turn everything into a gourmet meal for them. The only problem with that is that, like @PicklesPepper's cats, they insist on variety, variety, variety, so I don't want to overdo the PureBites!

And oh is Sophie's face, @Kat0121 familiar! Edwina makes faces like that, too: it will look like she's going to cry because she's so offended at what we're trying to feed her.
Those breakfast scrambles smell horrible. Much worse than any other kind I've tried on them. even pure Bites couldn't help that one

yes, Miss Sophie has gotten the "who, me?" look down pat and uses it often. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 2, 2015
All 3 of my cats rejected the Nutro breakfast scramble. They wouldn't touch it. 
Good to know my cat isn't the only one! 
 If that many cats really don't like it, maybe Nutro messed up and made a flavor easy to market to the humans but not well liked by cats. Little do they know, it is the cats in charge of the human's wallets... 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Any cat food that I buy a sample of my cats can't get enough. As soon as we buy a case they won't even look at the can.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 3, 2015
Darn those cats!  I am loving these stories.  My last cat was essentially a garbage disposal and ate almost anything I put in front of her.  She only turned her nose up at the bottom-of-the-barrel no-name brand stuff.  She would eat anything from store brand to Friskies to Wellness and raw meat and organs.  She also ate every plant in my house so I had to stop having them due to worries over poisoning her.  And now I have food snobs.

And of course, my little food snobs ate yesterday's leftover's today.  I did have to sweeten the deal with the last little bit by adding a few drops of milk to mix in.  Whatever is left I'm going to just put into the trash.  But throwing out a 1/4 of a can is much better than a whole one.  I did have to break-up the leftovers with a meal of a freshly opened can in between.  I may need to stick with 3oz cans for the time being.  

So far, the biggest hits have been the Wild Calling cans (I've only given them duck and rabbit so far) and WHISKAS pates.  They like other foods too but those disappear the fastest and rarely have leftovers.  They also liked WEURVA a lot but that is far out of my price range to buy on any regular basis.
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kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
My cats know when it's been in the refrigerators. Even gently warmed and snuck into their bowls they will sniff and reject. We also buy the lactose free milk so they can have a sip now and then. And yet with all this fussing and rejecting the vet is constantly telling me they need to lose a bit.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 3, 2015
Pepper is starting to get a bit tubby.  He is always stealing Pickles' leftovers (before they get refrigerated).  Though I found a brand he doesn't seem to like while she does -- Authority.  It's not grain free but doesn't seem too bad.  But Pickles still only took a few bites (it was the last meal of the day).  I now have two 5.5oz cans in the fridge that only have a few bites out of them.  This is not a pattern I want to keep going!  I'm going to be in town tomorrow for some appointments so I think I'm going to have to pick up some 3oz cans.  This food snobbery is getting out of hand! 
  Might also have to pick up some more Wild Calling -- especially the rabbit-- in order to keep up the variety of flavour without having to resort too much to fish.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Pepper is starting to get a bit tubby.  He is always stealing Pickles' leftovers (before they get refrigerated).  Though I found a brand he doesn't seem to like while she does -- Authority.  It's not grain free but doesn't seem too bad.  But Pickles still only took a few bites (it was the last meal of the day).  I now have two 5.5oz cans in the fridge that only have a few bites out of them.  This is not a pattern I want to keep going!  I'm going to be in town tomorrow for some appointments so I think I'm going to have to pick up some 3oz cans.  This food snobbery is getting out of hand! 
  Might also have to pick up some more Wild Calling -- especially the rabbit-- in order to keep up the variety of flavour without having to resort too much to fish.
I have been told and it does make sense. The cat food you put in the bowl should be about the size of a mouse. I often feel stingy dividing a 3oz can but a bit less available food seems to stimulate them some. Mine have always been housecats as I snagged them as very tiny babies from the ferals . They have never knows being cold, hot, thirsty or hungry. I swear half of the cat parade in the morning isn't about being starved it's just to see if they can get me to open a can. Both of my cats eat better after they ' hunt ' . I have noticed a direct correlation between chattering and jumping on the windows at birds and eating.