First Trap, Afraid Of Doing Wrong Thing


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
Hi all, I hope you can help me.

About a week ago I saw an injured cat in a parking lot, along with a few others. Bloody nose and what looked like open wounds both sides of her tail.

I made a decision right then and there that I wanted to help her (didn't know it was a she at the time). And I went and got a trap from ACC.

Took me about 3 days to catch her. It was actually very emotionally when I caught her I was overcome with emotions. I had her stay in my garage overnight and took her to ACC the next morning.

They gave her some medications and deemed her fit to be spayed, so she got that done. I picked her up from surgery today Thursday and she is now in my bathroom still in the trap. So she has been in this trap since I caught her Tuesday night around 5 P.M.

My first question is whether it's a bad idea to have her in my bathroom (she's behind 2 doors and I put a towel underneath each door) and if it's safer for my other cats if she's a little further away in the garage (I can keep a fan in there and leave the garage 1/4 of the way open.) I went in the garage right now and it's definitely not too hot.

My other question is when can I / should I try to move her to a bigger cage (I have one where a litter box would fit in there, I can put a bed in there, etc.) Or is this not a good idea and she would feel less safe because it's bigger and more open (plus I have no idea if she would try to scratch me but I guess I can put the trap inside and then with a stick open up the trap while it's inside the cage.) I can also cover the cage with a blanket.

I would like to keep her for a few days to see if she *might* in any way shape or form be adoptable. I can't tell what she's all about yet. I can't read her. She allowed me to take out the old food from the trap and place new food and water and she did not lunge or try to bite (I was wearing gloves in case) but the look in her eyes looks she's afflicted, or mad (both understandable poor girl.)

I don't think she's gone to the bathroom at all and I'm starting to worry a little about that. When I put the food in there behind her she didn't even turn around. So I took it out and put it in the front of the trap and she just looked at me.

Anyway I feel kind of lost and inexperienced and like I'm going to do something wrong or that I already have.

I am hoping you guys might be able to help and guide me I want to do only what's good for this cat. I just didn't feel ready to just release her, especially after only having had surgery yesterday.

I would appreciate any tips you can give me. Thank you so much.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hi all, I hope you can help me.
Welcome to The Cat Site and there are most definitely people on here that can help you. First and foremost, God Bless you for rescuing her. I don't think you have done anything wrong, in fact it seems you have done nothing but right for this kitty. I wish I could offer you lots of advice but my experience was different in that I rescued two cats but they were at work without other cats around. There was an empty office in the building so I was able to setup a safe room. The only thing I could think to offer you, aside from admiration, would be to try soil in the litter box. I have seen other people on here recommend that. The cat is used to going in dirt so it might not use the litter right away. Then you slowly mix in unscented litter gradually getting the cat used to litter.

You should most definitely keep her isolated from your other cats, you don't want to spoil the good thing you are doing by having a disease get spread to your other cats. I am fairly certain they need direct contact to spread disease so don't panic.

You should put her approximate age and a photo on here. Age because the advice may vary with age and a photo because people on here love to see cat photos.

I wish I could offer you more advice but I am not as experienced as other people on this site and my situation was different than yours. One thing I do know is people will be on here shortly giving you lots of advice.

Again, God Bless you for doing right by the kitty.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
G GinaN

She may be in some pain from surgery, and is most likely very frightened right now, so speak softly and move slowly and quietly around her.

I would go ahead and move her into the larger crate now. She will be much more comfortable. Put food, water, and litter box inside as you mentioned.

Add a half teaspoon of olive oil to her wet food. It will help soften her poop. She should poop soon, but medications, anesthesia, and dehydration may have her dried out right now. The oil will help.

Cover the crate on 3 sides with a blanket for her privacy. She will feel more secure. Leave her in the house for now.

It's commendable that you are willing to work with her to determine her adoptability. Also, thank you for rescuing her. It's so sad when cats are injured and have nowhere to turn.

You need to keep her for awhile, especially until she is healed and feeling better. At some point, do you have a spare room you could put her in?

Would love to see a picture of her!

Did the vet estimate her age?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
Hi thank you both so much for your advice so far.

The paperwork says 1 years old.

I gave her little bits of tuna in oil a few times today she is not touching it. She is on one side of the cage. When I tried to put the tuna a little closer to her she slid further back in the cage. She's not lunging, she's not hissing, she's just not moving.

I know she needs to eat and drink (the paperwork does say she ate overnight). I am starting to get a little worried.

Plus I want to change out the newspapers in case she peed on them but I have no idea how to remove them from under her without really scaring her and breaking any trust she may be thinking she can have with me (which at this point is about -10). The trap does not have any sort of divider.

I *want* to put her in the bigger crate but I am petrified to do it. What if she starts thrashing around and it was the wrong move? :/ I was thinking of putting the trap in there as well, covered, and let her come out on her own when she's ready.

BUT - that will also make it a LOT more difficult for me to sneak food and water in there. In case she IS feral and decides to attack me she has more room to move.

I am just starting to get worried she's in a corner of the trap this whole time.

If you still think I should put her in the bigger cage (I did already cover it with big blankets) I can attempt it.

ETA: oh, and yes, I have been moving and speaking super gently. And I "warn" her when I'm about to come in, in a soft voice so she knows it's me. Hopefully after 100 times of that she'll know nothing bad happens when I go in there.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
G GinaN

You should move her into the bigger crate as I advised earlier.

Set up the crate with everything in it, then put the smaller trap in front of it, open the door, and encourage her to go in.

You can wear long sleeves and garden gloves or oven mitts if you want to be cautious.

She sounds petrified. Poor kitty.

Can you post a picture please?

Were you given any pain meds for her? Did they give her an antibiotic?

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
You need to act fast. Is there anyone that can give you a hand. You don't need to do it alone, just make sure you are up front with Kitty. Get the stranger behind you to hold the trap while you coax her into the larger space.

I hope you get help, the person I hope helps you. Get them to look for blood on the fur under her.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
OK. Our current situation.

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will venture out of the carrier. And eat and drink. And start to relax.

I did not see any blood on the papers underneath her at all. But she hasn't defecated and I didn't smell anything strong so it's possible she didn't urinate this whole time either.

The next thing I need to think about is what do I do if she doesn't eat or drink soon.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
You need to act fast. Is there anyone that can give you a hand. You don't need to do it alone, just make sure you are up front with Kitty. Get the stranger behind you to hold the trap while you coax her into the larger space.

I hope you get help, the person I hope helps you. Get them to look for blood on the fur under her.
Shane, did you mean act fast and get help just to get her into the bigger cage or in general.

I have had a few local people give me some tips, but nobody here that can help me physically, no.

She's in the bigger cage so I am hoping she comes out to eat and drink soon.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
That's a great set up! I'll bet she comes out overnight.

What food have you left her to eat?

Is this in the house?

You'll just need to be patient.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Shane, did you mean act fast and get help just to get her into the bigger cage or in general.

I have had a few local people give me some tips, but nobody here that can help me physically, no.

She's in the bigger cage so I am hoping she comes out to eat and drink soon.
Get her to the bigger carrier and look for blood. If you don't see blood and she is just nervous looking then wait and see. All you can do is be patient. I hope she recovers well. Poor little girl.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
Thank you! It is so much better than that trap. :sniffle: Now if I could get her to actually lay ON the towel...

I've been giving her tuna in oil because it smells strong, and a few pellets of dry food. Just a little bit because I want to monitor whether she's eating. Why do you ask should I be giving her something different. I also have regular wet food I can give her.

Yes, that's in my bathroom.

I hope you're right and she comes out overnight. That would be so awesome.

Sarthur2 Sarthur2 did you see the meds...what do you think that I have no further meds to give her? (did you notice her nose) :(
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
Get her to the bigger carrier and look for blood. If you don't see blood and she is just nervous looking then wait and see. All you can do is be patient. I hope she recovers well. Poor little girl.
I did not see any blood on the newspapers she was lying on. And she was lying there for hours and hours so I think if she was bleeding some would have seeped through. I'll try to look again. Too bad, if I would have realized that I would have used a light color towel for her carrier so I can easily spot anything.

And thank you. I hope so too.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Give her a dish of dry food, and a separate dish of wet cat food.

The meds she received were good. I wish they had given you a couple more doses of metacam for pain.

I think leaving the carrier in the big crate as her safe space is good for now.

Things need to remain constant for her now. She also needs time to heal.

Her poor nose! It will get better though. She was clearly attacked. I feel so sorry for her.

She looks very sweet. She just needs time.

You'll easily be able to tell if she has eaten or used the litter by tomorrow.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
It shouldn't take long for her to venture. Cats are for the most part curious creatures. If she stays like that for next day or two keep people here posted.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 3, 2017
I just checked in on her and she ate both the wet and dry food. No litter box use. Can't tell if she drank water.

She looks more alert.

I'm happy about that of course. But what's trampling on that is that both my boy cat and girl cat sneezed. I am really nervous right now. If you have any advice what you would do please let me know. I don't want to be too careful.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Great that she ate! Refill both bowls. She needs it. She will use the litter next!

Your cats have been separated from her, so there should be no problem with contagion, and she does not appear ill.