First time poster: How can we help our scared ragdoll?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2024
Hi, folks! I joined this forum because I honestly didn't want to face all the nastiness that's all too common on the Facebook ragdoll groups.

Anyway, we have three ragdolls. Our first and oldest, Zuli (7), who got in 2019, came from a not ideal situation where her owner tried and failed to breed her. As such, she was very scared when we brought her home and it took her a month to stop hiding under our dining room table and many months for her to show signs of affection. Our second, Sapphire, we got in 2020 as a 7-month old kitchen. Sapphi is very well adjusted and friendly and took to us immediately. Zuli hated her at first and when Sapphi got too close Zuli would hiss and growl and they'd occasionally get into fights. It took about six months for Zuli to accept her, and for a year they'd both sleep on our bed (one of the best things about owning cats!).

Then, In December 2023, we got Vivi, a retired 4-year old breeder. We got her mainly to be a companion to Sapphi. Vivi is the most affectionate of our three, but she's also very assertive. And Zuli absolutely hates her and fears her. To the point where Zuli basically doesn't move from her "safe" space on top of a floor heating duct in our kitchen. She'll leave only to use a litter box in another room, and only when Vivi isn't around. She is okay if Vivi doesn't get closer than 3-4 feet. But then Vivi gets in her face, trying to play, and Zuli growls and howls and runs away, with Vivi chasing her, until she finds a hiding space under a couch.
This can happen many times a day.

I feel very heartbroken about this, since Zuli seems to be imprisoning herself and not enjoying the run of the house like she once did. We used Feliway in the kitchen to see if this would ease tensions but it didn't do much good. She doesn't meow at all, and other than watching Vivi when she comes into the kitchen, she doesn't get very upset until Vivi gets too close.

Zuli seems to be eating okay (when Vivi isn't eating her food) and she still lets up pet her and will play with me in her spot. But I'm worried that she might end up spending the rest of her life in that little corner. I would hate to have to rehome her, since she really loves us and, I'm not sure having to get used to another home--even as a solo cat--would be the best thing for her. Should I just wait to see if this situation improves?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi, welcome!

I would try something like this;

Give Zuli her own room, with all her things, and food, water and a litterbox. The current situation is far too stressful, and stress is hard on cats.

Give her a little time so she can relax and hopefully enjoy the peace and quiet of her own space.

Then, try the things suggested here;
How To Successfully Introduce Cats [The Ultimate Guide] - TheCatSite
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Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
L loveourraggies : hello and welcome to TCS. Sorry for the situation that's brought you here, but hope you'll find some helpful ideas to let your three cats live peacefully together.
When you brought Vivi into the family, did you keep her separated from the others, and do a slow introduction? That is generally the best, and sometimes only, way to let cats get used to living with each other. The link Furballsmom Furballsmom posted will have suggestions, as well as some pictures.

We also have this article, which might be helpful:
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction | TheCatSite

Even though it's been 3 months, Vivi is still the newcomer, so would be the cat to put in separate area, if you were to redo the introductions.

As for Zuli, stress is indeed hard on cats, and can cause both behavioral and health issues, so you will want to lessen the stress for her.
Stress in Cats – The Ultimate Guide – Cat Articles

About Feliway, there are 3 different kinds, so possibly you could look into getting a different one.
FELIWAY® Classic Diffuser Kit | Cat Calming Diffuser
FELIWAY® Optimum Diffuser Kit | Cat Calming Pheromones
FELIWAY® Friends Diffuser Kit | Cat Calming Diffuser

A TCS thread on the differences between: Feliway Multicat VS. Optimum: Thoughts?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2024
Thank you all for your useful insights and suggestions.

We did keep Vivi separated from our other cats for a few days, and then introduced her gradually. At first, Zuli didn't seem to mind her at all, but at that time Vivi wasn't really getting in her face. Vivi adjusted perfectly to our home, and it just wouldn't be fair to isolate her now.

As far as putting Zuli in her own room, unfortunately our house doesn't have enough rooms to allow her to be there by herself. And I'm not sure that would help her get acclimated to Vivi. I do think the kitchen is serving as her "safe room." She has her food there, I put many of her favorite toys there. She still has to cross through the house to use our litter boxes (which she does, since I haven't found evidence of her going outside the box). She seems to be eating okay as well. She just says put in her safe spot, either sleeping or just watching, without showing signs of fear or aggressive unless Vivi gets too close. So, I think for now I'll just keep this situation as is. If I notice other signs of constant stress I'll rethink this.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
If you can't keep Vivi and Zuli officially separated, maybe you could at least put the litter boxes in few different locations in the house, just to make it less stressful for Zuli. And when they are near each other, maybe give them both yummy treats to help them associate good things with each other.

Here's one more TCS article that might help have some ideas you could incorporate togive each of your cats the feeling of more of their own space or territory.
How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats) - TheCatSite

There's also this one: The Multi-Cat Household [An Owner's Manual for Healthy, Happy Cats] - TheCatSite