First time cat owner (series of questions; badly need help)


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 10, 2017
I just adopted a 14 months male Persian cat. Prior to adopting him, he was caged almost all the time by the previous owner. I think he's still getting used to affection and roaming free. I've had him for 2 days now, tomorrow being the 3rd, and i'm worried cos i've just barely gained his trust but now I have to leave him alone at home cos I need to go to class (8AM- 7PM). He might get dispirited or something :( What should I do to keep him from getting too sad? Do I let him out of the bedroom? Leaving him makes me anxious.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Hi and welcome to TCS. 

I think he'll be ok since he has free range of your bedroom.  In the beginning it's better to keep them somewhat confined to a smaller space to help settle them in. Sometimes, cats can get overwhelmed by larger spaces when they first arrive to a new home.  While it is a long time period to be on his own, he'll manage. To keep him from being lonely, make sure that you have a good sized cat tree near a window to occupy him with outdoor visual happenings.  Some toys would be great too - I'd suggest one of those track balls, most cats find endless entertainment from them.  A few stuffed catnip toys which he can bat around and chase are ideal also.  

He should have access to food and water.  He's still fairly young and would need more than a senior cat to eat, and probably not used to being on a regular routine yet anyway.  And a clean litter box too of course. Don't keep the box and food near each other, many cats don't like eating near where they eliminate.

My last suggestion is to play with him before you leave the house with a wand type toy.  This will bond him to you in play and, will also help get some excess energy out of him so he'll hopefully be calmer while you're not home.  Repeat when you arrive home, shower him with attention and pets!  

Once you are sure he is comfortable in his new home it will be fine to allow him full access to the home.  You can test that out on the weekend while home from school.

If you have any more questions, we're all here to help!  Would love to see a photo too. What is his name?
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