First Night At Home

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 26, 2017
It's actually a game of nerves. You have to get the cat distracted (hence - the most stinky cat food you can find) and then scoop the bag under her hind quarters and lift her up in the "bag" immediately, definitely and confidently. It's a scoop maneuver definitely. What gave me courage was the thought this little critter would die in the cold if I did not get her to the vet. I prepared mentally for days to take advantage of the one moment when Mouser was not paying attention and could not see me as I approached quietly from behind. And I was fast. It helped to be reading Chuck Norris' autobiography at the time LOL!! Wishing you all the best...
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 26, 2017
Yes, human chicken baby food (any brand. Gerber is what I've used) is often helpful when they don't eat well and are losing weight. It's not complete nutrition, but works in a pinch. It also makes a tasty snack. Very easy for them to eat and digest if they don't feel well.

Scutch still love the taste of friskies. He'll try to get at it when I set it up for the ferals, but I don't let him have it. He tries to eat it even though it messes with his tummy. The Fancy feast medleys is good for Judy (our part time kitty. She won't stay in full time like Scutch, but she stays in when it's cold/nasty out). Her tummy isn't as sensitive as Scutch's. Purina one is easy to find as well. Scutch adores their grain free kibble.

I'm glad she's doing so well. But learn from my mistake, you're probably gonna have to cut her food back a bit soon. Scutch got a bit chubby, cause he kept trying to eat like an outdoor kitty, but was living calmly and warmly inside. (He's still on a diet too, cats have to lose weight very slowly it's very unhealthy for them. Best to not let them get overweight.)
Thank you SO MUCH and Happy New Year! Oh my goodness - after trying (and failing with) the high end grain-free catfood, Gerber's did the trick. I got the little jars of Gerber's chicken and turkey puree (that I used to feed my own human baby 33 years ago) and Miss Mouser slurped it up to the point the bowl was clean. Here is the good part - no running to the litter box and yelping. She obviously has some digestive issues but tonight she seems so much more cheerful and comforted. She did an entire grooming with great satisfaction after her evening meal. If it turns out she is a "special needs" kitty with regard to her tender tummy, I am happy to manage that and SO GRATEFUL for your suggestions.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Awesome news! All of my cats love Gerber chicken, turkey, and ham. :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2016
Long Island, New York
I'm almost embarrassed to admit, after some conventional but failed attempts at trapping for vet/neuter....a battle of a last resort I used a big cardboard box, on its side where nasty, violent Bug became comfortable after a few days/nights. On vet/neuter day...I quietly walked in the room, quickly turned the box up, tossing a small blanket on top of him ...physically holding him down under protection of the blanket ...closed the flaps, trapping the Bug inside. I know I surprised and startled him, blatantly violating his trust. Man, was he pissed off...violently punching at the box to get out. I actually had to tape it shut. Immediately to car and off to the vet...the rest is history.

Certainly not a pretty picture, I look back now and can laugh...but, hey...whatever it their best interests.