FIP diagnosis opinions please


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2016
So my nearly 3 year old cat was diagnosed with FIP :( she has had significant amount of weight loss. The vet that examined her said her kidneys and bowel was enlarged. She has no fever and no swelling of the abdomen. The vet was quick to diagnosis her with FIP and asked if I wanted to euthanize her. I said no and was told with some morphibe Kitty would be okay till Monday to euthanise her then. No blood work IR xrays were dibe the diagnosis was made solely on feeling Kitty's abdomen and what I had told her.

The more I research into FIP the more u think kitty hasn't got it. The only sign she has is weight loss. Kitty has been acting like her usual self since we got home, she's been eating and drinking and even chased and ate a mouse yesterday! We are going to another vet tomorrow to get a second opinion. We think she may have ingested poison as we live on a kiwi fruit orchard in which case the outcome is the same :(

I cannot bring myself to euthanize my kitty when I know she still has quality of life. Anyone else have experience with FIP?


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
I'm glad you are getting a second opinion! Other than weight loss what other symptoms has your kitty shown? How long has this been going on?

I'm so sorry you and kitty are going through this :hugs:

I would be very hesitant to believe a vet that didn't do any thing other than a physical exam and was quite quick to offer euthanasia also!

There are a few members/advisors that have experience with FIP and I'm sure they will be around soon to offer advice and support. Until then I wanted you to know that someone cares and is thinking of you and your kitty. Sending healing and positive vibes that you get a more helpful vet and a better diagnosis! :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2016
Thank you so much! So kind. The only other symptom would be lathargy but that would come with weight loss. The more I thought about and talked to my family about it the more I think the diagnosis is wrong. I'm clinging onto hope that's its something that can be treated but sadly I don't think it is :(


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 15, 2015
Dekalb, Il
Thank you so much! So kind. The only other symptom would be lathargy but that would come with weight loss. The more I thought about and talked to my family about it the more I think the diagnosis is wrong. I'm clinging onto hope that's its something that can be treated but sadly I don't think it is
I'm sorry your going through this FIP is a horrific thing I had it with Sera's sister Tsuki at 8 months old. The symptoms I remember were...

1. Sudden weight loss

2. Refusal to eat (had to force feed)

3. Sleeping in weird places (like on top of my cable modem suspect warmth was a factor).

4. Hiding under my bed, in my closet, in the enclosed litter box, behind my computer monitor etc.

5. At the end she was walking like a drunk

I have the video from the night before I got the diagnosis I'll see about finding it now.

Found this list from around that time as well I had posted it on another site with the videos. It was some days before the diagnosis that it came up the videos from the night before/morning of diagnosis

1. Mucus
2. Bloody mucus
3. Just blood from her nose
4. Difficulty breathing
5. Lethargy (sleeping all the time)
6. Hiding (mostly in my closet or behind my monitor)

If I recall the weight loss was something around 5% in 12 days but I didn't have a baby scale or anything like that only a postal scale but I do know it dropped quite a bit.

Can't say I have much faith in the vets method of "Diagnosis" though seems strange to me. Even when a blood test is done FIP is a nightmare to confirm (they had found fluid in her lungs I believe it was and numbers that suggested FIP in the bloodwork). I wish I could better explain it but it'

I suspected FIP in Tsuki's case for at least a few weeks unfortunately (but told myself I was just going nuts) sadly sometimes our instincts are a little too good. I hope your case will be different seeing the effects of FIP is horrible I wouldn't wish it on anyone since it's burned into my own mind.
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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
FIP, especially dry FIP is very difficult to diagnose.  In fact it is impossible to get a confirmed diagnosis.  There are blood test results that are highly suspicious and point to FIP.  Those blood test results along with symptoms make FIP a high probability.  Your kitty needs to have blood work done.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2016
Thank you. How far in did your cat start walking like that? It is one truely horrible disease! I'm sorry you had to go through it. Its so heartbreaking :(


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 15, 2015
Dekalb, Il
and later this

Tsuki's paw print was taken before she was euthanized and while they prepared everything. I stayed with her till sometime after she departed this world though it was hard because I knew if I didn't I'd regret it for the rest of my life. Sera/Vincents on the other hand I bought don't remember the exact date though but both were pretty much adults already (Sera is the tabby Tsuki's sister).  On the plates are Tsuki's name and date of birth/death and on the other one is Sea/Vincent's names and date of birth/adoption.

Want to add a note though my vet when she diagnosed Tsuki wanted to try extending her life and did what could be done. A part of me regrets forcing her through that but I wanted to try and save her so I think if I hadn't done it I'd be filled with regret still. It just all seemed unreal when you adopt two kittens in your lifetime and suddenly to find that out.

Regardless of what is going on though and regardless of what happened it can be worse in Tsuki's case it was hard to find good in it but even if it was for only a few months she had a permanent home where she knew nothing but love and I would have done anything if it meant I could have pulled her back.

Take care of yourself I hope the vet is proven wrong.
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white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi keeley26 and welcome to the forum !

Good on you - and good for your kitty! - for walking away from there! What an incompetent! (that is, unless s/he has some hitherto unknown extraordinary 6th sense....or, perhaps some crystal ball in the back room from which s/he makes their diagnoses)

There's another lesson in your experience as well: never, ever make irrevocable decisions 'on the spot'....we should always give ourselves the benefit of some time to seek out wise counsel, to ask questions, seek and consider options.

There is a FIP online community......that's where I'd be posting my story and where I'd expect to get the best of advice to deal with the 'diagnosis' issue....

Here's what I said about those people to another member in a similar position to yours....

One thing: do keep us posted with updates as you pursue an answer (pictures would be great too!)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 13, 2016
Southern CA
Even if by some odd chance your cat does have FIP, and I'm glad you are getting a second opinion, if she is acting pretty normal then it's not time to euthanize! My gosh, that vet has her priorities a bit out of whack! Reminds me of that saying "shoot first, ask questions later". You have already asked yourself the most important question, "does my kitty have quality of life?" A vet once said, you don't euthanize until kitty has 4 good days & 3 bad days per week. You want to prevent more bad days than good. It's just a guideline.
Hang in there & I hope your kitty gets well soon!
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2016
So we just got back from the vet. The vet thinks the mass in her bowel is cancer and she has some degree of kidney failure. We are awaiting the blood test result to know what stage the kidney failure is at. If it is end stage she will be palliative care if it is early we can investigate the cancer. How big it is and how many organs are affected. Depending on the result of the cancer investigation we can discuss if surgery could be an option. The vet sound the prognosis is poor and he's never seen this cancer in a cat so young before. So even though the prognosis is poor its still better than putting her down today like originally suggested!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2016
I've enrolled my dog at this vet too. He's much better


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 15, 2015
Dekalb, Il
Sorry about the lack of response (have to move Saturday blah) and sorry to hear about the diagnoses.  I hope things work out for you and you and Kitty and you have at least more time with her instead of less.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I've had experience with both FIP and cancer in cats. My cat also had a tumor in her bowel. For a while they couldn't figure out what kind of cancer, so the only option was surgery - last ditch effort. Found out it was mast cell, removed the tumor, got her chemo and she lived another 2 years. She was older than your kitty, maybe 12, we never did know since she was a rescue. If surgery is an option and you can afford it, you might want to go that route. I really felt like the surgery was the only shot she had, and in the end I don't know what she actually died of because they never found the cancer had returned. She just stopped eating and kept losing weight.  I am so very sorry you are going through this, and I hope very much you can find some way to help your kitty, be it surgery or palliative.  I'm glad you didn't just jump and put her down when the vet wanted to. I have zero respect for vets who suggest that with no real diagnosis and no attempt to find something.  My experience with FIP was a young cat who suddenly got a very high fever, and she lived maybe another 2 months with our and our wonderful vet's care. FIP is horrible. So is cancer.