

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2020
I'm not sure how to start this, so I am just going to jump into it.

We have many cats around our neighborhood, but two of them really stay around our house 85% of the time. We have started to take care of these two cats by feeding them a lot and giving them attention, that sort of stuff. The first one that came around we have officially adopted and his name is Midnight. We have taken him to the vet although we still really need to get him neutured, and the vet estimated that he is a little over a year old. The other cat is named Oscar, and he came around probably within a month of Midnight showing up, but they couldn't look more different, so we are pretty sure they do not come from the same litter. We have not officially adopted Oscar because we already have 2 other inside cats and my mom doesn't want any more cats.

As of right now, Midnight is mostly still an outdoor cat. He doesn't like to stay inside for long periods of time which is most likely because he can only stay in the laundry room, otherwise he sprays all over the house. (If we get him neutured, is it likely that the spraying inside the house will stop.) He also will poop and pee inside the house despite us getting him a litterbox for just him.

Oscar is completely an outside cat. He is a complete sweetheart though and really loves attention and pets. He is almost always around our house. It is very rare to walk outside and him not be there. We most likely do not have plans to adopt him as an inside cat, but as long as he is around, we will take care of him as an outside cat.

Here is our problem. Midnight is becoming VERY territorial. He growls and attacks Oscar at least once a day and at this point, Oscar is getting very beat up. It has gotten much worse I would say in the past two weeks. Before that, Midnight would yowl at Oscar, but they weren't really getting super physical. We would break up a fight about once every week and they were nothing compared to what they are now. In those two weeks, things have gotten a lot worse. We break up a fight every single day and if we have to sit outside all the time just to make sure they aren't getting near each other. The left side of Oscar's neck is almost completely bald from ripped out hair and there are scratches all over that area. (These seem to be mostly healed even though they happened sometime last week.) He has two quarter-sized wounds behind both of his ears that he keeps scratching open and they bleed. And this morning, we left the house and they must have had a massive fight. The yard was filled with clumps of fur. (Those came from Midnight because they were all black and white and Oscar is orange.) Oscar was on our porch, and he was bleeding a lot from his foot and a little above his eye. Midnight has been taken in the house and isn't going to be let back out today because we can't babysit them constantly.

I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what we should do. Midnight is really beating Oscar up, and we don't know how to get him to stop.

P.S. I forgot to mention that Midnight is VERY sweet with people and with our female cats. The only problems that he has is with other male cats a.k.a. Oscar and our neighbors older cat Burney. Midnight and Burney do not get into fights, but Burney will hiss at him. Oh and sorry if this is a little jumbled.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
It is all well and good to feed these cats and love on them. But it is not enough.

The sooner BOTH tomcats are neutered the better. It will still take 6 weeks or so after the operations for the hormones to completely leave their bodies. And since they have "learned" to fight there may still be some aggression between Midnight and Oscar. But without the neutering surgery it definitely will not stop.

The two wounds behind Oscar's ears that he keeps scratching open sounds like he has ear mites. Vet can check this out while he's being neutered and provide medication.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2020
It is all well and good to feed these cats and love on them. But it is not enough.

The sooner BOTH tomcats are neutered the better. It will still take 6 weeks or so after the operations for the hormones to completely leave their bodies. And since they have "learned" to fight there may still be some aggression between Midnight and Oscar. But without the neutering surgery it definitely will not stop.

The two wounds behind Oscar's ears that he keeps scratching open sounds like he has ear mites. Vet can check this out while he's being neutered and provide medication.
Thank you for that information. We really need to get them neutered, but there are few options of places where we can take them where I live. Do you have any estimates of how much it will cost. The internet said $50-$200, but that is a very large range.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Prices vary depending on where you are. It is less expensive to neuter a tomcat than to spay a female cat.

In your other thread you mentioned taking the new, third cat to your vet. Have you called to ask what they charge to neuter a tomcat? Do they have a discount for multiple cats from one household neutered at the same time?