Feral kitten foster meowing strangely

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
Current situation, mama is outside meowing for baby again in response to baby yelling. I don’t know if I just hadn’t been able to heard it before or she hasn’t done this for a while or what.

im not realistically willing or able to bring mama inside. The trap and release program near me has been unresponsive, no rescues near me take ferals, and for some reason animal control no longer comes to this area.

i need to know if it’s better to let this kitten outside back to its mom and just try to catch it again later to get it fixed, or if I should keep it inside and just help it through this.

white shadow white shadow catsknowme catsknowme

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
I was prepping a detailed reply to previous issues - will post that later.

First off, take a deep breath. Realistically, it will take some time to fully resolve this situation.

Immediately, why not simply allow the mom to stay around and keep the kitten inside.....while you look a little further afield for a rescue organization ?

I suspect that there are still some organizations you're not aware of. Many of these are large prominent groups, but there are usually other smaller ones that operate below most folks' 'radar'. Try Googling exactly this: "cat rescue in (your city and state)". These organizations will have humane traps and most will lend them out - but, you might also luck into one that would also take the cats.
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
I was prepping a detailed reply to previous issues - will post that later.

First off, take a deep breath. Realistically, it will take some time to fully resolve this situation.

Immediately, why not simply allow the mom to stay around and keep the kitten inside.....while you look a little further afield for a rescue organization ?

I suspect that there are still some organizations you're not aware of. Many of these are large prominent groups, but there are usually other smaller ones that operate below most folks' 'radar'. Try Googling exactly this: "cat rescue in (your city and state)". These organizations will have humane traps and most will lend them out - but, you might also luck into one that would also take the cats.
I’m not panicking or anything. You said the only humane thing to do was reunite them, and I’m not able to do that inside.

the kitten is walking up to me now, I think it would be possible to socialize it if it was outside if I keep feeding it and spending time with it out there.

i can keep looking for rescues, but I want to know what the best thing for the kitten is as of the current situation.
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
white shadow white shadow also I purchased a trap already because the TNR program wasn’t getting back to me (and yes it’s humane I didn’t purchase a bear trap or anything)

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
You type/post quicker than I can think :flail:

FIRST: a BTW........more likely than not, the mom is not truly feral, but a stray cat. When you're dealing with these organizations, it would be best that you use the term "stray". Yes, she seems wild (you're probably thinking ferocious!), but, chances are, she's not really a "wild" cat. All of these organizations are bound to respond more favourably to stray than feral......it's just reality. So, because I can't remember what you may have said before, if, with any of the places you called you called them feral....call back (as if it's your first time calling) and tell them you have a stray mom and kitten - with the kitten in your house - and see if that might engage them. Do that NOW.

OK - given the change you've described in the kitten (in the 12 hours between your posts back there) and that the kitten is no longer so distressed, then I feel it's OK to continue to hold the kitten. How's that?

Now, carry on, calling the refusing agencies first about STRAYS :crackup:

Just caught your comment about "humane"........I can't quite interpret that but,.so you know, I was using the term that's common to TNR programs....it's common parlance in the "industry". I intended no reference to you personally, so there's no misunderstanding here.
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
You type/post quicker than I can think :flail:

FIRST: a BTW........more likely than not, the mom is not truly feral, but a stray cat. When you're dealing with these organizations, it would be best that you use the term "stray". Yes, she seems wild (you're probably thinking ferocious!), but, chances are, she's not really a "wild" cat. All of these organizations are bound to respond more favourably to stray than feral......it's just reality. So, because I can't remember what you may have said before, if, with any of the places you called you called them feral....call back (as if it's your first time calling) and tell them you have a stray mom and kitten - with the kitten in your house - and see if that might engage them. Do that NOW.

OK - given the change you've described in the kitten (in the 12 hours between your posts back there) and that the kitten is no longer so distressed, then I feel it's OK to continue to hold the kitten. How's that?

Now, carry on, calling the refusing agencies first about STRAYS :crackup:

Just caught your comment about "humane"........I can't quite interpret that but,.so you know, I was using the term that's common to TNR programs....it's common parlance in the "industry". I intended no reference to you personally, so there's no misunderstanding here.
I think mama might be feral, because I remember seeing her before when she was smaller/a kitten, and I’ve only lived here like a year, but I could be wrong. Nothings open yet here but I’ll call places later saying they’re stray.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Still, I'd urge you not to use that term when trying to get help for her. It tends to put up barriers with most rescue groups - it's off-putting.

Meantime, we have seen hundreds of unsocial cats here on the Forum who have been taken in and "socialized" - these represent the vast majority of 'street' cats. If you have time, have a read through this thread: https://thecatsite.com/threads/my-feral-and-rescued-cats.365435/page-374

BTW, there's someone else in a similar position to yours: https://thecatsite.com/threads/feral-cat-with-3-week-old-kittens.418020
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
Still, I'd urge you not to use that term when trying to get help for her. It tends to put up barriers with most rescue groups - it's off-putting.

Meantime, we have seen hundreds of unsocial cats here on the Forum who have been taken in and "socialized" - these represent the vast majority of 'street' cats. If you have time, have a read through this thread: https://thecatsite.com/threads/my-feral-and-rescued-cats.365435/page-374

BTW, there's someone else in a similar position to yours: https://thecatsite.com/threads/feral-cat-with-3-week-old-kittens.418020
Yes, I will say stray! Thank you for the advice, and I will take a look at these forums
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
I’ve been looking through rescues and reached out to one, but the majority around here are either explicitly not taking strays, not taking cats, or have stopped taking animals at all. I think covid has caused a lot of services to be more limited or overwhelmed.

the reason I’ve been unwilling to bring mama inside is that the one room I feel like would work for both of them (My bedroom) has a hole in the wall that for some reason the previous owner built in there, as well as a lot of books and things that could be shredded. I’m also concerned that if I use a trap on it once, then I won’t be able to get it into another confined space when it’s time for her to get fixed.

I could move things out of the room or at least into the closet, and I could try to block off the hole but there’s a risk it could get out anyway. I blocked it off before for my cat, and she’s not particularly crafty and she still managed to escape. But I’m not sure what to do once she’s inside. Whether or not she’s actually stray or feral, I doubt I could socialize her and I don’t have a large crate or cage or anything like that for her to have an isolated den in the room, and I don’t have a car to go get one

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Just one additional thought - if your town/city has an animal control service/department, call them up and find out what exactly they do with stray cats. It could be that, because of all the Covid issues, they have made direct arrangements with local shelters to take them. I said "exactly" because you certainly wouldn't want to expose the mom to any chance of being euthanized. Does your local government have its own shelter? Is it "no kill"?
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  • #31


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
Just one additional thought - if your town/city has an animal control service/department, call them up and find out what exactly they do with stray cats. It could be that, because of all the Covid issues, they have made direct arrangements with local shelters to take them. I said "exactly" because you certainly wouldn't want to expose the mom to any chance of being euthanized. Does your local government have its own shelter? Is it "no kill"?
We have animal control, but I’ve been told they don’t come to our neighborhood now, and one website refers me to a hotline I’ve already called and another say they aren’t accepting cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Kudos for making progress with the kitten - definitely keep it inside or it will revert. I have a feral colony in my yard and for several years dealt with "stealing" babies. Once the kittens were very tame, I take them outside & show the moms - they do not forget their children and it gives them reassurance to see baby in your lap, playing with a teaser and purring up a storm. Getting mama cat fixed will be a huge blessing. I would ask the TNR group which vets are experienced with ferals. Ask vets if they accept PayPal in case you need to do crowdfunding. It would be wise to get mom fixed soon while she is still staying near her kitten & before she goes into season and wanders off to find a mate. Thank you for the updates & please keep them coming.
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  • #33


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
Kudos for making progress with the kitten - definitely keep it inside or it will revert. I have a feral colony in my yard and for several years dealt with "stealing" babies. Once the kittens were very tame, I take them outside & show the moms - they do not forget their children and it gives them reassurance to see baby in your lap, playing with a teaser and purring up a storm. Getting mama cat fixed will be a huge blessing. I would ask the TNR group which vets are experienced with ferals. Ask vets if they accept PayPal in case you need to do crowdfunding. It would be wise to get mom fixed soon while she is still staying near her kitten & before she goes into season and wanders off to find a mate. Thank you for the updates & please keep them coming.
Thank you for the advice, I’ll definitely show her the baby is okay when I can. And I already have an appointment made and am covering the cost, but the earliest I could get was September 9th. (I made the appointment about two weeks ago)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
You are doing great. Don’t give up! Please DO NOT put the baby back out. You are making great progress now. Baby is in the bathroom? Mom could go in there too. Mom is probably very worried about her baby and vice versa. I have had the opportunity to reunite families and it was the most heartwarming thing I have ever experienced. Hard to manage? Worth every second. I have brought in a large number of strays and ferals and had to use a bathroom to hold some of them while I socialized them. Even old cats can be socialized. Some become more lap cats than others but I have had great success with them all. Even if they must become inside/outside cats later, this will make your life and theirs much easier. No more having to “ catch them” for any reason since they will come to you. A porch or garage or even something like a catio might be arranged later. First things first.
I find that laying on the floor, belly up, works well when getting the trust of a kitty. Leaving a shirt or blanket that has your scent where they can examine it also helps. Hand feeding is huge! Food is something a mother brings to baby and other ferals would share with the mother. It is a very strong bonding tool. Gerber 2nd foods all meat baby food is a good lure. It can work for the mom too. Trapping her is great but I was also able to gain the trust of ferals. It takes a lot of patience but it can work. Put food nearby and just keep her company if she will allow it. Try again each day. In time she should allow it. You can move the food closer over time and finally just put it in the trap. When you have her you also have some established trust. She’ll still be scared but if there is any way you can reunite her with the baby, she should settle down quickly. In fact, seeing her baby trust you will help her to trust you.
Moving food with the baby will help too. Move babies food dish closer each day as you sit nearby. Eventually you should be able to put the dish in your lap and baby will voluntarily climb up.
As for rescues, I don’t know where you are but I live in a place that refused cats long before covid. Persistence in every thing you do with cats pays off. Repetition in cat care and in calling, texting, emailing and asking everyone, “if you can’t help me, do you know someone else I can try?” I was at my wits end at first. Over a hundred cats and kittens needed emergency help. I had no idea of how to get help. I was so very frustrated but kept bugging every good rescue group and kept searching for new ones. I even called out of state. It worked! It took time but it finally paid off! Many dozens found great homes. I also found groups that helped with spays and neuters. Next door.org is a place where you might find someone to help. Alley Cat Allies is another. I know Covid has caused a slow down but I stay current with the situation and there are still fosters and others trying to help. I know it’s hard but the further along you get the kitten and mom , the easier it gets to find help or a home.
I am very grateful to you for helping these kitties! We need many more people out there like you. If you are a kitty guardian, you are a kitty hero! :clap2::goldstar:
Please keep us updated.
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  • #35


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
You are doing great. Don’t give up! Please DO NOT put the baby back out. You are making great progress now. Baby is in the bathroom? Mom could go in there too. Mom is probably very worried about her baby and vice versa. I have had the opportunity to reunite families and it was the most heartwarming thing I have ever experienced. Hard to manage? Worth every second. I have brought in a large number of strays and ferals and had to use a bathroom to hold some of them while I socialized them. Even old cats can be socialized. Some become more lap cats than others but I have had great success with them all. Even if they must become inside/outside cats later, this will make your life and theirs much easier. No more having to “ catch them” for any reason since they will come to you. A porch or garage or even something like a catio might be arranged later. First things first.
I find that laying on the floor, belly up, works well when getting the trust of a kitty. Leaving a shirt or blanket that has your scent where they can examine it also helps. Hand feeding is huge! Food is something a mother brings to baby and other ferals would share with the mother. It is a very strong bonding tool. Gerber 2nd foods all meat baby food is a good lure. It can work for the mom too. Trapping her is great but I was also able to gain the trust of ferals. It takes a lot of patience but it can work. Put food nearby and just keep her company if she will allow it. Try again each day. In time she should allow it. You can move the food closer over time and finally just put it in the trap. When you have her you also have some established trust. She’ll still be scared but if there is any way you can reunite her with the baby, she should settle down quickly. In fact, seeing her baby trust you will help her to trust you.
Moving food with the baby will help too. Move babies food dish closer each day as you sit nearby. Eventually you should be able to put the dish in your lap and baby will voluntarily climb up.
As for rescues, I don’t know where you are but I live in a place that refused cats long before covid. Persistence in every thing you do with cats pays off. Repetition in cat care and in calling, texting, emailing and asking everyone, “if you can’t help me, do you know someone else I can try?” I was at my wits end at first. Over a hundred cats and kittens needed emergency help. I had no idea of how to get help. I was so very frustrated but kept bugging every good rescue group and kept searching for new ones. I even called out of state. It worked! It took time but it finally paid off! Many dozens found great homes. I also found groups that helped with spays and neuters. Next door.org is a place where you might find someone to help. Alley Cat Allies is another. I know Covid has caused a slow down but I stay current with the situation and there are still fosters and others trying to help. I know it’s hard but the further along you get the kitten and mom , the easier it gets to find help or a home.
I am very grateful to you for helping these kitties! We need many more people out there like you. If you are a kitty guardian, you are a kitty hero! :clap2::goldstar:
Please keep us updated.
Thanks so much!

my main concern with catching mama is the upcoming appointment; I’m not sure how I would get it to the vet if it’s not calmed down by then
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  • #36


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
Kitten has been yelling a lot less today, I think it’s been sleeping more which is good.

if I’m able to keep mama in the bathroom, then I could take her in. I am a little worried about the logistics. I would need to be able to get the kitten to the vet in about two weeks, and then her to the vet a week after that, and also socialize the kitten while the mom is there and doesn’t fully trust me? If anyone has specific advice on how I could do that, I would appreciate it.

And for rescues, I can’t keep them long term, because my place has a two pet policy, and I have a cat already who unfortunately is easily bullied. I think I could manage to integrate the kitten into the home, but not the mom, and maybe if they’re this bonded they would have to be adopted out together. But, in the meantime, I have the money to take care of them, and I work from home, so I’m able to at least sit in there with them during the day.

I’ve been feeding mama once a day for over a month and I think I could get her into a trap. My main concern is how to get her to the vet after that.

also, the kitten is approaching me, but it doesn’t let me approach it at all just yet; as a general update


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I am very short on time tonight as I have a Spay scheduled early but if you read some of the links sent by W whiteshadow until I return, it might help. Here are a few photos that may show how a feral mom and kittens began to trust. The mom saw the kittens trust first. If you bring mom in, she will very likely retreat to the cage if you cover it in the bathroom which would allow you to work with the kitten more. Food is key. I hope you don’t mind if I post some photos to help.
This mother was very defensive.

The kittens did not trust.

First moments after capture and she guarded kittens.

I kept the cage covered but they were still afraid.

Making small progress.

First touches.

After using a wand toy to get the kittens closer to me and being touched regularly, the mom allowed touch. It took time but she did become a lap cat. The kittens all got homes. It’s often easier to find a rescue to take a kitten or a mom and kitten than just a grown mom. This mom remains with me.
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
I don’t have a cage, I just have the bathroom. There’s a carrier in here but the kitten hasn’t gone in it at all, and the mama stuck her head in it before (failed kitten trap attempt... she ate the bait) and it seemed too small for her. So I don’t know what I can do to get the mama out of the bathroom once she is in.

i know that these things are possible. What I don’t know is the specific steps of getting a feral cat into a carrier and then to the vet.

And if I need a cage, I don’t know if I can get one here before they’ve already been separated for a while, and I’ve been told they might not recognize each other if the kittens scent is different.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US

Here's help for part of your question.

The other part, of getting the trapped cat to the vet (in a covered trap, having a big towel over the trap helps keep them a little calmer), I'm not sure I understand what your concerns are.

This may help too,
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  • #40


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 16, 2020
good morning. The issue I meant is once I let mama loose in the bathroom, I do not know how specifically to get her into a carrier so I can get her to the vet.

but, I’ve slept on it. I have a tendency to get kind of fixated on things I think I should do without fully thinking it through, and I realized that was what I was doing yesterday.

I am going to proceed with my original plan of socializing the kitten here and adopting it if it gets along with my cat (if not I will find it a good home). Then I will TNR the mom on the ninth.

Kitten (who i haven’t mentioned is named Boggy) was much quieter last night, and is coming right out of hiding when I come into the room. It ate food within a foot of me and last night it came up and flopped on its back to lick at my hand.

Boggy is making good progress, and as soon as it is vaccinated I will start the process of introducing it to my cat. Mama is in a good place, because she’s in my backyard for about 90% of the day and it’s closed off by a wall. She is feral and I do not want to throw a feral cat who is in a safe place and going to be fixed to an already overwhelmed rescue.

they yelled back and forth again this morning, but then mama walked away in the middle of it so I think she’s probably fine. I think she was mostly responding to the sound of another cat.

I have not pet Boggy yet, but since it’s eating so close to me and sitting out with me I think I will be able to do that today.

Thank you all for your advice, but based on the variety of resources I’ve gone to along with feedback from several people, this is the plan I’m going with. I will continue to post updates here as it’s relevant (though I have some problems with my memory so that might fall off, apologies if I stop.)