Feral Had Amputation


Mother of Cats
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 24, 2017
Sunny California
Hello. I rescued a feral kitten a few days ago who had been hit by a car. He's had a bit of human interaction in his short life. I took him to the vet where he had his back leg amputated. I brought him home and he hadn't gone to thr bathroom sense so back to the vet we went. The vet didnt close the carrier all the way after our trip and on my way to my apartment from my car he escaped :( I want to know his chances of being okay or even being caught again if I set the trap back up


Wild and Wonderful Animal Rescue Director
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2016
Morgantown, WV
How old is the kitten? How far is your apartment from the place where you caught it before? Poor thing is probably so scared and in pain. Do you have access to a drop trap? I would try to lure him out with KFC
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Mother of Cats
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 24, 2017
Sunny California
How old is the kitten? How far is your apartment from the place where you caught it before? Poor thing is probably so scared and in pain. Do you have access to a drop trap? I would try to lure him out with KFC
I caught him at my my place of work after someone told me a little kitten got hit by a car ots about ten minutes. He got out about 20 steps from my door :( ran down the ally. Set up a trap today someone sprung it but no catch. Gonna put food out tonight try to keep him close. Luckily they neutered him during amputation so if he heals okay he won't add to population. I got several neighbors on alert as well.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
I am reminded of the "joke advertisement" I heard years ago.
Missing, cat with 3 legs, half his tail gone and blind in one eye. Answers to the name of Lucky"
With a very distinguishing trait like having only three legs people will most likely notice him. So you could have good success getting input from your neighbors. Emphasize that loss as that is what will stick in peoples minds, and it is very unlikely that there is another with the same loss in the near area.
As far as his chances of survival, it's hard to say. It takes time to adapt to a loss like that. Things like jumping up or down and climbing will be a problem until he learns to adapt. I think his biggest risk is predators and cars until he learns to be fast and agile again. Most likely he is going to find a quiet safe place to hole up for a week until he can get his mobility back. If you want to search, look in places where he can hide and rest and recover. He will unlikely come out of hiding even for food until he can move confidently again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Is he just a little kitten or a teenage kitten? If he's older, I think his chances of survival are good. The 3 days after a surgery are the most important for healing, so he's had that. Of course he's in a strange area so that's against him, but if he was good at surviving at his old place he should figure it out in that neighborhood too.

If he's just little I'm not sure :/. Depends how well his mama taught him.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I'm so sorry for you - - I'm sure you're sick with worry. You were trying to do the best thing for him ----scratch that - - you DID do the best thing for him. Sometimes things just happen.

I will tell you that we had two very feral kittens (app 12 weeks) that my husband and I had brought in to socialize. Unfortunately 2 (it was a litter of 3) they get sick within a week of bringing them in, and we had to take them to the vet - no option, unfortunately. We finally got the needed 2 into a crate (I figured we'd have to retrap - and thanked our lucky stars when we didn't). As we're carrying the crate to the car - - my husband sets the carrier on the driveway so that he can open the car door. As he goes to pick up the carrier - he someone snagged the carrier door and, you guessed it - the door swung open - - -both kittens off like a flash (obviously forgetting they were so sick they could barely move a few minutes before). Long story short - we did catch both. Flash forward 8 weeks....we're taking both to the vet to be neutered as they'd put on some nice weight, gotten very healthy, and finally were socialized enough to adopt out. Put both into a carrier - I laughingly say "you've got them shut in well, right? Check the locks ok!?" Ha ha ho ho. He double checks the carrier door latch. All's well. As he goes to pick up the carrier - - two of the screws holding the carrier together snap (yup - like twigs!) - - both kittens off like a shot!!! At least now they know their names, so we start calling. And calling. And calling. And did I tell you the one was HORRIBLY afraid of thunderstorms? He was. We got ahold of his brother, get him into the carrier. Then - as I'm thinking "How am I going to call their new forever mom and say 'I know you wanted to pick up two kittens - but wouldn't one be great too!?!?" I spot him. Two feet away - - -crouched in some ivy! Almost there!!! Then....yup. Not even forecast - -a giant, out of the blue lightning and thunder storm! VERY loud - very windy - tons of thunder - you name it. It actually turned out to be a good thing - - -it terrified him so much he was afraid to move an inch from where he was crouched in the ivy! I scruffed him - - - - stuffed him into a second carrier. Fast forward again two years - - -- both kittens - now cats - - - are very healthy, happy, and love their mom and forever home. And my husband doesn't get to load the cats in the car anymore :)

Keep us posted -- - keep looking ---hopefully he's hunkered down, healing. Fingers crossed you find him shortly!
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Mother of Cats
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 24, 2017
Sunny California
I'm so sorry for you - - I'm sure you're sick with worry. You were trying to do the best thing for him ----scratch that - - you DID do the best thing for him. Sometimes things just happen.

I will tell you that we had two very feral kittens (app 12 weeks) that my husband and I had brought in to socialize. Unfortunately 2 (it was a litter of 3) they get sick within a week of bringing them in, and we had to take them to the vet - no option, unfortunately. We finally got the needed 2 into a crate (I figured we'd have to retrap - and thanked our lucky stars when we didn't). As we're carrying the crate to the car - - my husband sets the carrier on the driveway so that he can open the car door. As he goes to pick up the carrier - he someone snagged the carrier door and, you guessed it - the door swung open - - -both kittens off like a flash (obviously forgetting they were so sick they could barely move a few minutes before). Long story short - we did catch both. Flash forward 8 weeks....we're taking both to the vet to be neutered as they'd put on some nice weight, gotten very healthy, and finally were socialized enough to adopt out. Put both into a carrier - I laughingly say "you've got them shut in well, right? Check the locks ok!?" Ha ha ho ho. He double checks the carrier door latch. All's well. As he goes to pick up the carrier - - two of the screws holding the carrier together snap (yup - like twigs!) - - both kittens off like a shot!!! At least now they know their names, so we start calling. And calling. And calling. And did I tell you the one was HORRIBLY afraid of thunderstorms? He was. We got ahold of his brother, get him into the carrier. Then - as I'm thinking "How am I going to call their new forever mom and say 'I know you wanted to pick up two kittens - but wouldn't one be great too!?!?" I spot him. Two feet away - - -crouched in some ivy! Almost there!!! Then....yup. Not even forecast - -a giant, out of the blue lightning and thunder storm! VERY loud - very windy - tons of thunder - you name it. It actually turned out to be a good thing - - -it terrified him so much he was afraid to move an inch from where he was crouched in the ivy! I scruffed him - - - - stuffed him into a second carrier. Fast forward again two years - - -- both kittens - now cats - - - are very healthy, happy, and love their mom and forever home. And my husband doesn't get to load the cats in the car anymore :)

Keep us posted -- - keep looking ---hopefully he's hunkered down, healing. Fingers crossed you find him shortly!
Ive seen him one time so i put food out im just happy hes okay. We are allowed to trap again at my job so i just got another older kitten he's lucky he just need to be socialized and rid of ear mites hes in our bathroom for now