Feral Female Cat, Chloe


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 6, 2015
I have some good family friends that rescued a kitty 6 months ago. They knew she was going to be skittish, but it turns out that shes almost completely feral. She hides from everyone. If you try to come near her, she bolts! She has made her home in the basement of their house. No one is able to touch her. Their 18 year old daughters room is in the basement, so she has been able to get close to their cat Chloe. If she tries to pet, Chloe bolts. Chloe also pees all over everything in the basement. Four days ago, the family and I managed to catch her after an hour and a half of trying. She went to the vet and got fixed, and utd on vaccines. She is now in a large wire dog kennel while she recovers. The family is worried about having to let her out. Does anyone have any good tips on taming this kitty? Shes never been aggressive, even when we were trying to catch her. She just seems scared. Has anyone seen any success with using Feliway to help calm cats?
Also, how likely is it that she will stop using the bathroom everywhere in the basement since she got spayed? Are there any suggestions on how to prevent the messes? They have 2 litter boxes downstairs and 1 other tame, neutered cat that Chloe gets along with very well.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Did the vet check Chloe for an UTI? That can cause peeing outside the litter box. If the problem isn't medical, then it could be a territorial thing.

Here's a few articles with more info:
How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Litterbox Problems? Here's Why You Should Call Your Vet
Inappropriate Peeing, Spraying, Toy Obsession And Leg And Hand Nipping
Spraying: When Your Cat Uses Urine To Mark Territory

Also, let your friends know that only an enzyme cleaner will totally remove the urine scent. If she can still smell it, she may continue peeing in the same areas.

How To Remove Cat Urine Odor From Your Home

Also, here's articles on:
How To Get A Cat To Come Out Of Hiding?
10 Must-know Tips For Happy Living With A Shy Cat
16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats

Cat Aggression Toward People

Is Your Cat Stressed Out?
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats

Also this one is for ferals, but might have some tips that could help with her:
Handling Feral Cats