Feral cat under my home Help.

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  • #104

Dog Lover 100

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Young Cat
Apr 10, 2020
Thank You for the link. I'm Leaning towards Bodhi From that Movie point Break. was Patrick Swayze Character's name.
Still looking tho. No rush ty again Stay Safe


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OH GOD! YOU FELL FOR THE BELLEH LURE! See, here's the thing...showing the belly can mean one of two things, and telling the difference is really hard! It might mean, "Rub here, please!" OR it might mean, "I trust you enough to show you my very vulnerable underside, and I trust you enough NOT to touch it!" Assume the second meaning until you know him very, very, VERY well, indeed!

There's always Araphel, the Canaanite god of divine darkness.
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  • #108

Dog Lover 100

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Young Cat
Apr 10, 2020
Update.....Still no name. I may not keep him...he meows all day every day...front door ...back door every 5 min...meow till I open door to front porch....has been meowing 2 hours on the porch so far (non stop this particular time)....won't stop....if I let him in...5 min later back to meowing to get on porch again....For my own sanity had to resort to Ignoring him....Disturbing neighbors at all hours of the day or night. Its not about females nearby....has escaped twice always comes back within 24 hours...camps out under home across street...then comes back....bathroom time outs don't work....too hot in Florida to just release him. At my wits end....I am the most patient person in the world but almost done.....ready to take him to a no kill rescue....Meows so much he gets horse...doesn't stop him from meowing....just keeps meowing till voice starts cracking from over use....I believe he has mental issues from being on his own for many months. At the end of my rope. home is well marked (another negative) I know I know cat urine cleaners....he just re marks so doesn't help.
covid keeping me from getting him fixed which may help.....may not be able to last that long.....heard about hemp doggy downers....
don't know how safe they are tho....between meow sessions he is very loving....The incessant meowing is driving me Insane.
Did I mention I'm the most patient person you know? There is nothing he lacks, food always down litter box always clean, I play with him, nothing works. 3 months of incessant meowing. Am ready to say goodbye to him.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
He needs to be neutered. That is the reason for the constant meowing. Nothing you try will help until you can get him neutered. Are there absolutely no vet clinics in your area doing neuters? In my area, spay surgeries were stopped, but neuters still continued. I would try calling around to as many vets as possible.
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  • #110

Dog Lover 100

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Young Cat
Apr 10, 2020
5 months of paying bills with no income. Don't qualify for unemployment or stimulus money as I have been self employed for more than 25 years. Savings almost gone....can't justify even 50 bucks to throw at this cat or both of us may end up on the street so....Thank You
for confirming Fixing him will help. At least now I know the solution...wish me luck. I never let him know I'm angry so don't worry about him. He's nothing but loved in spite of being crazy. Are cats so Instinct driven they are driven to these neurotic behaviors? Is it because he's semi feral? This behavior appears as suffering to me. He can't relax...why would nature do this to him? All about Pro creation? Help me to understand him.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
He is driven by hormones. Believe me that they do settle after neutering. I understand about the money crunch. It’s so hard right now. I was shelf employed too and NEVER qualified for anything even while raising a handicapped child. I know things are pretty restricted there. I am in a state near you that is also pretty shut down. I am wondering if there might be some way to get him neutered through a Humane Society, Barn Cat program or something like that. After working to Spay and Neuter a colony here I started working to help establish assistance for a Spay and Neuter program. Some places give vouchers and some even do it for free! I don’t know where you live but I have often been able to help find programs for others. If you do a google search on Feral Rescues, neutering and then add your town, city, county and state you may be able to locate a program near you. I can tell you really care about this cat so, if I can help you, please send a private message and let me know. Right now it may be that this needs to be put through as sort of a pressing or emergency type situation but since he is being so driven by his desire to call a female that his voice is going, maybe we can do something. Cats are very social creatures and he really isn’t doing anything that is unusual, although calling until hoarse is not going to be good for you or for him. I totally sympathize. He is desperate to find a female and cat company. I have to imagine that there are other cats somewhere nearby, even if you don’t see them. A cat picks up scent very well! A neighbor could have an inside cat or maybe he is hoping his calls will reach a more distant female. Perhaps someone let’s a cat, could also be a make , out for a bit and he knows that. If it is a male, he could be just announcing his presence in order to establish his territory. The presence of a male or female can stimulate his need to mark things. Other kinds of animals nearby could make him mark and call too. My older male who is already neutered still let’s me know of the raccoon who comes into the yard by calling me to come look. He is just being territorial and protective of the other cats here. If you have experience with dogs then you know they will bark to alert you of another creature. Cats tell us in a different way. Some spray, some meow, some hiss and others may hide. That said, if we can help you find a way to Neuter, they really do settle down a lot! For now, try lots of reassurance. Please do let me know if I can help you to find a Neuter service or some sort of voucher program. Best Friends might be one resource to investigate. They do a lot to help cats. I applaud your patience. Hang in there. :alright:


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
I want to thank you for taking such good care of this handsome guy. Yes, at this time of the year I would suspect that you are hearing constant meows from a tom kitty who can smell the scent of unfixed females nearby. He really will settle down once he is neutered. Fifty dollars?- The Humane Society should be able to neuter him for a lot less. Are there any sliding scale animal clinics in your area?
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  • #113

Dog Lover 100

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Young Cat
Apr 10, 2020
I've made half a dozen calls...found 1 that would do it for 40.00 if I said the right things when I arrive. I can't remember....something like a neighborhood cat scooped up that needs to be fixed....which is exactly what he is so. 40.00 was best price. Maybe now that shelters are mostly empty, it may be easier to get this done. I'll remake some calls and see. The Humane Society being 1 of the first calls. yes I have neighbors that care for indoor/outdoor cats too and another semi feral male he attacks every time he escapes...probably because I feed
him also. I am the only human he interacts with....how is he going to react to strangers fixing him? Will it be sheer terror for him....I believe this is more complicated than just getting a cat fixed...this cat is anything but normal. Someone comes over he Immediately
goes into scared to death mode crawling on his belly till they leave. I tried to carry him close to a house guest once...He let me know that he would open me up if I took 1 step closer to this stranger. So have not been able to socialize him at all because of this Fear of humans. I feel like I need to tranquilize him before bringing him in because of his extreme fear. Don't want him to be terrorized (which he will be) These are my reservations. I do have a (borrowed) cat carrier. What about hemp based kitty downers? to calm him before fixing. I'm in North Tampa BTW.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
You don't want to give him anything before the neuter. He needs to be fasted overnight and no medications. He will be completely sedated and not remember the experience. Once you bring him home, he will need a quiet space to recooperate overnight. Males recover very very quickly.

He may never socialize to other humans. I have 5 former feral cats. My DH and I are the only ones that can pet them. When people come over to my house (pre covid), the cats scatter and hide. Most people have no idea I have 6 cats.

Neutering for male cats is a very simple procedure. Just realize that it can take a few weeks for the hormones to completely shut down. So don't expect an overnight miracle. Most of mine were 90% better after a week.
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  • #115

Dog Lover 100

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Young Cat
Apr 10, 2020
What is the procedure...trying to Gage the level of terror (he will experience) before the shot takes effect. Holding back of his neck while shot administered. So what? maybe 10 sec of terror in return for his ability to relax and not howl all day and mark everywhere. Fair assessment? Removing him from (small) carrier will also be tricky? He won't hate me for bringing him to the vet? lol He is going to FREAK out. Or am i worried about stuff I shouldn't be?


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
What is the procedure...trying to Gage the level of terror (he will experience) before the shot takes effect. Holding back of his neck while shot administered. So what? maybe 10 sec of terror in return for his ability to relax and not howl all day and mark everywhere. Fair assessment? Removing him from (small) carrier will also be tricky? He won't hate me for bringing him to the vet? lol He is going to FREAK out. Or am i worried about stuff I shouldn't be?

I would say the latter. Yes, he will not like going to the vet, (what animal does?) but he needs to go and the procedure will happen so fast that I doubt he will have the time to be stressed over it. It is not like he will be holed up at the vet for days.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
A goodly number of years ago I watched while my boys were neutered. Quick injection and the cat is unconscious. Shave his testicles. Tiny cut. Forceps to firmly hold small pink testes. Snip. Tug slightly on cord, fold over and staple. Other testes. Done in like 5 minutes, incisions so small a stitch is not needed. Reverse anesthesia. Put cat back in cage to recover, then bring him home.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Keep him where you can access him the whole night before the surgery. I know he may howl that night but it will be worth it!

As a feral or stray, he really isn’t abnormal. He sees humans as possible threats if he does not know them, and rightly so. Cats are often chased away in neighborhoods by humans as well as cats and other creatures. His instinct to survive is driving him to act the way he does. Imagine if you were his size and something our size seemed to be reaching out to get you! Eek!

Each cat reacts a bit differently. Some are nervous after surgery. Even if they know us, so I kept those in a small room until they calmed down, recovered and were no longer scared of anything. I keep the carrier where they can always use it as a sanctuary. If there are ever visitors or future travels needs, it helps that they see the carrier as their safe hiding place. Other cats have returned sort of drunk! My boy Cheetah seemed to be feeling pretty good! Lol All the cats that had surgery here were kept inside. Letting them recover where you can observe them makes everything easier for you.

It takes time for the hormones to get out of the system. I have had very fearful cats become less fearful after surgery. My gentlest boy is timid. My most aggressive male is now a lap cat but it all depends on the cat. Socializing is something that takes time. Some never lose their fear of others but some do. You have already accomplished a huge amount with him and after all has settled again, I would continue to work on getting to know him better. When I have company here, some of the kitties venture out, some make themselves at home by looking for petting from the new human and others don’t come out of hiding at all.

You did great by calling around. There are much less expensive alternatives these days than using your regular vet and with expenses being what they are, $ 40 isn’t bad. He will probably get his rabies shot with that. You can ask. I am guessing they said to call him a “Community cat?” Maybe feral or stray neighborhood cat? I don’t know but if you need more info, please ask. Also, get the phone number of the place where you take him is case you have questions later. You should be given a copy of the Neuter record and any shots too. Keep the records.

I think you’re great for following up on this. It will give him a much better quality of life since he won’t feel as territorial or fearful and he won’t be battling with other cats or increasing the , already over burdened, population of cats without homes. Life as a feral or stray can be short, tough and painful. I also think you will find life gets quieter around there. ;)

Give him time.

North Tampa? I know it well. It’s a place where I spent much time while working with orchids! I love the area. Please do keep us updated and ask any questions that come up. :clap2::thanks:Thanks for helping him and that other kitty!!
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Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Don't forget he will be under anisthetic at the time. They put them right under and make an incision in the scrotum and remove the testical then either stitch or glue the scrotum closed. They then repeat this on the other side.

Here is a video of the actual procedure.