Feline Overgrooming Help


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Feb 1, 2020
United States, PA

This might be a long post, but any help would be appreciated. I am sharing all the details that I can to help clarify things.

For much of my life my family has had cats and I have always been close to them but they were never mine. The two that I grew up with were well-adjusted, friendly, and any behavioral problems that they had were resolved by the time they were about four years old. In November our calico, Angel, developed a tooth infection and when we took her to the vet we found out she was in liver failure so we had to put her down. Within a month, our other cat followed and I fell into a severe depression. I felt like the only way I could get better was if we adopted a new cat.

In December, my mom's friend told her that she had an acquaintance who fostered cats and directed her to the woman's Facebook profile where she had posted a new kitten looking for a forever home. That kitten was Lita and I fell in love immediately. Within a week, my mother went to meet the woman and I became a first-time cat mom. I would be responsible for vet bills, food, maintenance, etc. etc. and that was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

When we received Lita, she was the liveliest little hell-raiser I had ever met and it just made me fall even harder. She was talkative, busy, and she had the energy of a child on a sugar high all the time.

Then, after about four days, she became sick. She was lethargic and refusing food. I panicked and booked a vet appointment for the next day. She had a temperature of 107 degrees. It was a week of chaos. I was syringe feeding her, cold compressing her, and trying my best to make her better. Eventually she recovered but the ordeal resulted in brain trauma and she will be ataxic for rest of her life.

Now she's beginning to overgroom and it's making me a wreck because she's already been through so much and I can't figure out what's wrong. I have some ideas, but I don't know where to start with them because some of the possible stressors have been around for a while and she has never displayed any other kind of self-mutilation. I know she is very susceptible to stress because that was what caused her high temperature and it scares me because sometimes she even overgrooms where I can see her and it breaks my heart. I don't yell at her or scold her. I just redirect her with wands but I can't see what she's doing when I'm not at home and I'd rather eliminate the stressor completely - but some of my ideas require changes that might further her stress, so I don't know what to do. I will attach a picture of the bald patch on her hind leg and a list of all the possible stressors and I'm hoping maybe somebody out there can give me some advice on where to start, what doesn't seem plausible, and how to cope with my own anxiety about this situation.

A Concerned Pet Parent


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Feb 1, 2020
United States, PA
  • We have two rambunctious dogs - I'm trying to make them coexist better, but my one dog is already pretty high-strung. She never seemed to have trouble with them before and still always tries to interact with them.
  • She is confined to my room throughout the day because otherwise she would fall down the stairs. I have recently gotten a baby gate to expand her territory, but it's not very much.
  • In order to spend time with her I bring her downstairs around 4 when I get home from work, but I have to carry her into the living room so that the dogs can't reach her.
  • I have to move her litter box and food bowl almost every day because I only have one litter box for her and she can't get up the stairs because of our dogs so she couldn't reach my room if she tried.
  • I don't know if maybe my household is too chaotic because my brother is constantly bringing friends over to spend the night.
  • My job schedule just changed so now I am home for four days a week, which I usually spend with her for the most part. I don't constantly touch her and usually give her time to be alone but within the room we are in.
  • She might not have enough vertical space. I have created several areas for her in front of windows, but I don't know if it's enough. It's generally just a blanket or something folded on a table or surface of some sort.
  • Maybe she doesn't have enough stimulation during the day? I'm not sure. She has a bunch of interactive toys on the ground - three electronic ones that I switch out and turn on at different times plus a couple balls and catnip toys. She also has a cat tower.
  • I feed her exclusively Nulo wet food but open-feed her Purina One kitten food throughout the day. I eventually want to switch her to a Nulo dry food formula, but am wary to do so since she's already stressed. Also, the Nulo food alternates between three different gravy varieties. It doesn't give her a sick stomach, but I don't know if that's stressing her out because they're "changing" every three days or so.
  • I used to burn incense, but have since stopped because I know cats are sensitive to strong smells.
  • I regularly use a cat wand with her but I don't know if maybe I'm not playing with her enough because she is a very high energy cat so I keep going a lot of the times when she gets going, but I don't all the time.
  • Our bedtime can be a little inconsistent. I don't know if that might be a stressor of some kind. It's usually within about an hour or two of each other anywhere from 10 to 12, but sometimes 1 especially on weekends.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
This is very often stress-related, so you may be right. My go-to with stress-related issues in cats is, oddly enough, chamomile tea. It gently calms without sedating, so it wouldn't increase her ataxia, which is a very good thing. I suggest purchasing tea bags from the store. This is because all commercial tea bags contain ONLY German chamomile, which is medicinally active and safe for cats, while the English variety, which grows in so many gardens, is neither! It is toxic to cats. Simply brew a cup, chill it in the fridge, and administer via syringe or medicine dropper. The dosage is 1-3 teaspoonfuls per dose, up to three times a day. For a cat over 11 pounds, 1-3 Tablespoonfuls. Now, chamomile is also great topically for all manner of skin "ouchies." It is healing, and soothes itching, so you can also use it as a wash for her hot spots. I've used it as a wash on people, cats, dogs, rats, and horses with good results! Just be sure you get PLAIN chamomile, not a blend!

OH...and NO post is "too long" when it comes to helping a cat in need! Don't you worry about that one little bit! And welcome to TCS!


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Poor Lita - and you! So, exactly how long have you had her, and how long has it been since she recovered. It doesn't seem a very long time for either, given this is only the beginning of February. It would also help to know just when the over grooming started. And, how old is she now?

I would look for the most recent changes in her environment - most closely correlated to the beginning of her overgrooming. In other words, things that were going on for a while before she started overgrooming and are still going on are not as likely to be the cause.
I doubt it is the food, or the dogs in general, or your brothers' friends unless anything about these aspects have changed very recently.

I also need to ask - if she can use a cat tree, how is she not able to climb up/down stairs? Are you over-protecting her from the dogs since she likes to interact with them, or are you just afraid she will get hurt by them? These are more curiosity on my part, but maybe they somehow play a role, if she is indeed stressed.

Oh, btw, if you want to see what she is doing while you are not home, get a baby cam or something similar and record it.
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Feb 1, 2020
United States, PA
FeebysOwner FeebysOwner


Thank you so much for responding to this thread. She's about 8 months old. The vet estimated that she was born sometime in June. I've had her for about two months. We brought her home Dec. 2 and she became sick not long after that. Her temperature was down within about a week, but her mobility was still impaired. She was probably almost as "fully recovered" as she could be by about 3 weeks, but she's definitely still adapting to moving around with her lack of coordination. She's improving every day, though. The overgrooming began somewhere around Jan. 9, but it may have been a little sooner because I noticed the bald spot around that time. I assumed that it was caused by her falling all the time because her back legs would rub on the carpet and it was on the outside, but then the patch kept getting bigger and bigger at a really rapid pace and I started noticing her grooming a lot more around me.

Also, to answer your question about why I gate off the stairs - it's actually a combination of two different things. The first reason is that I am afraid she will lose her balance while walking down them and tumble to the bottom, resulting in her breaking her bones because she landed on our hardwood floor. I allow her to travel up and down them when I am at home and the dogs are in their crates because then I can observe her so if she falls, I can help her. The second reason is like you said - I'm afraid our dogs are going to hurt her because one of them has attempted to bite her on more than one occasion.

Yeah... I was actually planning on maybe doing that once I have some money saved, but I really do appreciate the advice.
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Feb 1, 2020
United States, PA
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953


Thank you so much for that advice. I didn't actually know that any variety of chamomile was safe to cats. In fact, I may already have some at the house that I purchased from Wal-Mart but I would have to check. The only thing that does concern me a little about that, though, is I'm not sure how well she would take to the syringe and/or dropper feeding. She doesn't really seem to prefer when things are administered that way and I would be really afraid it might cause her even more stress. I think using it on her hot spot might be a good idea though and I can certainly try it to see if it helps at all. I have also read on many articles that using a Feliway diffuser can be helpful when it comes to stressed out cats. What is your opinion on that? I've considered just getting something or administering something that might just mellow her out, but I'm really worried it might just be putting a Band-Aid on something really severe that could get worse. What do you think?


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I have also read on many articles that using a Feliway diffuser can be helpful when it comes to stressed out cats. What is your opinion on that? I've considered just getting something or administering something that might just mellow her out, but I'm really worried it might just be putting a Band-Aid on something really severe that could get worse. What do you think?
There are numerous calming products on the market, not all work on all cats, so there might be some experimenting on your part to find
one that would work on Lita. But, yes, you could try Feliway just to see if it might help. There is no way to know for certain what is the issue behind Lita's overgrooming, so yes a calming product could potentially mask an underlying issue, but the odds are if there is an underlying issue (aside from stress), it would be my guess no calming product is going to make that big of a difference.

I would go back to looking at anything and everything that might have changed in her environment right before the overgrooming started. Keep in mind, things that we humans might consider inconsequential can still be viewed in cat's world as a big deal.
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  • #8


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Feb 1, 2020
United States, PA
Will do. Thank you so much for the advice. There's only really two main things that changed since the overgrooming began. First of all... I moved this little toy mat that has been in the middle of my room basically since I adopted her and my work schedule changed, which literally happened the week I noticed the bald spot. I woke up much earlier because my departure time because 6:10 rather than 6:30. Honestly, though, I guess maybe just moving that cat mat might have triggered it. The room just felt crowded so I put it away, but it's the first "toy" she ever had. My mom got it for her when we first brought Leet home. FeebysOwner FeebysOwner


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Honestly, though, I guess maybe just moving that cat mat might have triggered it. The room just felt crowded so I put it away, but it's the first "toy" she ever had. My mom got it for her when we first brought Leet home.
Well, you can't do much about the work related time change, but perhaps the routine you have also changed a bit and it's more that than the actual time difference. And, put that mat back!!!!! ;)
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Feb 1, 2020
United States, PA
Okay, okay. I will. xD I really do appreciate your advice - you've been super helpful. I actually wasn't sure how much help I would get about all this, but it's a big relief to know there are people who can back me on this journey. I'll see you around the forums! FeebysOwner FeebysOwner
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Feb 1, 2020
United States, PA
Okay, okay. I will. xD I really do appreciate your advice - you've been super helpful. I actually wasn't sure how much help I would get about all this, but it's a big relief to know there are people who can back me on this journey. I'll see you around the forums! FeebysOwner FeebysOwner
Welp. I replaced the mat. She followed behind me until I got to my room. When I put it down, she flopped over onto her side right on top of it and kind of batted at the little fabric strips attached to the "tree". Then she walked out with her tail above her head. I don't know if that's a good sign, but I'm actually a little surprised she interacted with it at all because part of why I moved it was that it didn't seem like she used it anyways and it took up a lot of room... but she seemed pretty happy to have it back. So... I guess we'll just have to see if things get any better.