Feline Hepatic Lipidosis Home Treatment ADVICE NEEDED!! - Diagnosed Saturday 11/3/12


TCS Member
Nov 23, 2012
Wichita, KS
I am new to this site but as I am going thru FLH with my big boy Chadwick I read with interest everything everyone is recommending.  Our vet finally set a feeding tube in his neck and  he has already pulled it almost out once and is working on it again.  He shakes his head so violently that it finally pulls out.  She put some very good almost like cast material (tho not hardened around it) but now he is digging like it itches terribly......I was up with him most of the night scratching.  She does not want to remove it yet.  I tried he tube sock thing to no avail.  If anyone haa a thought  I would appreciate it very much.  This is a daunting task so I know what you all are goin thru. He is on 50 cc's 4 X a day of Hills AD and has finally started eating himself some.He is also on the Cyprotheptadine (sp) a liver supplement. Denamarin, and an anti nausea injection. Zofran.   
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I am new to this site but as I am going thru FLH with my big boy Chadwick I read with interest everything everyone is recommending.  Our vet finally set a feeding tube in his neck and  he has already pulled it almost out once and is working on it again.  He shakes his head so violently that it finally pulls out.  She put some very good almost like cast material (tho not hardened around it) but now he is digging like it itches terribly......I was up with him most of the night scratching.  She does not want to remove it yet.  I tried he tube sock thing to no avail.  If anyone haa a thought  I would appreciate it very much.  This is a daunting task so I know what you all are goin thru. He is on 50 cc's 4 X a day of Hills AD and has finally started eating himself some.He is also on the Cyprotheptadine (sp) a liver supplement. Denamarin, and an anti nausea injection. Zofran.   
Wow, I've never heard anyone say their cat had tried pulling out the neck feeding tube, but can certainly see how it would be annoying to them.  My Bashful had his tube installed directly into his stomach, and he did wear that tube sock thing which held it in place pretty well.  But it's probably a lot harder to do that when it's on their neck.

I'm thinking your boy must be feeling better if he's messing with it?  How long has it been in?  Even if he's eating on his own now, he could backslide a little, so I can see why you're Vet wouldn't want to remove it yet.  Wish I had some advise other than to just hang in there.  Surely the Vet has seen this before and has additional ideas?  Maybe you can start up a new thread with a title about "cat trying to pull out feeding tube" or something similar to see if you get some responses?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 7, 2012
I am new to this site but as I am going thru FLH with my big boy Chadwick I read with interest everything everyone is recommending.  Our vet finally set a feeding tube in his neck and  he has already pulled it almost out once and is working on it again.  He shakes his head so violently that it finally pulls out.  She put some very good almost like cast material (tho not hardened around it) but now he is digging like it itches terribly......I was up with him most of the night scratching.  She does not want to remove it yet.  I tried he tube sock thing to no avail.  If anyone haa a thought  I would appreciate it very much.  This is a daunting task so I know what you all are goin thru. He is on 50 cc's 4 X a day of Hills AD and has finally started eating himself some.He is also on the Cyprotheptadine (sp) a liver supplement. Denamarin, and an anti nausea injection. Zofran.   
So sorry to hear about Chadwick! I hope he recovers quickly!! 

Howard is doing very well! He's been eating on his own, about 2 cans of Fancy Feast a day, but he's not keeping any weight on so I'm going to start doing one force-feeding a day again. I haven't had to give him one for over a week now because his appetite has been so awesome that I didn't want to stress him out with a feeding and make us have to start over (I'm probably just paranoid). I still give him fluids every other day because he's started drinking little amounts on his own, but doesn't seem to have regained his "lapping rhythm". He's been eating some hard food now too, treats... pretty much anything I put in front of him EXCEPT the foods I used in the feedings. I haven't taken him back to the vet since he's been doing so well, but his jaundice is almost gone, he's just a little too skinny. Maybe I'm just too used to seeing him a little on the chunky side 
 He's himself again personality-wise, he's come downstairs to lay under the Christmas tree a few times, and he's back to sleeping on my pillow. I can't believe at the start of this that the e-vet said "hospitalize him or start saying your goodbyes" in so many words, and look at us now!! Not even a month later and he's back to his old self!

Thanks so much for all of the help... I know there's still a little ways to go until this is all truly behind us, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without this website. Thank you for helping me save my Howard's life!! 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 7, 2012
Thanks so much!! I'll have to post a new current pic of him! Sorry I hadn't updated recently, last week when his appetite started coming back I think I held my breath the whole time... I was so nervous that anything I said or did could jinx our progress so I just took cues from him and his appetite is probably about 80% what it was before all this. He was overweight before this, so maybe that's a good thing now that he's more in shape. The last thing I want is for him to get overweight again, I just want him to be healthy! He goes nuts over the Fancy Feast, which is why I'm still feeding him that, but hopefully he'll warm up to the Blue Wilderness (Blue Buffalo) canned food now that it's been a good week since I last forced him to eat that. We've put our other cat, Max, on a diet now as he's borderline overweight and he's not very happy about it... BUT he's started getting the rhythm down that he gets a half cup in the morning and at night, and he'll be much healthier in the long run. If there's one thing to learn from this whole mess it's that cats' bodies are not meant to be overweight. I'd heard it over and over from the vet, but I was never told about FHL or any other complications that could arise from a cat being overweight. Now I know, and although fat cats can be so adorably snuggly, none of my cats are ever going to be overweight again! I want them around for a long time! 

I'll get a new pic up soon so you can see Howard's improvement!! 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 7, 2012
Alright I tried to take some pics of him but he didn't want to sit still so I gave him treats. He kept wanting to rub up against me so I couldn't snap his picture! Anyway, here's a couple pics, not the best, but you can kinda see his coloring and him eating some treats! 
I almost captured his smile! His setup is in our bedroom so I threw down a giant towel to keep the litter off the carpet... He likes to dig around in it so it's only working so-so lol. He always has a bowl of fresh hard food and water, and a can of Fancy Feast so he can eat or drink whatever, whenever. :)

I made him eat treats so I could get a pic of his coloring... It's way better than it's been, but there's still a little yellow. I'm guessing that will be one of the last things to go because he's otherwise acting very normal and healthy.

Here's an earlier pic when he was more yellow... He went through a period of time where the jaundice looked almost orange it was so bright. Definitely not that way anymore, and his gums are rather pink now! 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 3, 2006
New Orleans
I am so glad your baby is doing better. I am confused as to why you need to force feed him? If he is eating well, let that boy eat. I don't know how big he is but make sure he is getting enough food. Cats need about 20-30 calories per day for each pound of weight. So if he is 10 lbs, he should have 200-300 calories. A can of Fancy Feast averages about 80 calories so a 10 lb cat would need 3 cans. 

Keep up the good work!!!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 3, 2012
My kitty, Tyson, was diagnosed with HL last week. His gums, ears and eyes were very jaundiced. So was his skin on his belly when they shaved him for the ultrasound :-/.. The vet noticed it has gotten worse since last week, not better. He just really started to get the right amounts of food starting on Friday and had a feeding tube put in today to make the process less stressful on us both.

Has anyone else had experience with the jaundice worsening? I have read how the liver enzymes can I crease before they get better, wasn't sure if jaundice was the same. The vet has been hard to read for me.


TCS Member
Jan 6, 2013
hi my dear baby Jimbob also has fhl... I have been forcefeeding him now for 2 weeks and just had sblood econd tests done- will know 
tomorrow how much it has helped. I think it has tho, because the jaundice around his ears is almost gone. He is acting much better and eating a little on his own, just not enough. I wanted to tell you about something I have been putting in his food once a day. It is Milk Thistle drops. It helps to cleanse and detox the liver. you put one drop for every Lb of body weight once per day. I give JImbob 12 drops in his canned food every morning.I noticed a difference in him after only giving it to him once!Maybe it would help your baby too. Just type in milk thistle drops for cats and it will come up. It's a little expensive but if it helps it is worth it. I know what you are going thru. I have cried and hurt so bad for my baby... but I just can't quit trying I love him so much! Good luck to you and your cat... Jimbobsmom


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Jimbob'smom, so you didn't have to have a feeding tube installed?  You're just syringe feeding him? 

Great info about the Milk Thistle.  I'd heard that before, but forgotten about it.  Let us know the results of blood test. 
for your guy. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 5, 2013
Im glad your little guy is doing better. My cat Onyx passed away after struggling with HL for three months. The vet told me either pay 700 bucks for him to stay here or he'll die...well I didn't have that kind of money up front. I begged the vet to tell me if there was anything I could do at home for him because I couldn't afford to board him. They gave him subcutaneous fluid and sent me home with syringes and science diet prescription food. I hand fed him for three months. It was so heartbreaking to watch him go from the big, muscular cat he had once been to a thin kitty. He fought hard...but I guess his liver was just too damaged. I make sure now to warn others when their cat won't eat to make sure they take them to the vet right away. If I had known the signs I feel he may have had a better chance.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Im glad your little guy is doing better. My cat Onyx passed away after struggling with HL for three months. The vet told me either pay 700 bucks for him to stay here or he'll die...well I didn't have that kind of money up front. I begged the vet to tell me if there was anything I could do at home for him because I couldn't afford to board him. They gave him subcutaneous fluid and sent me home with syringes and science diet prescription food. I hand fed him for three months. It was so heartbreaking to watch him go from the big, muscular cat he had once been to a thin kitty. He fought hard...but I guess his liver was just too damaged. I make sure now to warn others when their cat won't eat to make sure they take them to the vet right away. If I had known the signs I feel he may have had a better chance.
I'm so sorry Onyx didn't make it.
  Gosh, three months really IS a long time.  I wonder if perhaps he had something else going on as well.  It's possible, and that may be what caused the HL in the first place.  Well, you BOTH fought a hard fight.  Again, my sympathies


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 5, 2013
It could be. He was almost 18 when he passed. He had a good long life...:)