Feline gastrointestinal lymphoma?

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zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Mukkia's enzyme test finally came in today. Unfortunately, it was normal. The doctor was hoping like myself that it would show abnormalities. He told me yesterday to get Mukkia some turkey or chicken baby food puree, and see if he would eat that. He ate almost a half of a jar. Yay! So, I tried it with him again this morning warming it up, but it did not work. As always, he seemed interested, but did not eat it. The doctor said that this case is unique because it does not fit anything in particular. All of the common things have been ruled out. Moving forward, we have a plan. as of today Mukkia will be given Nutri-cal, along with an antacid. This will hopefully cause him to gain weight, and the antacid will either rule out or rule in the possibility of a stomach ulcer. If this does not work then Mukkia will be given some amoxicillin. After that, we will do a Barium test. He said that will show how his digestive tract is working, and if he does have any masses. He said, that we are now looking at conditions that are rare for cats, and it will be a process of special test, and what does and does not work. He is definitely putting Mukkia's health care at the highest standard, in my opinion. I guess time will tell. lymphoma has not been ruled out, nor has IBD. He is just not ready to say that it is one or the other and put Mukkia through such an invasive procedure given his current condition. He is trying to get his health brought back up while trying to figure out what is causing the problem. I am very pleased, and hopeful.
It sounds like you have a wonderful vet, sending you and Mukkia healing vibes
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  • #262


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
Well, I hope the nutracal will get him eating more for sure. Almost 1/2 a jar of baby food isn't close to enough. I'd hate for him to get/ go into fatty liver, & have that to deal with as well as trying to figure this all out. 
Hopefully probiotics will help too. I remember you talking about getting some for him. Did you get some from the vet?  

I will continue to pray for Mukkia. I pray that the vet will figure out what is going on as soon as possible, so he can get the help he needs whatever that may be, as soon as possible.  :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
Well, I hope the nutracal will get him eating more for sure. Almost 1/2 a jar of baby food isn't close to enough. I'd hate for him to get/ go into fatty liver, & have that to deal with as well as trying to figure this all out. 
Hopefully probiotics will help too. I remember you talking about getting some for him. Did you get some from the vet?  

I will continue to pray for Mukkia. I pray that the vet will figure out what is going on as soon as possible, so he can get the help he needs whatever that may be, as soon as possible.  :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
Yes, I got him some probiotics from his veterinarian's office. They are not cheap! $17.?? for 10 of them. I am praying that he figures it out too. I do trust him. I have tried to get Mukkia to eat more, but no luck. :-( The veterinarian was hoping that the antacid would help, because Mukkia gets excited about food, but when he gets to his bowl , he just sniffs it. I had to order the Nutrical, there wasn't a store around that had it. It should be in tomorrow. Hopefully, that will help like @kittensmom said.
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  • #263


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
I hope you get some positive news. Today I take my own furball back for a checkup. *fingers crossed for us both*
I will go check out your post to see what the outcome for your kitty was. I apologize that I have not had a chance to.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 1, 2016
No, I have not updated, sorry. I was a bit upset after the appointment and didn't even want to post (vet detected a heart murmur which she said could just be due to dehydration or his age; hoping it's the former but it sure brought my spirits down, a bit calmer now).
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  • #265


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
No, I have not updated, sorry. I was a bit upset after the appointment and didn't even want to post (vet detected a heart murmur which she said could just be due to dehydration or his age; hoping it's the former but it sure brought my spirits down, a bit calmer now).
Awee, I'm sooo sorry to hear that! :-( I am sorry, I don't know that much about heart murmurs in cats. I wish I could be of more help. :-( I'm sending you a great big hug! Did she tell you what could cause that, or if it is dangerous?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 1, 2016
Just that it could be due to dehydration (she injected some fluids before we came home) or due to his age. But I read that anemia could also cause it, and when he had his bloodwork 3 weeks ago she had said he had moderate anemia, so it could also be that, I think. Hoping it's not due to a permanent cause. She'll see him again in a month to check his progress with the diet change and vomiting. But anyway, thanks, and I'll stop hijacking your post now. ;)  How's Mukkia today?

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
No, I have not updated, sorry. I was a bit upset after the appointment and didn't even want to post (vet detected a heart murmur which she said could just be due to dehydration or his age; hoping it's the former but it sure brought my spirits down, a bit calmer now).
Heart murmurs can be caused by many things, Midi had one and I read that in some cases it is a result of low taurine levels. I started supplementing him with a pure taurine powder and the vet said he was not able to detect the murmur. wishing you and kitty the best of luck 
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  • #268


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
Just that it could be due to dehydration (she injected some fluids before we came home) or due to his age. But I read that anemia could also cause it, and when he had his bloodwork 3 weeks ago she had said he had moderate anemia, so it could also be that, I think. Hoping it's not due to a permanent cause. She'll see him again in a month to check his progress with the diet change and vomiting. But anyway, thanks, and I'll stop hijacking your post now. ;)  How's Mukkia today?
I am praying for your kitty too. Hopefully it is something fixable like what you and zed xyzed zed xyzed mentioned. Please, keep posting updates. Thank you so much for asking about Mukkia!:-) He is sleeping under the covers on my bed. every morning he gets up and stands by the bowl of water and waits for me to pour him some more. even though ( there are two bowls of water that I keep filled for him.) I think he is trying to tell me that something is wrong, even though I already know something is wrong. It breaks my heart that I just don't know what is wrong. He's still not eating much. :-( I am hoping that the Nutrical will be in tomorrow as expected, and boost his appetite. I don't know what else to do.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 1, 2016
I'm sorry to hear. It's so heartbreaking when our furbabies are sick and we don't know what else to do to help. AWFUL feeling. Makes me wish they could communicate in our language and let us know where it hurts or what they feel. I think most of us, if we could, would banish their illnesses from their little bodies and take them into ours if necessary (I'm a big girl, I'd find a way to handle any disease). Sometimes the most we can do is wait and hope for the best. Sending big hugs right back to you and Mukkia!
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  • #270


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
I'm sorry to hear. It's so heartbreaking when our furbabies are sick and we don't know what else to do to help. AWFUL feeling. Makes me wish they could communicate in our language and let us know where it hurts or what they feel. I think most of us, if we could, would banish their illnesses from their little bodies and take them into ours if necessary (I'm a big girl, I'd find a way to handle any disease). Sometimes the most we can do is wait and hope for the best. Sending big hugs right back to you and Mukkia!
I could not agree with you anymore! I have said MANY times before that I wish he could talk to me, so I can know what he feels or even wants. Unfortunately, he cannot. So, I just have to rely on my connection with him and really listen to what he is telling/showing me. it definitely is not easy, and sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. I think we all are.he is my child and that is what his name means. :-) it's actually Mukki. It means child, little one, baby ect. yes, I would do the same as you. I would take it from his little body and put it into mine instead. Then he would be healthy, and I could relay to the doctor what I am feeling. the only thing I know for sure is for some reason he has a lot of pain after he eats. That breaks my heart to know that he wants to eat, but pretty much can't without being in pain after attempting to eat a little.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 1, 2016
Yes, they're our babies for sure. That's how I feel about mine. I very much hope you can have an answer soon as to what is wrong with Mukkia. It's better to know the truth, good or bad, than to keep on guessing and wondering and in the meantime they keep suffering. Once you have the facts then you can decide how to proceed. Sending you both some positive vibes and praying for the healing of our furbabies.
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  • #272


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
Same for the two of you! Hugs and positive vibes. :-D


TCS Member
Mar 2, 2016
My 15 year old cat showed symptoms similar to yours in November. Sudden weight loss and loss of appetite. Thickened intestines with enlarged abdominal lymph nodes. He's also always been a 5 am puker of fluid and fiber. Plus, he tends to be constipated. Ham baby food and turkey cold cuts got him through that initial appetite loss. His vet decided that it was probably IBD. He's on 2.5 mg per day pred, digestive enzymes and B12 shots. Plus a little miralax. The most difficult thing has been figuring out what to feed him. IBD can be caused by a variety of things, one being food intolerance. Over the past 4 months, I have eliminated all of the following from his diet: poultry(including eggs and chicken liver), fish (including fish oil), beef, carbs (including all grains and starches, like potato starch and tapioca), soy, vegetables (including corn), bone chips, carageenan, dL methionine, and some other chemicals. He is now on 2 brands of canned pork cat food and is finally starting to gain weight. He wasn't eating well until I found the right food. Now, he asks to be fed every 3 hours. He has other issues, so we are by no means out of the woods, but for now he's stable. 

They say that if your cat has the bad intestinal lymphoma, he will go downhill quickly. The other intestinal lymphoma and IBD should respond to pred. 

Best of luck to both of you!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
My 15 year old cat showed symptoms similar to yours in November. Sudden weight loss and loss of appetite. Thickened intestines with enlarged abdominal lymph nodes. He's also always been a 5 am puker of fluid and fiber. Plus, he tends to be constipated. Ham baby food and turkey cold cuts got him through that initial appetite loss. His vet decided that it was probably IBD. He's on 2.5 mg per day pred, digestive enzymes and B12 shots. Plus a little miralax. The most difficult thing has been figuring out what to feed him. IBD can be caused by a variety of things, one being food intolerance. Over the past 4 months, I have eliminated all of the following from his diet: poultry(including eggs and chicken liver), fish (including fish oil), beef, carbs (including all grains and starches, like potato starch and tapioca), soy, vegetables (including corn), bone chips, carageenan, dL methionine, and some other chemicals. He is now on 2 brands of canned pork cat food and is finally starting to gain weight. He wasn't eating well until I found the right food. Now, he asks to be fed every 3 hours. He has other issues, so we are by no means out of the woods, but for now he's stable. 

They say that if your cat has the bad intestinal lymphoma, he will go downhill quickly. The other intestinal lymphoma and IBD should respond to pred. 

Best of luck to both of you!
I don't know what the deal is with kitties but many don't tolerate beef.  That is the one food that I could eliminate very quickly with my kitty.  This was before diagnosis and the vet just said that he was sensitive.  I tried beef and he got very sick very quickly. That was one of the flares that he ended up hospitalized for on an IV.  Never tried to give him beef again.
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  • #275


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
My 15 year old cat showed symptoms similar to yours in November. Sudden weight loss and loss of appetite. Thickened intestines with enlarged abdominal lymph nodes. He's also always been a 5 am puker of fluid and fiber. Plus, he tends to be constipated. Ham baby food and turkey cold cuts got him through that initial appetite loss. His vet decided that it was probably IBD. He's on 2.5 mg per day pred, digestive enzymes and B12 shots. Plus a little miralax. The most difficult thing has been figuring out what to feed him. IBD can be caused by a variety of things, one being food intolerance. Over the past 4 months, I have eliminated all of the following from his diet: poultry(including eggs and chicken liver), fish (including fish oil), beef, carbs (including all grains and starches, like potato starch and tapioca), soy, vegetables (including corn), bone chips, carageenan, dL methionine, and some other chemicals. He is now on 2 brands of canned pork cat food and is finally starting to gain weight. He wasn't eating well until I found the right food. Now, he asks to be fed every 3 hours. He has other issues, so we are by no means out of the woods, but for now he's stable. 

They say that if your cat has the bad intestinal lymphoma, he will go downhill quickly. The other intestinal lymphoma and IBD should respond to pred. 

Best of luck to both of you!
My 15 year old cat showed symptoms similar to yours in November. Sudden weight loss and loss of appetite. Thickened intestines with enlarged abdominal lymph nodes. He's also always been a 5 am puker of fluid and fiber. Plus, he tends to be constipated. Ham baby food and turkey cold cuts got him through that initial appetite loss. His vet decided that it was probably IBD. He's on 2.5 mg per day pred, digestive enzymes and B12 shots. Plus a little miralax. The most difficult thing has been figuring out what to feed him. IBD can be caused by a variety of things, one being food intolerance. Over the past 4 months, I have eliminated all of the following from his diet: poultry(including eggs and chicken liver), fish (including fish oil), beef, carbs (including all grains and starches, like potato starch and tapioca), soy, vegetables (including corn), bone chips, carageenan, dL methionine, and some other chemicals. He is now on 2 brands of canned pork cat food and is finally starting to gain weight. He wasn't eating well until I found the right food. Now, he asks to be fed every 3 hours. He has other issues, so we are by no means out of the woods, but for now he's stable. 

They say that if your cat has the bad intestinal lymphoma, he will go downhill quickly. The other intestinal lymphoma and IBD should respond to pred. 

Best of luck to both of you!
I'm sorry to hear about your little one. This has been one HUGE emotional rollercoaster. So, I can completely relate to your situation as well. Unfortunately, the initial veterinarian suspected IBD or lymphoma. actually, I was the one to mention the IBD to her, because she was saying he has gastrointestinal lymphoma. now, he is going to a different veterinarian. I'm very pleased with this one too. Mukkia's health has not improved since this all began in at the end of January. his current veterinarian is not ready to jump on the IBD or lymphoma wagon. he is trying to do a process of elimination starting with ruling out the possibility of a stomach ulcer. I spoke with him this morning, and he told me that if there was no change in Mukkia's condition by today I am supposed to bring him in tomorrow. so, we made an appointment for 9 a.m. The biggest problem and challenge I'm facing currently is that he will not eat. That cannot continue obviously, so that is why he will be going in tomorrow if he does not eat today. the doctor is going to feel his stomach as well, now that he has been off of the steroids long enough for the inflammation to return. he is not recommending a biopsy at this time. However, our next phase in the process will either be antibiotics, or the Barium test. I really don't know much about any of this I am actually just learning. I know it's very hard to go through, and my heart does go out to you for having to go through this as well. I am praying that this current veterinarian may have some legitimacy to the fact that there's a possibility it may not be IBD or lymphoma. in my opinion, something else would be ideal!
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  • #276


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
one more thing, I think it is pretty safe for us to rule out any food allergies. Mukkia has been on Science Diet CD since he was 7. He blocked on me with struvite crystals, and I have never given him anything other than his prescription food. Up until this point. Obviously, he has to have something rather than nothing. So, I have literally tried him with pretty much anything that is safe for a cat. Never accomplish more then just a few teaspoons, most definitely not enough to sustain him. He is still drinking excessively, and seeking out warm places, as well as hiding places. he only hides after he gets a little food in him, and I know in my heart that it is his tummy hurting him. :-(
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  • #277


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
@Kraze You mentioned that your kitty did have issues with vomiting? that is the one thing that has even this current veterinarian baffled. Is that Mukkia does not have any digestive issues with vomiting or diarrhea. I suppose it is possible that a cat can have either those conditions with the lack of symptoms particular to those conditions. anyway, it was really nice talking with you and I hope to read your updates on how your kitty is doing. thank you for your information! :-) that was very kind of you. denice denice Has been very helpful to Mukkia and myself, as well as many others on here! :-)
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  • #279


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Alpha Cat
Feb 26, 2016
being as I do not have children, but I do have nieces and nephews that I helped take care of a lot while they were growing up, and are growing up. I have little knowledge on baby food. I am assuming that it is not the same for an infant or an animal as it is for an adult to consume ham? what I am asking is, the sodium level content is not going to hurt him, right? Obviously you have given it to your kitty and have not had any problems. As well I know the kids have had it at one time or another years ago and none of them have issues with their sodium levels then or now. So I'm a little ignorant to this fact. Please excuse me for this question if it appears to be stupid to you.
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TCS Member
Mar 2, 2016
It's a good question about the sodium level. When I tasted the ham baby food, I could taste no salt at all. But I have not compared its sodium level to cat food. I expect you could Google it. No-salt turkey cold cuts work for me, too. But, as you know, all of this is only for desperate times. Neither food is balanced for a cat. They have to have their taurine. But eating something is better than eating nothing.
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