Feeling so guilty about death of my 9 month old cat

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TCS Member
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Jan 19, 2021
Hi, we're feeling so lost and guilty about the death of our cat chewbacca he was only 9 months old and got hit by a car on our quiet street on sunday afternoon just gone, we both cant believe hes actually gone. Its bothering me if he was actually dead when i got to him the neighbours let me know straight the way as they seen the vehicle hit him, he was laying spread out on the floor, his body looked fine but his head was damaged he had one eye that looked slightly bulgy with and enlarged pupil and the other looked like it had rolled back, his jaw looked damaged with blood coming out of it, he was not making no noise or movement and was completly limp with his tongue hanging out. We got him to the vets within 10 minutes and they quickly checked his heartbeat in the car but just kept saying we are so sorry, do you think if there was any chance of him being saved, the vets would of took him in? And from his injuries does it sound like he was probaly killed instantly, its bothering me so much that if i had maybe put him in a box instead of cradling him they might have been able to do something. Id do anything to have him back he made the house into a home.


TCS Member
Jan 19, 2021
I'm so sorry to hear you lost your little kitten by the sound of the injuries you're describing your kitten suffered severe head injuries and death would have been instant there was literally nothing you could have done after the blow from the car to save chewy. So very sorry saying goodbye is never easy but please know an injury like that is unrecoverable no matter how fast you get them there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 12, 2013
Germany, NRW
I am so, so sorry that this had to happen. I've had the same experience - more than once, as strays seemed to be attracted to my house and to my cats but, almost as soon as they'd been neutered, they got hit by a car. I cannot even think about the times it happened to my own cats, and when someone wants to talk about it, I just can't. I still feel guilty about it.

So, I do know what you are going through. Chewbacca obviously had a terrific bang to his head so I am certain he was killed instantly. If cats are not killed immediately they usually find enough strength to run away and it is difficult to find them. Even when they are discovered they have usually already died or have to be euthanized.

You can rest assured, he was killed instantly. There was nothing you could have done. My cats are now indoor only cats but it's too late to save those who were impossible to keep indoors. I'm feeling so sorry for you! 😢:hugs:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree, if there was any chance to have saved him, he would have been able to move, even a tiny little bit, and would have been breathing. I buried at least ten little ones that were callously dumped over the years and that came to me for food. The street I lived on was just too busy and too fast. I lost two of my own beloved house cats too to that horrible road, and they were streetwise and crossed for over ten years. I have lost them to dogs too. The pain prompted me to keep my remaining cats strictly inside now, especially since they were diagnosed with Leukemia, most likely gotten from another outside cat. If they are outside, there is always the danger of death, and I found out the hard way it is eventually going to happen.
Please come to our Crossing the Bridge forum to post an eternal tribute to Chewbacca. It helps when you can get some support from others who have stood in your shoes. Thoughts like you are having almost always accompany grief, you are not alone......RIP precious Chewbacca.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 19, 2021
Thanks so much for the replys it really does help, i think ive just got to get over the fact hes gone and we gave him the best possible life he could have, the gardens are so big round the back i wish he could of just stayed there, i think he was infactuated by the other cats hanging around ln the street he was so bloody playful, thanks again really, here is him sleeping on his favourite chair


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
So very sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty. We’ll lock this thread now out of respect for your loss, and as others have mentioned, we have a Crossing the Bridge forum for posting tributes to kitties that our members have lost, and we invite you to post there if you wish.
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