Farrell the Feral


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Aug 22, 2008
I wasn't looking for a cat.  I really wasn't wanting another cat.  I was actually starting to look at maybe getting a new puppy.  One of my two brother cats crossed the bridge last September and the surviving brother cat seemed to be ok being an only cat. 

But you never know when or where your next cat will find you...

So here comes Farrell the feral.  I live in a big city and work in a small town about 25 miles out.  Next door to my office is a convenience store gas station which leaves piles of cheap cat kibble out on the side walk, plus a large water bowl, for a colony of feral cats.  Customers also toss out hot dogs, burritos, chips, peanuts, and whatever else they think the cats would enjoy.  Most of the cats have one ear which has been snipped flat to show that they have been "TNR'd".

One morning in January, I walked to the back to put my lunch in the refrigerator, and peripherally saw a grey "fluff" jump off a bookshelf in the back warehouse and run back into the deeper darkness of our storage area.  I called my boss and told him I thought there was a cat roaming around in the back.  He stopped at Tractor Supply and brought in a humane trap.

Several days passed and my boss was thinking the cat was my imagination, calling it "ghost cat".  Then, it happened.  "Snap!", I heard from my front office.  I walked back and there was a little terrified cat in the trap.  I covered the trap with a blanket and carried it to my office.  Called the boss, and he was wanting to either turn the cat back outside or he wanted to take it to a park a few miles away and set it free.  I told him that we should have it spayed or neutered by the county.  It looked like a kitten or a very small young cat.  He was a little mad at me for "spending time on a cat" instead of work time, but he let me take off early to take the cat to the shelter for TNR.  I told the shelter I wasn't sure that my boss would agree to me taking off a second time to come pick her up.  They said that they might have a volunteer who could drive the kitten back out and release it back to the convenience store feral colony or they would adopt it out as a barn cat.

The kitten went in January 25th, and they thought that it would be fixed the next day.  They couldn't tell me whether it was male or female, and they had named it "Feral Foster" since it didn't have a name.    I called to follow up on Friday and they had too many spays/neuters to get to her.  The next Friday, I called again.  She had been spayed on February 1st, two days earlier.  They had her available as a barn cat but their first preference is to release ferals back to the original colony.  Called the boss again.  Sigh.  He really is a good boss.  :)  I told him I would stay late on my time if I could take off an hour to go get her on his time.

Long story short, I picked up kitty after 9 days at the shelter and took her back to the office.  I was supposed to release her, but she was so small.  I worried.  That afternoon, I touched her through the kennel and she leaned into my hand while she gave me a look like "I am not enjoying this". 

I talked to her and she mewed a tiny little sound, and I saw little tiny baby teeth.  "Oh my, she's only about 3-4 months old", I thought, much younger than I originally guessed.  I opened the kennel door and reached in (expecting to be clawed and/or bitten) but she let me pick her up and gently cuddle her up to my chest.  She purred for a moment before struggling to be put back down.  Fear, yes, but no aggression. 

That was it...I was a goner. What was I thinking...that I would be a one-cat household (after owning 2-3 cats at a time for most of the last 3 decades)?

So "Feral Foster" is now "Miss Farrell", and she is mine. 

She spent a few days in my bathroom, then I let her have run of my bedroom and bathroom.  She's 100% good with the litter box.  My 12 year old orange male cat, Tangent (or Tan Man), comes in for supervised visits several times a day.  (He went off his food for 4 days, not appreciating the scent of a strange newcomer, and I syringe fed him for 2.5 of those, then he started eating well again.)  She leaps all over him, but he's pretty chilled out and calm with her desire to rough house.  I think they'll be fine.  As for introducing her to the Corgi dog....hmmm...still planning.  Right now Farrell is in one room and Tangent and Charlie the Corgi are in charge of the rest of the place.  Nice of them all to let me live here, too, isn't it?

Farrell is skittish and occasionally hisses at me if I move too fast for her taste, but she lets me pick her up and hold her briefly.  I put her down before she struggles.  Her confidence and trust grows.  She runs toward me when I open the door...although the door hinges squeak and sound amazingly similar to her high pitched soft kitten mews...so she may be running toward the sound of another kitten when the hinges "Mew" as the door opens.  She eats well, and has gained about 2 pounds in five weeks.  She snuggles up to me at night, seeing as how I am not a big scary clumsy threatening ogre when I am horizontal...and asleep.  She is also a real acrobat chasing a feather on a string toy.  What a joy!

Sometimes an unexpected new pet is good for the soul.  Especially a sweet, feisty, fluffy little fur ball.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
What a beautiful story.  Thank you so much.  Farrell is so lucky to have you!  It warms the heart to hear such stories!
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Aug 22, 2008
I just wanted to update Farrell's page.  I've had her 2 months and she's growing like a weed.  She's gone from 4 pounds 60 days ago to 7 pounds today!  I'm wondering if she's a little older than I guessed her to be.  When I brought her home, she had her baby canines and the nubs of her adult canines where just starting, so I pegged her at 4 months?  If that's close, then she is just now 6 months old.

This morning she let me pet her tummy for the second time ever, and she let me pull her lip back for the first time to let me look at her teeth.  I learned something new...that you can't really see adult molars on the upper-jaw that way.  Anyway, she let me open her mouth for a second and I was able to see that she has her lower-jaw adult molars.

She is still confined to my master bedroom and bathroom.  The senior cat, Tangent, goes to visit her for hours unsupervised now when I'm home.  They seem to have worked things out well enough that she is not just pouncing and rough-housing him constantly like she did early on.  Not sure they'll be "best friends" but they've worked out their own set of unwritten rules to coexist peacefully.  They do play with each other some then go find separate places to rest.

I have still not introduced her to the Corgi, otherwise she would probably have run of the house by now.  I may need some help with that one.

Some days, I have to remember that she was born feral.  She shies and backs up a few steps and starts to run if I move too fast.  That reminds me where she came from.  Our routine though is that when I open the bedroom door, she runs toward me and even though she takes a few steps back when I reach for her, she stops and lets me pick her up and she relaxes a bit.  She purrs a lot and has slept on the bed every night since I gave her run of the bedroom.

Lately, she's started to have moments when I see signs of the upcoming teenage adolescent "Don't touch me" cat, which seems more like a normal kitten growth stage than a feral reaction.

All in all, she's coming along great and I'm having so much fun having a kitten again!  Thanks for reading. 


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
So glad to get this update.  Glad you are having fun with her.

Cats are generally on guard anyway - lots of things are bigger than they are and potentially can hurt them.  That's why they like routine.

I wouldn't worry too much about her skiddishness.  I sounds like you're doing exactly the right thing - identifying what causes it and avoiding that if possible.
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Aug 22, 2008
Thanks again for the wonderful update.  All seems to be going so well.  Here is an article with some tips on introducing cats to dogs

Thank you for that article.  That was a helpful read and gave me some good ideas.

The Corgi, Charlie, and my senior cat, Tangent, get along fine because Tangent refuses to run from him.  He walks up and semi-lunges.  Tangent looks him in the eye and doesn't budge.  That perplexes Charlie.  He usually tries a second time to get Tangent to run, and Tangent will start rubbing his face all over Charlie's face and sometimes starts licking his forehead.  Non-running cats are no fun, and Charlie walks away confused.  Most of the time, Charlie tries to avoid eye contact with Tangent, except for his random feeble attempts to play chase-the-non-running-cat.

So my fears are:

1)  Farrell will run from Charlie and he'll go into prey drive and hurt her.

2)  Farrell will not be afraid of him, but will pounce on top of him to roughhouse (like she did with Tangent).  He might hurt her, or that might terrify him into leaving her alone too.

3)  Just in general, since Farrell was a feral, I don't want to move to fast with the dog introduction and cause any set-back with her growing sense of confidence and safety in her new home.

I'm going to have to give it more thought before deciding on a plan.  I am considering taking the bedroom door off the hinges and hanging a screen door they can look through.  That seems like a lot of trouble and expense though, plus I'd need to bug some friend who owns a truck to get the door here.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I used a screen door, but did not detach my door.  I bought a cheap wooden screen door from Lowes ($20) and placed it up against the door.  I kept it in place with tension rods.  It was a pain to put up and down, but it worked well.  

This time around when I am introducing cats, I made a barrier that is easier to move.  I bought a 12' piece of metal shelving from Home Depot.  I had them cut it into three, 4' sections.  I then zip tied it together.  You could make it taller if you want.  My cats are not big jumpers so 4' is fine.  I can use it to block door ways or even put in the hall.  I will post below pictures of the screen door setup as well as the new barrier I made.

Here is a link to how to make the barrier


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Aug 22, 2008
Thank you, ShadowsRescue.  Those are good ideas.  I'm hoping not to spend too much, thinking this should be only very temporary until I can tell how they react, and teach the dog to chill, if need be.  He is obedience trained, but that goes out the window if he goes into prey drive.  I'm going to have to give it more thought.

I never had to buy baby gates or screens to introduce two animals before.  Difference is I was introducing new puppies into an established cat house.  This time I'm trying to introduce a kitten into established senior dog territory...so I'm fretting over it more.  Controlling a puppy seems easier.

Perhaps I should start by switching rooms for a "sniff around"?  Charlie hangs out in the recliner in my home office while I'm on the computer.  Farrell is in my master bedroom.  Maybe I should take her out and let Charlie sniff around the master for a few minutes, and let her check out the home office for a bit, then put them back in respective areas?  I'm sure they are aware of each other's presence by now.  They just haven't seen each other yet.
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Aug 22, 2008
Every time I see photos of baby gates or 4 foot tall barriers, I imagine a kitten climbing up them or jumping over the top.  They don't?


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Every time I see photos of baby gates or 4 foot tall barriers, I imagine a kitten climbing up them or jumping over the top.  They don't?
I would guess they could climb them.  None of my cats are climbers or jumpers and all of them are afraid of the barrier.  Also when I have the barrier or screen up, I am sure that I am home and paying attention.  I always use them both with supervision.

I use them most often for socializing when I am there to work with them.
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  • #13


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Aug 22, 2008
I haven't updated Farrell's thread in a very long time, because she's just been a great little kitten who I now consider a wonderful domestic cat. She's a little on the shy/skittish side, but not much.

She just turned one year old yesterday. :bday:

She hasn't been ill at all this first year, except for a couple days of constipation (my fault for giving a cooked fresh sardine). I took her for 1 year vaccines about a week ago and they tested for FIV and FeLV before vaccinating. She's all clear and healthy. The vet techs loved her. She just slightly over 9 pounds, and has a little too much fat. I've adjusted the fat content in her food downward.

There hasn't been much to write because she's just been a little love and there haven't been any troubles with her. Still, I wanted to acknowledge her "graduation" from kitten-hood into a very fine and lovely one year old. I just love her so much. So happy I kept her instead of releasing her after TNR. :lovecat:


TCS Member
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Apr 27, 2015
Thank you so much for this, Orange&White. The thread about the poor female feral with mange has depressed me so badly that I REALLY needed to hear something positive.

I'm so glad you've made little Farrell part of your family! She hit the kitty lottery with you.
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Aug 22, 2008
I managed to get my old Nikon working every so briefly this morning, and got a photo of all three cats.

This is Farrell. She's 1 year, 3 months old today. Hard to believe almost a year has gone by:



Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Just came across this thread for the first time. How lucky was Farrell to find herself lost in your warehouse. Little did she know that would turn out to be the best day of her life. Thank you for keeping her. She's gorgeous. :catlove:
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TCS Member
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Aug 22, 2008
Yes, I seem to have restocked my cat supply in the last year with two kitties who have "beauty clips" on their left ear. The senior with two "virgin" ears is now outnumbered 2 to 1. :insertevillaugh: