Farewell to our lovely Koko.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Koko, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

I know this sorrow, there is nothing quite like it. But this is the deepest Truth I know, that love never dies, it is translated and purified into Love, and it continues on. Now, from his home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, Koko sends his Love back to you, to walk with you down through all your days. Because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
He will always be a part of your life because he will always be a part of your soul. Love is spiritual, so eternal. He will be as close as you thoughts and prayers and his new journey will forever parallel your own. Tied together by the bonds of love. He was in your life for a reason. You would have avoided this pain by never meeting him, but look what he brought to your own Life's Journey. Joy and happiness that far outweighs the pain of loss.
In time your heart will heal, time is the only thing that helps with matters of the heart. Your love is unique, no one in the whole world feels about this boy as you do, everyone connected to him has their own special love. So no one feels the pain as you do either. But we can empathize because we have lost our own little ones too, and know the loneliness and sorrow that follows. We can help you through this because we have stood where you are standing now. We can offer comforting words and prayers for your broken heart, we know the pain of losing someone who means so very much and the emptiness that follows. Fill that emptiness with thoughts of the happiness he bought you, of your life together, try not to dwell on his end, just a moment in his wonderful life. and it was a wonderful life because he had what every cat wants in this world, a home, care, and someone to love him. IIn return he gave you one of this world's greatest treasures, a cat's love........RIP precious Koko. You will always be remembered, you will always have a secure place in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
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