Family reunions-How I dislike them!

white cat lover

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 17, 2005
I've gotta vent or my head's going to explode.

This weekend is my grandma's 85th birthday party. I'm supposed to be running games Saturday afternoon(it's going to be like 100 outside), but my aunt won't tell me what exactly I have to do. She won't tell me how late we have to stay, either. I have a final exam I have to have in by Saturday-midnight. It doesn't open until midnight tonight, so basically I have 24 hours to take it. My aunt says, "well, if you don't get it done, I guess it's your fault." I understand that, but really, if you tell me when I *might* get home it would be much easier to plan a time to take it!! I am not ready for it yet & if I don't do good on it, I will have a D+ & I don't think that counts as passing so I will have to take the class over again!

Then, I saw my cousin last night I got the "It's OK Natalie...Fat people get dates, too!"
I'm not fat & have never thought of myself as such. I am 5'8" & weigh 150 lbs. She's 5'6" & weighs 100 lbs. Apparently, I'm not pretty, either, but she must be. I've been thinking about what I can say to her to crash her ego, because I have waited years to get back at her for making my life miserable. Why do I dislike her so much? She has always gone out of her way to be mean to my four legged kids.

The two cousins my age hate each other & use me to get back at each other. Tomorrow we are going to be by a lake, so I think I'll bring my "vicious" dogs(Lab & Lab X) & my swimsuit & leave them to fight. Forget running the "games" I want to make the best out of this horribly stressful weekend!

Sorry, but the stress of having final exams, I have to dog sit for someone(I told them before this whole birthday party thing got planned that I would, so I can't back out now), having this birthday party, and then I am going to be 1 of 2 volunteers who can be at the shelter tomorrow & I have to leave at noon! As if all that junk isn't enough, my mom is having surgery on her back/neck for a bulging(I think) disc on August 2nd. She will be laid up for 2-6 weeks. My SIL is allergic to cats so I have been cleaning like crazy by myself(while my 15 y/o sister lounges in the hammock) to try to make this weekend a little better for her.

I really just want to crawl in a hole right now. At least one of the dogs still knows how to make me feel better. She has been giving me extra kisses for the past few days.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2005
I'm not psychic,I just see through people
Gosh you are having it tough at the minute

Just reading your post has got my head spinning

I would just say to myself, Don't let the muppets grind you down.

Do what you want to do,when you want to do it and don't bother what they think of you
because they will still be like that with you wether you are doing for them or not.

Pack your 'cozzy' go to the lake and chill out
with the ones who do appreciate you....your lovely sensitive dogs

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
I am so sorry you have to go through this ordeal of a family reunion.
I don't have much family left, but I would still rather hack up a hairball than be in the room with any of them but my daughter and granddaughter. Maybe you could tell them you were abducted by aliens and not returned until after your exam.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 24, 2006
Limerick, Ireland
Look, this might seem harder than going, but just don't go.

Visit your grandma in the morning, come down with a terribly tummy bug and excuse yourself.

Being there for your grandma does not mean you have to participate in ritual humilation.
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white cat lover

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 17, 2005
I went to the thing yesterday & there's nore today.

Yesterday, I got terribly sunburnt because my cousin(who tells me I'm fat) put something other than sunblcok on me & told me it was sunblock. I hurt so bad right now. Let's put it this way...I was white skined before & now I'm so red it's like purple. I didn't sleep good last night I was so sore & uncomfortable. My cousin however, still finds it hilarious. Another cousin(whos 18-a year younger than me) drank too much & thought it would be funny to spike me Pepsi. I smelled it before I drank any, though.

Last night, I get signed up for a shift at my cousin's benefit. I don't want to but figure I can go home at 1 pm. THEN I find out there's stuff this afternoon that I have to go to WHAT ABOUT MY HOMEWORK!!?!?!?! These people KNOW I have homework & I told them I had stuff due today, but if I don't show up for my shift & spend all afternoon there, I'm in trouble! I'm coming to my shift(I think) this morning, but I'm going to be late. I am going to whine about how my grades are going to be bad because I had to do more family stuff this afternoon. I was basically told if I don't show up for the stuff today, then I might as well forget getting together ever again at the other holidays. Right now, that seems tempting. No one told me about the thing this afternoon until I was leaving 2 hours later than I was supposed to be able to leave last night. I'm dog sitting & thank god those dogs were OK. One of my girls peed in a corner as she can only go so long & I wasn't allowed to leave when I needed to.

I got my test done Friday. I begged my prof to oped it early for me & she did. I passed the test & the class. Only 1 more final, 2 "normal" chapter tests & one learning activity. I have a chapter test(1 hour) & a learning activity to due today.

As if that isn't enough...we have to wear these stupid shirts that color coordinate to the rest of our individual family(mom dad siblings). They are cheap shirts & they rub so bad on my sunburn. I swear I have the most spiteful family. Several of my cousins didn't take their ridalin or mood stabilizers, so they are really fun. Thanks for listening guys! Now I think I can go *try* to handle this day.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
That makes me glad that I am several thousand miles away from mine, at least with my family reunions I know I don't have a hope of getting home before the next morning, or the morning after that.

Glad you got the test done early!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
EW, i cant believe you let your family brainwash you like that or take you for a ride, just tell them to shove it up their bums!
You have it worse, you have to see them, where as i just have to avoid my ex on the net

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
What a horrible thing for your cousin to do to you! Joking around is one thing, but she could hve done permanent damage to your skin. You don't owe anything to people that would treat you like that, or condone someone else doing it. I say pack it in and go home. Heck with them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
the "non-suntan lotion" stunt really makes my blood boil!
Where are the parents of these brats??? If you have to, go to the doctor & send her the bill!! And if she doesn't pay, then sue her in small claims court!

If they do ban you from any family functions, then consider yourself blessed! I actually really doubt that they would ban you, because they need at least one sane person at the group functions
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white cat lover

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 17, 2005
I went to help out at the benefit. I was so stressed & it was so hot....I just all the sudden burst out in tears. I didn't know I was going to, but I felt like if I didn't cry, I was going to die. I sat down on the floor & cried with tons of people looking at me. I got to come home & I just finished my homework. My cousin is 19 & her daddy spanked her & made her go back to the hotel & watch her monster half siblings when he found out about her little trick. I missed seeing my brother & SIL again, they already went home so I won't get to see them til Christmas.

I don't have to go to the stupid thing this afternoon if I don't feel like it. Everyone just assumed I was making up everything I have to do to get attention. No one realized I was freaking out & super stressed. Most people there were staying at the hotel & had nothing going on...while I am at home & balancing all this stuff. I am just so glad I don't have to see these people until Thanksgiving & even then we might just get together with mom's side of the family.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 5, 2006
an ice cube in Iowa...
Originally Posted by white cat lover

I went to help out at the benefit. I was so stressed & it was so hot....I just all the sudden burst out in tears. I didn't know I was going to, but I felt like if I didn't cry, I was going to die. I sat down on the floor & cried with tons of people looking at me. I got to come home & I just finished my homework. My cousin is 19 & her daddy spanked her & made her go back to the hotel & watch her monster half siblings when he found out about her little trick. I missed seeing my brother & SIL again, they already went home so I won't get to see them til Christmas.

I don't have to go to the stupid thing this afternoon if I don't feel like it. Everyone just assumed I was making up everything I have to do to get attention. No one realized I was freaking out & super stressed. Most people there were staying at the hotel & had nothing going on...while I am at home & balancing all this stuff. I am just so glad I don't have to see these people until Thanksgiving & even then we might just get together with mom's side of the family.
EEEK! Does anyone else here see what is wrong with a father spanking his 19 YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER??? Sorry. Just had to throw that in there.

Sounds like you've had a seriously rough weekend. I'm sorry!!!! I know how stressful and awful the family thing can be. Time to kick back, drink some lemonade, and take a nice bath.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 24, 2006
Limerick, Ireland
Originally Posted by white cat lover

My cousin is 19 & her daddy spanked her & made her go back to the hotel & watch her monster half siblings when he found out about her little trick.
I understand you being mad - what she did was criminally stupid, and nearly any reaction on your part would have been understandable, but her father doing that is frankly one of the creepiest things I've ever heard.

It makes her nuttiness a lot more sympathetic, too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 24, 2006
Limerick, Ireland
Originally Posted by wookie130

EEEK! Does anyone else here see what is wrong with a father spanking his 19 YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER??? Sorry. Just had to throw that in there.
Nope, with you. Frankly makes me wonder what else has been going on for nineteen years which might explain why she's a total fruitcake.