Experiencing a loss of a cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 2, 2015
I used to have 3 cats but recently one of them passed away in July. He was 11 and had health problems for about 4 years. He had a lot of health issues (IBD, fatty liver disease, diabetes) but he was doing good. The doctor thinks he may have developed a blood clot and it shut down his organs. I have his liter sister and another cat that has been around them for about 5 years. After my boy cat passed away they would not come out of the kitchen only to use the liter box. He passed away on the living room floor and I think that's why they didn't go in the living room. I wet vacuumed the carpet and wipe and cleaned almost everything I thought he came in contact with that didn't work. It took about 3 weeks to a month before they finally stayed in the living room. His sister still does not eat like she used to, she is a lot better though. They both have been to the doctors to get check up and shots and to talk about what they have been going threw since my other  cat passed away. He said it could take up to six months for them to get over his death. Cats have feelings to and they do experience lose like we do. They looked so sad and hid in places to be alone.  Many times I would sit with them, talk to them, pet them and love them. Will they ever get back to the way they were?  Will they start to eat  better? I have kept the food they were eating when he was alive it was HA food made for him and I gave them the food they would regularly eat. I kept the bowls in the same spot, I moved them to a different spots just to get them to eat. Do they familiarize the spot that he ate and didn't want to eat there? 

I love my babies and want them to be back to the way they were.
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TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
They are grieving and missing their companion.  Providing them comfort and loving on them will help them.