Experience with Capstar for feral kitties?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 16, 2020
Hi all, we have a feral kitty friend who lives in our yard, a large neutered male probably around 3 years old. We can’t touch or walk up to him, but he’ll come within a few feet of us at mealtimes. We’ve been dealing with fleas with our dog, and the cat is scratching so we’re almost certain that is also flea-related. (The dog is an indoor dog but spends some time in the yard so I assume that if one is being affected, they both are.)

I bought some cat Capstar at Petco but haven’t used it yet because I then read some concerning posts/reviews on various sites mentioning cats that have had potentially related issues including seizures. I know that all medications come with a small risk of reaction, but I’m not sure whether to think that the Capstar for cats is any more or less likely to cause a reaction than any other medication. Since we can’t get close to him to give him an over-the-counter topical, and can’t easily get him in to the vet to get something requiring a prescription for him, I’m not sure what else to try beyond Capstar, if anything. (I do give him brewer’s yeast but am not sure whether it makes any difference flea-wise — he does seem to like the taste though.)

I know that the Capstar causes fleas to act up before they die, which can cause the cat to act strangely, and I assume that maybe some people mistakenly attribute that to an actual problem with the cat — but I’ve also read a few reviews that mention a cat actually dying after taking it (though I recognize that correlation does not equal causation).

I guess my question boils down to: Do you use Capstar for your feral kitties, do you find it worth it (in light of it being a very short-term fix), and have you had any or known of any significant issues that would give you pause? If you do give it, how often do you use it? Do you give a full pill in something delicious, or crush it and spread it throughout a meal? Do you find that it seems to give your kitties noticeable relief from itching?

Thanks so much for any thoughts or tips!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
When I googled "Capstar cat freaking out" it actually brought me to some articles.

I have never used Capstar and only use spot on flea preps on my cats. The dog uses Bravecto though, which is also debatable and supposedly causes seizures. He is 15 and not in good health and has never reacted to it.

I am referring to ferals here, as well as my indoor pets. The ferals on my property either do allow me to come close enough to squeeze something on their neck or, are so wild and undomesticated that they do not even appear at regular intervals for food, despite always showing up eventually looking as if they are eating somewhere.

IMHO, you do need to do something to help this cat and the usual avenues are closed, with good reason, and so for your own safety and for his health, the ingestible type of flea preventative is your only solution. How often you might need to do this depends on where you live and what type of flea problem you have. I don't use flea preventative year round here. If Capstar does not have some hideous taste or smell and if the boy is a good eater you might be able to put it in his food and that will take care of it. I personally have crushed many meds in my time, despite instructions, and found that to work as well.....again, unless it makes his whole meal smell like insecticide. There are also cat Pill Pockets of all sorts that you might be able to hide it in.

Hopefully someone who currently uses Capstar will respond.