Ex-feral vs domesticated housecat - will they ever get along?

hersheys mom

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2012
Graham, WA
Hi. I have been away from this list for awhile, but I could use some advice from the experts again. Here is my situation: After the death of my beloved Hershey, I could not bear the loneliness and the heartache. I called several breeders, the Humane Society, the ASPCA, and tons of shelters trying to find a sable green-eyed Burmese to ease my pain. If I couldn't have Hershey back, I thought getting a cat that looked like her would help. But no one had one, not even the breeders. Two months later, I adopted a not-quite 3 year old Torie, DSH.  We liked each other from the start, and had just gotten to the stage where my bed became hers when I got THE EMAIL THAT CHANGED MY LIFE.  The Humane Society, bless them, had kept my name in their data base. They found a sable brown Burmese that had just been trapped in the wild and was being fostered in Denver. Her mommy and a bunch of other breeders had escaped from a breeding house and had her in the wild. She spent 10 months in the wilds of Denver before being trapped with a bunch of her fellow ex-prisoners. They asked if I still wanted a Burmese and I jumped at the chance. So off to Denver I flew, her foster mom met me at the airport, I signed the papers, got back on the next flight out and brought her home to San Diego. I had already set up a separate room for her, and took her into it as soon as I walked in the door. My intent was to keep her there (with cat tree, toys, big litter box, all the luxuries) until I could hopefully domesticate her. Minja would sit outside the door, and then put her long legs under the door, extending them into the room, so the newbie was aware there was another cat in the area. She never tried to hurt Minja's legs, but sniffed them every so often. Three months, 6 trips to the ER, and lots of love later, a loving, friendly kitty emerged from the snarling, vicious creature I brought home. She arrived Sept 15th, she made her debut into the rest of the house Christmas morning. Since both cats had been sniffing each other under the door for 3 months I did not think there would be a problem introducing them. Wrong! Things have calmed down now, but they are not where I'd like them to be. I have managed to get them to eat in the same room, just a few feet apart. Minja has sniffed Hershey Rose's butt several times and she has made no aggressive moves against her. I have seen them rub each others noses. They sleep within a foot of each other. Yet if Minja is on the couch or cat tree, Hershey Rose won't go near it. Minja chases her all over the house, and I have seen Hershey Rose put her ears back and growl, never a good sign, when Minja gets too close. The have now been together for two weeks shy of a year and still don't get along. My thinking on this is that Minja, who is a sweet cat and generally non-agressive is trying to get Hershey Rose to cat-play with her. Hershey Rose, on the other hand, being completely feral, does not understand cat-play, and sees Minja as a potential enemy. Here's the thing: I can get them to sit beside me, one on each side, and they are fine. I can interactive play with them together, although Hershey Rose will walk away after a few minutes as if surrendering the toy to Minja. So I tried one toy in each hand, one for each cat separately but playing at the same time, with the same result. I am totally confused. Sometimes they get along fine, although there is never any physical contact between them, and sometimes they act like they want to kill one another, but again, no physical contact. I would love to see them lie down together, groom each other, and be friends. It breaks my heart to see them chase each other or get in a hissing fight, as I adopted them to give them a loving home, not to put them through stress. I love both of them dearly and do not want to re-home either one of them. Minja would eventually be put down (she had been adopted and returned several times before I took her home due to behavior problems with food), and Hershey Rose is afraid of any human but me, so chances are she would be put down also. Does anyone have any suggestions? I treat both equally, if I pet one, the other gets petted, they get fed at the same time, each gets played with at the same time and then separately. Hershey Rose wants to be near me constantly, and not matter how many times I am with her and call Minja over to join us, she just walks away. Minja sleeps with me, but Hershey Rose is afraid to get on the bed as Minja walks the perimeter of the bed when she is in the room, staking out "her" territory. How do I get these babies to be friends, or is this a lost cause?



TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
I think that their progress is actually pretty good given the circumstances. It may be that they are never going to be the snuggle buddies that you would like. The best that you might be able to get is that they live in peaceful harmony. As long as they are not actively fighting, they may just still be sorting out their pecking order and relationship to each other and to you. I would counsel patience in this situation. I think you're doing all the right things, but time may be the biggest factor here.

As long as they are not being stressed out by the situation, which it doesn't sound like it is to me, I would just give them time and space to work it out. I think it will work out in the end. Many vibes for you, Minja and Hershey Rose.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Have you tried Feliway adaptors and/or spray?  What about some flower essences?  Jackson Galaxy's line of Spirit Essences are fabulous.  He has them for feral cats, bully remedies, stress stopper and many many more.  I have used many of them.  You can just place them into their wet food and/or water bowl a few times each day.  You can also apply them directly to their fur. 

I am currently working on a stray/feral who moved into my house the end of May.  My resident kitty had been the lone indoor boy for 5 years.  I moved the stray/feral (Marvin) into a spare room.  He remained their for 2 1/2 months.  We would visit him 4-6x each day to play with him and get him used to us.  I then moved to putting a screen door up.  I bought a $20 one from Lowes and secured it with tension rods so that it was easy to put up and take down.  This allowed the cats to safely sniff.  We did lots of scent swapping and then moved to feeding on either side of the screen door.  I would then allow Marvin time to come out of his room while Jake ( the resident kitty) was put away.  Finally in mid August, we allowed Marvin and Jake to be downstairs together.  We put Jake on a harness and kept the visits fairly short.  The first 4 days were great.  The boys would sniff, lay together, and hang out.  THen all at once the territory issues began.  I had to separate them and have visits completely supervised.  Every time they got near each other, they would hiss, growl, swat, posture.  I was able to get to them before an explosion occured.  Marvin would still go into his safe room at night.  So now I am into early Sept. and the boys continue their daily spats.  It is getting better.  A few things that have helped.  I try to make lots of positive interactions between the boys.  DH and I will each play with the cats and then they get to have some chicken together.  They love it.  I try to make them really tired and worn out from play.  Jackson Galaxy says that you would Eat Play and Love with your cats!! 

Hopefully your situation will continue to improve.
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hersheys mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2012
Graham, WA
Love Jackson Galaxy. He has a lot of great advice. However, I have tried his essences (several different ones) and his major competitors essences, and they didn't help a bit. I bought them JG toys and they don't touch them. They don't like his catnip either. Strange little furballs. I have tried Feliway, Feliway Comfort, and even, as a last resort per my vet because Hershey Rose was getting stressed out, Xanax. That helped, but I didn't like the idea of drugging my cats so I stopped it after a few days. I often think they are playing, but when Hershey Rose puts her ears back and hisses, that is not play. And while I hate doing it, the easiest way to stop that behavior is a blast from my water pistol. Hershey Rose still has to be taken to the vet to have her nails clipped, and they are horrendous. She could do some major damage to Minja. Right now it has been 100+ degrees for the last week, and I won't put the cats in the car in that heat, even though they come into the vet with me. It takes the car a while to cool down, and I am afraid they will get overheated, and they are stressed enough because neither likes the car.  Minja will tolerate nail clipping if given enough treats (one for each nail). But Hershey Rose, being an ex-feral, will not tolerate my trying to pick her up or clip her nail. I have had her a year, and last week she finally stayed still long enough for me to prove to her that brushing feels good, it's not really torture. Now she lays still and lets me brush her. But the nail thing is a whole other issue. The main problem is I cannot be scratched or bitten by her or I end up in the ER. I am horribly allergic to something in her bacteria (she is the first cat I have experienced this with) and the site of the broken skin swells up like a volcano and turns purple and blue. Last year I almost lost one of my finger to her bite. So she goes to the vet for nail clippings. I usually give her .5 xanax (low for a cat) before we go. The vets assistant can hold her while the vet clips her nails. As soon as the temperature lets up, we are taking the trip. Hopefully, this is cat play, and Hershey Rose is learning to be a cat and not a feral. Time will tell.

Thank you for your help.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I have been using Composure liquid too.  I use it on both of my boys.  Right now I give 1/4t. to each morning and night into their wet food.  They both like the taste.  I am going to up the dosage to 1/2 t. during the day.  It does help keep them calm and less agitated. 

I can totally relate to the nail clipping. Marvin who had been living outside for who knows how long needs to go to the vet for nail trimmings too.  He totally resists being held, but is absolutely great at the vet.  I an trim Jake's as long as I give him treats and/or chicken for each nail!  Marvin was diagnosed with Cat Scratch Fever in June.  He was on antibiotics for 21 straight days.  That was torture.  He did scratch me once, but I was fine.  He goes back in about 6 months to be retested.

I think all of it is very stressful on us humans as well.  I sat down and just cried my eyes out this morning.  Whenever the boys cross paths, someone hisses, growls, chases or bats at the other.  There is no all out fighting, but that might be because I keep a close eye on them.  I too have to use the squirt bottle.  I just keep thinking that there is no way I'd get rid of Jake.  He's been with us since he was  kitten and he's now 5 years old.  He's my sons cat.  Marvin would never ever be adoptable.  It would take a very very special person to deal with a cat who lived outside and adopted feral ways.  I tried in May to find a home for him with no luck.  I think he deserves a chance at love and forever home.  I also have a dog to add to the mix and 2 outdoor cats; one feral and one stray.  I just hope that at some point, peace will reign.