Everyone has one!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
All my friends are either parents or pregnant right now. I mean it's bad. Before my first friend had her baby in the end of Jan, I had 8 babies on the way. Now we are down to 6 on the way!

My friend's mother was just saying at church today how when she went to visit my friend all these people were coming over and there were babies everywhere she looked! She even had a pic of my friend with one of her other friends sitting next to eachother nursing! (Both had these special cover/wraps for nursing with others around.)
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TCS Member
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Aug 17, 2005
Originally Posted by Pekoe & Nigel

I'm in the same boat as you. I'm 23 and am getting panicky because I'm getting OLD!!! I want those babies well before I'm 30. So I sit here and do the math:
I'm not in a relationship. If I meet someone tomorrow and we start dating it'll be AT LEAST a good year or two (at least, I'd like a lot more!!) before we get engaged- and that's if he's the right one.
So then I'd be 24/25. Say a year for engagement, making me 26.
Even if I get pregnant right after we get married (yes, me and this invisible, non-existent boy) I'll be 27 before the first one comes along. And I want more than one!!!
I know... well- I'm 22- (23 in May), John & I have been together for 2 years in May...but I'm unemployed, and we're not married (YET!), but I want a solid job and a house before we have a baby. So... unfortunately I don't think my dream will come true
Its sad because I really was working towards my dream of being a mom by the time I wanted- but jobs suck
and everything is SO darn expensive.
I'm ready... but our expenses arent


TCS Member
Nov 28, 2005
ugh, give me a cat anyday!
I really am not comfortable around babies, I am 29 years old and I am proud to say I have never changed a diaper, never fed a baby, never burped a baby
and I think the maximum amount of time I have ever held a baby at one time is like 5 minutes
jut not my cup of tea
I keep telling my mom if she wants a grandkid I'll pop one out and drop it off at her house on my way home from the hospital
Unless an absolutely magnificient man comes along that I belive will be the perfect father, than there are no babies coming from me... I refuse to be a single mother in or out of a relationship

pekoe & nigel

TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Originally Posted by babyharley

I know... well- I'm 22- (23 in May), John & I have been together for 2 years in May...but I'm unemployed, and we're not married (YET!), but I want a solid job and a house before we have a baby. So... unfortunately I don't think my dream will come true
Its sad because I really was working towards my dream of being a mom by the time I wanted- but jobs suck
and everything is SO darn expensive.
I'm ready... but our expenses arent
I think the thing to keep in mind is to not panic (this is what I have to tell myself when I start freaking out like this). First of all, there are many, many people who are "older" and just starting out their families. Hey, maybe it's not your ideal plan to start having kids when you're 30-35, but things happen for a reason, right?
And let's imagine that you were in a situation where you were pregnant now. You'd be pretty panicked, right? Because from what you're saying, it sounds like you're not in a position (and I KNOW I'm not in a position) to be having kids. I know I'd be questioning if I'd done the right thing and if I was really ready for a baby. So, as hard as it is, I think you need to have faith that things happen for a reason and that everything will work out. EVEN IF IT'S THE HARDEST THING EVER TO WAIT!
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TCS Member
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Aug 17, 2005
Originally Posted by Pekoe & Nigel

I think the thing to keep in mind is to not panic (this is what I have to tell myself when I start freaking out like this). First of all, there are many, many people who are "older" and just starting out their families. Hey, maybe it's not your ideal plan to start having kids when you're 30-35, but things happen for a reason, right?
And let's imagine that you were in a situation where you were pregnant now. You'd be pretty panicked, right? Because from what you're saying, it sounds like you're not in a position (and I KNOW I'm not in a position) to be having kids. I know I'd be questioning if I'd done the right thing and if I was really ready for a baby. So, as hard as it is, I think you need to have faith that things happen for a reason and that everything will work out. EVEN IF IT'S THE HARDEST THING EVER TO WAIT!
Oh I'd panic for sure!

Its just totally my luck in life to have something like this not work out how I want it to! And its really hard to see people my age- married with kids and happy... its like.... UGH! When will I catch a break!?!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 11, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted by babyharley

Oh I'd panic for sure!

Its just totally my luck in life to have something like this not work out how I want it to! And its really hard to see people my age- married with kids and happy... its like.... UGH! When will I catch a break!?!
You are still super young to be worrying. At least you have the goal in mind and are working towards making it happen. You're body will stay young AT LEAST until you are in your early 30s. Chances aren't so high later, but still quite possible till your in your early 40s.

Just keep focusing on your goals, and it will all happen the way that you feel is right.