Ever wish you'd have it easy once in your life ....


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May 28, 2002
Milwaukee, WI
I am going to be finishing up my masters degree at the end of July. I've been doing my internship for around a year now, and today I finaly got up the guts to ask my supervisor if there would be an opening for me at the clinic when I finish my Masters. He didn't say no, but at the same time he made a point to say that I needed to apply some other places. In addition he made a comment about me not being the best in paper work. I have thoughts about the paper work thing, but that is not what this post is about. It's about the fact that just once in life I wanted a transition in my life to happen easily & the way I planned. I know life is never easy, but I just feel like there are people in life that get things just handed to them because of who the know or what they look like. Maybe I'm wrong to want this, but I'm tired of being tired & working hard and not getting any where. OK, just needed to vent that as I'm at work & I've already been in the bathroom to cry once today.


TCS Member
Nov 28, 2005
I'm sorry you're feeling a little blah today

When I get down about life in general I just tell myself what fun would life be if it was easy?
I also remind myself that our struggles make us who we are, if we have everything handed to us we wouldn't appreciate what we have. Obstacles teach us perserverance and humility, ever notice that those who have an easy life are those people you wouldn't want to be friends with? Like Dory says, "just keep swimming!" you'll reach your goals one day


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 24, 2005

Sorry you're feeling down.

Life can be hard.

My story- I started college when my youngest was in 1st grade. She's now almost in 7th grade and I'm STILL in school. Trying to get a nursing degree.

I failed 1 class by 7 (yes 7) questions. My options were to re-apply to the school, starting over from scratch. However, the class I failed I had to re-take, and if things didn't change and I failed it again, then I'm out of that school. So I decided to apply to another school.

And at that school I needed 3 more pre-requistites. The sociology class was a piece of cake, but I've had to take 2 more math classes. I HATE MATH. UGH. But I'm going to do that to give it one more shot (have to- can't give up yet).

I'm tired of school. I'm tired of my family not being very interested in helping out around the house (I do 75% of the work- yet make only 25% of the mess) I'm tired of stressing out over the bills every month (ok dh's paycheck, lets see how much we'll have left). Tired of the kids complaining b/c they can't do everything they want. But if (and when) I finish school in 22 months- I will not only have a title I'll be proud of (RN), I'll be making more money an hour than I ever had ($19/hour instead of minimum wage).

And I've learned stuff over the years. Like time managament. And how to let the little stuff go. So I guess it's been a good thing.

going nova

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2008
I'm finishing my master's thesis, and I cry too! I was supposed to have summer field work, but ended up not having any. This means that my funding is up. I have to finish writing and graduate, because I no longer have income. It's "sink or swim", and right now I'm sinking. I don't have a job lined up, either.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 6, 2002
The Spacecoast
Originally Posted by Rang_27

I am going to be finishing up my masters degree at the end of July. I've been doing my internship for around a year now, and today I finaly got up the guts to ask my supervisor if there would be an opening for me at the clinic when I finish my Masters. He didn't say no, but at the same time he made a point to say that I needed to apply some other places. In addition he made a comment about me not being the best in paper work. I have thoughts about the paper work thing, but that is not what this post is about. It's about the fact that just once in life I wanted a transition in my life to happen easily & the way I planned. I know life is never easy, but I just feel like there are people in life that get things just handed to them because of who the know or what they look like. Maybe I'm wrong to want this, but I'm tired of being tired & working hard and not getting any where. OK, just needed to vent that as I'm at work & I've already been in the bathroom to cry once today.
As you said, you have worked very hard and you are tired. You are also entering the job market at most likely the most difficult time since you've been alive. It is tough out there, but YOU are close to being done with your Masters! YOU have already accomplished A LOT! Don't sell yourself short. You can get a BETTER job!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
It is true some people seem to move through life with no major problems but they are few and far between. Someone's life can be very different from the way it appears from the outside. It's a tough economy right now and a lot of people are struggling now. You have your education with a Master's degree that puts you ahead of a lot of people and it's something that cannot be taken away from you. Take what your supervisor said about the paperwork as constructive criticism and use it to make you a better and more valuable employee in the future. It won't be the last such criticism you receive in your working life and always make such criticism work for you.


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
A lot of life is "Plan B, Plan C, Plan Etc."

Or, as someone once said, "Life is what happens to you while you're making other plans."

When I graduated from college, I had a 4.0 GPA in my major and a 3.75 overall. I had intended to go into automotive journalism.

However, I graduated in 1974. That was in the recession caused by the first big oil crisis, and it was bigger than the 1982 recession, which is the one that the current recession keeps getting compared to. (This one is nowhere near as bad.)

All the contacts and friends that I knew in journalism in 1973 no longer had jobs in 1974. In fact, hiring in journalism didn't pick up again until 1983, and by that time, I couldn't afford the starting pay.

No, I didn't intend to drive a truck when I was in college, but it's worked out pretty well.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 15, 2008
north eastern PA
Originally Posted by Rang_27

I am going to be finishing up my masters degree at the end of July. I've been doing my internship for around a year now, and today I finaly got up the guts to ask my supervisor if there would be an opening for me at the clinic when I finish my Masters. He didn't say no, but at the same time he made a point to say that I needed to apply some other places. In addition he made a comment about me not being the best in paper work. I have thoughts about the paper work thing, but that is not what this post is about. It's about the fact that just once in life I wanted a transition in my life to happen easily & the way I planned. I know life is never easy, but I just feel like there are people in life that get things just handed to them because of who the know or what they look like. Maybe I'm wrong to want this, but I'm tired of being tired & working hard and not getting any where. OK, just needed to vent that as I'm at work & I've already been in the bathroom to cry once today.
its going to be OK.
i totally understand how you feel, and it does seem like some people go thru their whole lives with never an obstacle, i know 1 of them myself...and you just cant compare yourself to those people because it will drive you nutz, and most likely its just that to "us" it looks like they have the perfect life but i bet you they really don't! Ive had quite a few breakdowns at work but you just gotta keep going, don't give up for 1 second! your going to have your masters, and if the clinic doesn't snatch you up you will find something else, so stay strong!
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TCS Member
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May 28, 2002
Milwaukee, WI
Thanks everyone. I have to say I've been very supprised by how strong of an emotional reaction I had to what my supervisor told me. Basicly I think it comes down to fear. I'm going to be leaving a job I've worked for 10 years & starting a whole new career. It's taken me a year to get comfortable at this clinic now I have to start over again. Just last week I got invited by a couple of the other counselors to a tuperware party at one of their houses. It was great and I guess I feel like my saftey net is being totally pulled out from under me. I have to admit that I cried harder last night than I have in a very long time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
Originally Posted by Rang_27

Thanks everyone. I have to say I've been very supprised by how strong of an emotional reaction I had to what my supervisor told me. Basicly I think it comes down to fear. I'm going to be leaving a job I've worked for 10 years & starting a whole new career. It's taken me a year to get comfortable at this clinic now I have to start over again. Just last week I got invited by a couple of the other counselors to a tuperware party at one of their houses. It was great and I guess I feel like my saftey net is being totally pulled out from under me. I have to admit that I cried harder last night than I have in a very long time.
I think your boss was mean to you and I want to slap him!! Who does that?? Usually in my world, doing an internship means having a guaranteed position at the company where you're interning when you graduate. That's the reason why most people try so hard to get internships. Most employers know their interns expect an offer from them ..
Anyways, of course you would take it so emotionally I absolutely would too!! It's pretty much indirectly telling you that you aren't doing good enough to be an employee there. But think of it this way with the job cuts and recession that's probably the real reason why your boss is so reluctant to say yes. At the company where my mom works, they usually always have interns and she was telling me about how the intern she worked with got denied a full time job and is now she is only there part time and my mom was apalled at the people who hire. It was all because of the recession...So everyone has a tough time and I understand that the fact that it isn't personal doesn't make it any less scary. I hate job interviews because it's so fake you have to pretend to be someone totally awesome at working and love the work more than anything in the world and are in love with the company and think about them night and day and I'm just like OMG no way work is nowhere near this important to me.. so interviewing and job seeking is just hell for me. I'm nervous thinking about that too because it's not very far for me either.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 9, 2009
Shreveport, LA
I know life is hard and sometime you just want to crawl into a cave in cry. Trust me, we're all either there now or have been! I'm sorry you're going through a rough spot and best of luck to you!!!!

going nova

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2008
Originally Posted by ut0pia

I hate job interviews because it's so fake you have to pretend to be someone totally awesome at working and love the work more than anything in the world and are in love with the company and think about them night and day and I'm just like OMG no way work is nowhere near this important to me.. so interviewing and job seeking is just hell for me. I'm nervous thinking about that too because it's not very far for me either.
I actually do love what I do, and would do it as a hobby if I weren't paid to do it. Although, if I didn't have to work I'd spend most of my time working with cats primarily, and geophysics would take a back seat to that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
But life isn't easy, at least for me

I also finished my masters degree and did not have a secure job lined up because we had to move to another state shortly after graduation for my husband's career.
I had to work a part time job without benefits in an unrelated industry just to barely make it by in our new place as I couldn't find any other position despite looking for months. I left my familiar territory so was limited in connections. The position severely underpaid and I was over stressed in the position (bad work environment plus a drive that kept me on a highway for around 2 hours a day) but I stuck with it; then the company went under and out due to the economy. Sadly, a couple months after, so did my husband's place of business for the same reason, yeah, the one we relocated for and had built our life around! Talk about very hard. And in the economy finding anything available, especially in our areas of interest where our degrees and experience...well that is another story.
A loved one of mine was diagnosed with cancer during this time too, which was also very hard. And then other stuff happened in life of course during this time that required attention.
Focus on the good stuff, the happy stuff, and count your blessings
Don't worry, you will be great in whatever you do! Congrats to you on the degree and good luck, you have accomplished a lot and will continue to do so!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
Originally Posted by Going Nova

I actually do love what I do, and would do it as a hobby if I weren't paid to do it. Although, if I didn't have to work I'd spend most of my time working with cats primarily, and geophysics would take a back seat to that.
I can understand that, I mean sure I like my field I enjoy what I do but what bugs me is usually they expect people at interviews to say things like "i love your company and I will be a great asset to your company through such and such ways and blah blah blah!" I mean come on do I really care about their company? To me there's no way. I may like them b/c they pay me, we may have a mutually beneficial relationship but there is no way i'm kissing ass like that lol beyond the paycheck I could care less about them. Even if I do grow to like my company, if it's a company that is different and unique in some way and makes great contributions to society, then I may eventually develop a special liking for them after working there so long and seeing how they operate, but at an interview it's impossible IMO

going nova

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2008
Originally Posted by ut0pia

I can understand that, I mean sure I like my field I enjoy what I do but what bugs me is usually they expect people at interviews to say things like "i love your company and I will be a great asset to your company through such and such ways and blah blah blah!" I mean come on do I really care about their company? To me there's no way. I may like them b/c they pay me, we may have a mutually beneficial relationship but there is no way i'm kissing ass like that lol beyond the paycheck I could care less about them. Even if I do grow to like my company, if it's a company that is different and unique in some way and makes great contributions to society, then I may eventually develop a special liking for them after working there so long and seeing how they operate, but at an interview it's impossible IMO
I don't know about that yet, but soon will.
I've pretty much always been employed in student positions related to my field. I did try out retail, just to see what it was like and I hated it... so I quit!
It was for a company that I did like. After I worked there, I stopped buying the products because it was such a crappy job that I developed an aversion to the store. I've been lucky so far and haven't had to stick with a job I didn't like... I haven't had to provide for anyone other than myself. Do employers really want to hear about how much you like their company? I think it sort of depends on the company too. I hired tutors for a tutoring place, and I really didn't care what they thought- as long as they were competent.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
Originally Posted by Going Nova

I don't know about that yet, but soon will.
I've pretty much always been employed in student positions related to my field. I did try out retail, just to see what it was like and I hated it... so I quit!
It was for a company that I did like. After I worked there, I stopped buying the products because it was such a crappy job that I developed an aversion to the store. I've been lucky so far and haven't had to stick with a job I didn't like... I haven't had to provide for anyone other than myself. Do employers really want to hear about how much you like their company? I think it sort of depends on the company too. I hired tutors for a tutoring place, and I really didn't care what they thought- as long as they were competent.
Well it depends on the job probably but if you're applying for a corporate position it does..I mean you don't have to say that but if you do you increase your chance of being hired. Of course there are so many things you can do right and wrong and ultimately it depends on the interviewer's own biases lol.