Evacuation at 2am.... you would take your kitties right?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 26, 2005
The Netherlands
We would definitely take the cats.

I've made an emergency bag with stuff I might need following advice from this page:

I keep this bag by the front door, ready to grab in a moment, I also included a list with stuff to pack and where to find those things in case I have some time to spare. My boyfriend could also use the list in case i'm not home.

I keep a carrier with leashes and all the cats medical passports in the house so I have everything in one place when we need to go to the vet in a hurry, I keep the other cat carriers in our shed, we can get to those once we are out of the house. Our front door and shed are one floor above street level and the cats would be safe there as that 'street' is walled off.

trouts mom

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
If we had an actual evacuation (tornado, flood..etc..) Trout would be the first thing I would grab. However our fire alarm in our building goes off like twice a week, and to be honest I check out the hallway, and don't even go downstairs because its more than likely a false alarm all the time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 25, 2005
Plano, Texas
This astounds me. How could anyone leave a pet behind in that situation? What kind of people are they?

This past spring, in the middle of a night when tornados were hopscotching across our area, I stumbled out of bed, turned on the TV, and saw a very detailed street-level radar scan that appeared to show a tornado perhaps two miles away and heading straight down our street. I yelled for my mom to go into the main bath (the only room with no outside walls), and I would bring the cats.

Every time I raced down the hall with a cat, I yelled at Mom again, and she called from her room that she was hurrying, she'd be right there. Meanwhile, I could hear the wind roaring like the proverbial freight train as the storm intensified.

I became frantic, begging the kitties to cooperate, but of course, as soon as they saw the first cat carted off, they all scurried under something -- so I spent a good ten minutes tearfully scrabbling under chairs and hauling sofas away from the wall, while mentally estimating the eastward progress of the spinning monster down the street.

But I never did get all six kitties -- and in fact, I couldn't even get my mom to safety! When I finally banged on the door of her room and insisted that she get into the bathroom right this minute, she emerged fully dressed with her purse over her arm and said, "Well, I had to get ready!"

So it was very fortunate indeed that it turned out the graphic I'd seen on the TV radar was not, in fact, a tornado, but merely an upper-air circulation that could have been the precursor to a funnel cloud.

But by golly, I'm proud to say I did not abandon my kitties!


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
Originally Posted by lmunsie

When I got down there was about 20 other people with pets and a conversation started with those around us, who were shocked we evacuated our pets!!!
did they evacuate their children?
seriously - you always act responsibly for those in your care - whether they're children or pets.
Originally Posted by lmunsie

Would you evacuate your pets?
well, of course i would! i have enough carriers for one apiece, just in case that should ever be necessary. regular vet trips, it's not - i rarely take more than 1, & have never taken more than 2 on a single trip.

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
No way would I leave my kitties. We live in an area plagued with hurricanes, so my carriers are right within easy reach. I would have to sit in the back of the truck with the motorcycle, but I don't care. We would evacuate from anything over a 3 well before it got too bad, and I have been wet before. I have even rehearsed fitting the carriers in without impeding the driver and 3 valuable guitars. We keep empty Rubbermaid cartons for food, medicine and clothing that will also fit around the bike.