

Adopt don't shop.
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Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
I was just wondering what people think about euthanasia and natural death.

Personally I'm a bit afraid of euthanasia because of the guilt that comes with it. I let Hector die at home and I believe I made the right choice.

Do we really have the right to end another's life? Reading others posts I have begun to question whether it is truly easier on all parties involved or not. It seems euthanasia comes with a lot of guilt and uncertainty. Having a natural death seems to give "resolve" in knowing you did everything you could.

What do others think?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I truly believe in euthanasia. Most times a natural death comes with pain and suffering. If I were to ever get to that point, I would hope someone would end my life quickly and painlessly.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I think all of us wish for a natural death. We would like for our pets to live long healthy lives and pass peacefully in their sleep. Unfortunately that isn't the way it always go. I believe that euthanasia is often the humane loving thing to do. We need to remember that by doing the best for our cats in terms of diet, vet care, and a protected environment we have extended their lives years beyond what is the ordinary lifetime for a feral cat. Since we have given them an unnatural life span, though a happy life, we have a responsibility to step in and end it when there is no longer a good quality of life.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
It would be comforting for a beloved pet to go to sleep and not wake up but that is usually not the case. We have had many cats over the years as well as a dog. Not one of them went peacefully in their sleep. It was heartrending to see them suffer or be in pain with no possible cure. We frequently sought a second opinion but it is the kindest and most compassionate act we can do for our animals who have given us unconditional love.
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Adopt don't shop.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Interesting you say that. Hector died at home and it was very peaceful she just kind of drifted off. But I guess the cause of death can make a huge difference.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Of all the horses I've had only one died a natural death. Ending Kitten's suffering where she might have lingered for a week or more in pain and confusion was the right thing to do. I've seen natural death because of my idiot in-laws and their standard of pet care. There is nothing kind about an old cat wheezing it's last in the middle of your driveway because they felt it was right to let him die naturally.
The decision on when palliative care is not longer feasible is between the pet owner and the veterinarian.
Life hangs on sometimes long past the time any medical help can relieve even the pain for a while. When an animal reaches that point euthanasia may be more difficult because of impaired functions.
I think it's just as important to have a discussion with either the face in the mirror or you SO about your feelings and where you draw the line before any of your healthy pets get sick.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
Sadly none of our cats passed quietly in their sleep.

Instead they lost weight, suffered and their quality of life diminished. It was obvious their natural death would not be easy for them.

In our case we felt we had a responsibilty to stop that suffering and that we were being selfish for putting our desire to not let them ago ahead of their needs.

The timing of when to make the final trip to the vet was always difficult and all reasonable treatments would be explored first.

Makes me sad to even think about it. Our little girl will be gone 2 years this august.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I've had it happen both ways. It depends on a lot of factors. In some cases, probably most cases with cats since they're so prone to kidney disease and all that, it's honestly inhumane to let them go "naturally" without palliative care. But there are times when the cat is dying but not suffering, in which case I don't annoy them to take them to the vet.

If someone is truly opposed to euthanasia, and if their pet has a condition that makes it likely that they'll be suffering when it progresses, and they work out a palliative care program for the pet, including lots of painkillers, I don't have a problem with that. That's what we do for humans after all. But to allow the animal to suffer is wrong.

I don't intend to suffer when my time comes. I have no patience for that.

Having the pet pass "naturally" doesn't make it easier. You still wonder if there was some other intervention you could have tried or what if you had tried this instead of that. . .there are always doubts.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I just going to hit this one the head with a mallet. One of the reasons pet owners suffer loss so deeply is the lack of support.
It was just a horse
It was just a dog
It was just a cat
That mentality is still prevalent and pet owners are often shamed for the depth of their grief because there is human suffering. How can you be upset about some cat.
In our case Kitten was blinded and murdered by an incompetent veterinarian. For us the loss was like having your child killed. I'm quite past the point of caring if that offends someone who lost a child. I'm not belittling your grief. Mine is as real as yours. Having to make the decision to euthanize Kitten because another veterinarian was incompetent was brutal.
It's really hard to explain to someone in your own family why your whole life is torn apart when you cat was something they didn't even acknowledge as a living creature with rights.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
But that isnt the case on this site.

One of the first things I noticed when deciding whether to join this site or another cats site was the tremendous support from members to others who lost their furry buddies: an entire forum dedicated to supporting those who are grieving.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 2, 2013
My first cat suffered terribly because I was too selfish to let her go. I kept hoping for a miracle, and subjected her to all sorts of last-ditch efforts to save her. All I did was prolong her agony. It was only after we made that sad and final trip to the vet's office did I realize that she had been ready to go long before I was ready to say goodbye.

I've had many other pets since then, and thus far, not one of them has lived to a nice old age and died quietly in their sleep. Every one of them has eventually developed a catastrophic illness, and there have been many times when I've prayed that God would spare me from having to make that awful decision to end their suffering, and that they'd die peacefully without me having to do anything. And He has always answered those desperate prayers, although not in the way I had in mind. I can't explain it, but it's like their little souls make that decision for me by telling me that they're ready to go, and it's okay for me to do whatever I need to do to free them from their suffering. My heart always breaks into a million little pieces, but I've come to see it as a final act of love, and I have a sense of peace that I did the right thing.

Now I have a cat who is in the symptomatic phase of FIV, and another cat who has some health issues that appear to be developing into something more serious. I know it's just a matter of time before I've done everything I possibly can for them, and need to make that sad trip to the vet's office again. In the meantime, I've learned to be grateful for each and every day we can be together, while saying goodbye a little bit at the time.
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Adopt don't shop.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Maybe I should have been a bit clearer by natural death I meant dieing at God's hand as opposed to ending it with a chemical.

Hector had palliative care at home. I fed her, bathed her, helped her to the toilet and gave her medication to maintain her phosphorus levels.

She didn't look to be in pain (ckd doesn't cause pain)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
We only got our boys recently and they are young at just over 3 years old. But they are the biggest cats we have ever had, and it seems in nature, big animals or people dont live as long.

Already im wondering how I will mange without them. Ive never been so attached to a cat (arnold). So like the previous poster, I am greatful for each day and honestly try to make each one of their days happy for them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
I don't think there is a right or wrong answer. I've been very blessed that my cats were "normal", active and happy until their last day or two on earth.

Little Miss Tess, 1987-2004, age 16.5. Had a severe stroke on Sunday, survived the night. Diagnosed untreatable - would not recover - on Monday morning. Had her euthanized.

Maslow, 1989-2005, age 15.5. Refused to eat one morning. When I arrived home from work that evening, he curled up in my arms, purred, and went to sleep for his final time.

Einstein, 1994-2013, age 19.5. Never had a single health problem is entire life. Died peacefully in his sleep.

Cosine, 2004-2016, age 12. Went off food at breakfast on a Monday morning. I said, "Sorry, Cozie Cat. Looks like you don't feel good today. If you don't eat tonight, I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow morning." He was dead that afternoon when I got home from work. (I'm always going to feel guilty for not calling in to work and taking him to the vet that morning.)

Over 30 years, 3 cats died at home and 1 was euthanized. That's just the way it worked out. I'm very blessed that I haven't owned a cat who had any type of chronic physical illness, or the history could be very different.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Washington State USA
Ditto- and so eloquently put!!! It is the most final act of love we can provide for our babies, and better a day too early than one single minute of suffering! Healing prayers and thoughts to you and your two kitties, bless your heart!

My first cat suffered terribly because I was too selfish to let her go. I kept hoping for a miracle, and subjected her to all sorts of last-ditch efforts to save her. All I did was prolong her agony. It was only after we made that sad and final trip to the vet's office did I realize that she had been ready to go long before I was ready to say goodbye.

I've had many other pets since then, and thus far, not one of them has lived to a nice old age and died quietly in their sleep. Every one of them has eventually developed a catastrophic illness, and there have been many times when I've prayed that God would spare me from having to make that awful decision to end their suffering, and that they'd die peacefully without me having to do anything. And He has always answered those desperate prayers, although not in the way I had in mind. I can't explain it, but it's like their little souls make that decision for me by telling me that they're ready to go, and it's okay for me to do whatever I need to do to free them from their suffering. My heart always breaks into a million little pieces, but I've come to see it as a final act of love, and I have a sense of peace that I did the right thing.

Now I have a cat who is in the symptomatic phase of FIV, and another cat who has some health issues that appear to be developing into something more serious. I know it's just a matter of time before I've done everything I possibly can for them, and need to make that sad trip to the vet's office again. In the meantime, I've learned to be grateful for each and every day we can be together, while saying goodbye a little bit at the time.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2017
For me it's the fair thing to do for the pet or animal. They can't make decisions for themselves. I guess sometimes they can. Some outdoor pets will go off and die if they feel something happening. Perhaps it's last minute dementia that causes them to wander, I don't know. In terms of our cat Queenie that we had to make the decision on today, in my mind, she was suffering. Her quality of life this past week from near hourly seizures had elevated to a level that affected her mentally and physically. We tried medication, it didn't work. It would have been inhumane for me to not do something to ease her suffering. We're thankful that the couple of weeks leading up to her illness was a different side of her that we haven't seen. She was very affectionate and sought our attention constantly. I have a thread on her seizures a few posts down. It's very sad that this last week was so awful but I'm comforted knowing she is not having seizures anymore. We're showing our other cats some extra love and attention tonight.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
But that isnt the case on this site.

One of the first things I noticed when deciding whether to join this site or another cats site was the tremendous support from members to others who lost their furry buddies: an entire forum dedicated to supporting those who are grieving.
No of course it's not and didn't mean to imply that.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Maybe I should have been a bit clearer by natural death I meant dieing at God's hand as opposed to ending it with a chemical.

Hector had palliative care at home. I fed her, bathed her, helped her to the toilet and gave her medication to maintain her phosphorus levels.

She didn't look to be in pain (ckd doesn't cause pain)
And that's why it's hard to be for or against it. What is right for one cat and the ability and willingness of the guardian may not fit another. I think most of us would like to know that when the time comes they'll just curl up and go to sleep.
It would be wonderful if everyone who comes here grieving could find that support within their real life family and friends. Of course I consider the close friends who have lost spouses , parents and children who are quickly encouraged to move on and in some cases get over it. No one talks about euthanasia and this thread is brilliant because I hope someone reading it goes what would I do because it really does help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
No, I did not mean to imply that you did either. The problem with written posts is that sometimes its easy to not be clear in ones meaning as perhaps I just was.

I just meant to say that we share common feelings here, and we all can understand how much it hurts when our beloved furry buddies are no longer in our lives. (Even if others cant understand that pain).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 19, 2004
I had to choose euthanasia because it was my only option. It's hard to let them go, but to me it's even harder to watch them suffer when it's their time.

It's one of the most difficult choices I've ever made and will always make when that time comes because I can't bear to watch them suffer when they've given me so much.
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