Enema After Care - What Next?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2018
Washington, DC
Found the means to get Gizmo to the vet yesterday to relieve his consripation. They gave him an enema, sub-q fluids, and did blood work to make sure his kidneys aren’t contributing to anything. Doc was happy with his weight, said he didn’t appear dehydrated but gave fluids because they never hurt, and we are waiting to get the results of his blood work.

Doc said enema was very effective and cleared him out. They said he pooped a lot and when I brought him home the difference in how his abdomen felt was quite noticeable.

Doc advised to put him back on 4ml of Lactulose with each meal (8ml/daily) for about a week to make sure things keep moving out, and then work him down to 6ml for a week, and then 4ml going forward - she wants to give his body a chance to keep doing what it’s supposed to do on its own, if possible.

My question is this - when will he have his next BM? He has urinated often since bringing him home and had 2 meals (a total of 8ml Lactulose, but I have not seen him poop yet.

It is 8pm now and we are at about 30 hours post-enema. When should I expect him to have another movement?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I would think fairly soon-he was emptied out pretty well, correct? So a couple of meals, plus whatever else he's eaten. It takes some time for his digestive system to catch up .....I think, if you haven't seen anything in the morning, you might want to call your vet to see what she thinks.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2018
Washington, DC
Hi! I would think fairly soon-he was emptied out pretty well, correct? So a couple of meals, plus whatever else he's eaten. It takes some time for his digestive system to catch up .....I think, if you haven't seen anything in the morning, you might want to call your vet to see what she thinks.
Fairly soon, as in fairly soon after the enema (meaning it should have happened already) or fairly soon meaning it should happen fairly soon from this point on because he was emptied out by the enema and has had two regular meals and doses of Lactulose?

I have no understanding of a human body operates piste enem so I have no idea what a cat body does after one.

He is urinating regularly and begging for food (he always does, we are a family who likes to eat).

It would make sense to me that he won’t need to go right away because he was empty and his body needs time to digest and process the new food coming in, I’m just hyper vigilant and don’t want to miss any signs of things having not been resolved.

He had an enema years ago and I think I remember being nervous when he hadn’t gone after a day or so and being excited when I discovered that he did. I also could be remembering it that way to comfort myself.

Ultimately I suppose I am worried that he’s gotten so old that the MegaColon consripation is now an issue that can only be temporarily relieved with vet intervention each time.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2018
Washington, DC
Still no movement.

I haven’t fed him breakfast this morning but I did give him his normal dose of Lactulose and am waiting to see something come from that.

His vet does not open until 2pm today so I am waiting to call them to discuss. The Emergency Vet they reference to call when closed said it could be anywhere between 3-5 days but then said the MegaColon changes the game and they can’t make any estimate about timeline for post enema regular bowel movements.

I am worried that we’ve reached a point that his colon isn’t making movements on its own to move things out and that it’s only going to be remedied with enemas at the vet.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2018
Washington, DC
Just talked to the Vet, she’s not worried about Gizmo not having pooped yet. She said give him until tomorrow afternoon.

She said what he was constipated with came out easily and responded well to the enema so he has nothing hanging out in his system, plus he is on wetfood which is absorbed quite a bit by the body and results in smaller poops/less often. Team that with slower motility and an empty colon and it will take a hot minute to get a poop out.

However, he does kidney disease in the very early stages.

There are 3 levels they check - 2 are sitting right in the middle of the normal range, the other is elevated.

Normal range for SDMA is 0 - 14 and he is at 18. But she says he does not require treatment until he hits 19 and it would only be a change in his food and wouldn’t require medicine at that point.

He needs to have blood work again in 6 months - because his other numbers are so good she doesn’t expect that it would advance to needing treatment before then.

His thyroid was really good!

She was super impressed with how healthy he is at his age.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2018
Washington, DC
So long as the vet isn’t concerned, I am less concerned. LOL I’ll feel relieved once he has a movement. Fingers crossed!
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2018
Washington, DC

Kinda solid, kinda not. So, so stinky.

He got up to greet me so I spent a minute or two massaging his belly and when I came back with his dinner he had done his business.

So relieved that at least for now his body is doing what it’s supposed relatively unassisted (Lactulose is staying in our daily routine).

Because of his age I’m leaning towards not electing for invasive surgery if it ever gets to that point. But we aren’t there yet!!