Emergency Situation


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 6, 2014
Okay so today i came home to find my Leo (3year old male, neutered) behaving quite strangely.
He greeted my as usual and his food bowl told me he had eaten food.
But after a while i noticed that when i refilled his bowl he wasnt eating. Even his wet food that he wolfs down on normal days nor his treats.
Also he seems to move quite slowly as if in pain.
But most of all his lower belly is twitching constantly in a tremor sort of way. Sorry i have no better way of explaining it.
I'm a work 10hrs a day kinda person but i have family at home who look after my cat and he is purely an indoors one.
Now last night i accidentally semi-tripped on him but he seemed okay afterwards. My mom told me he has been sleeping today whole day as well, not moving much as he usually does.
I'm quite worried now and nothing on the net is making any sense. It's not possible for me to go to a vet at the moment so if anyone has any sort of suggestions i'd be happy to hear. I'm quite worried so please any sort of help would be welcome.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 22, 2017
It's important for you to get your cat to a vet ASAP- if you can't take him, a neighbor or a family member or even a coworker might be able to help you.

Can you check the litter box for diarrhea? Has he gone to the bathroom recently? A lack of appetite could indicate that he's in pain. Animals sleep more when they're trying to heal themselves. He could have a blockage. He could have internal bleeding. If you tripped over him hard enough, he could have a broken rib or a hernia. It could be peritonitis. It could be a number of things. Cats are masters at hiding pain, so, in my opinion, the fact that you can tell he's off says that he's in greater distress than you can immediately see.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
When you tripped on him, did you just bump into him or did you step on his stomach? I agree, only a vet would know what to do.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
You're not going to like it but my only suggestion is a vet. There aren't symptoms to really point in a direction. Can you see his third eyelid? Normally blockage or digestive issues will have vomiting or litter box changes. A cold or respiratory issue would have sneezing, coughing or discharge.

Cats are really good at hiding signs of illness until they are really feeling bad. A loss of appitite is never a good thing, nor is lethargy, and cats can start having internal problems after just 24 hours without food.

Since there don't seem to be a lot of external symptoms you really need a vet to feel for any abnormalities in his abdomen that might explain what you are describing. Blood work might also be needed to check for infection or xrays for injury. The lack of other symptoms though makes me think that something might have happened when you tripped over him (which don't beat yourself up, it happens). I do want to be right about that but it is a possibility.

Please find a way to take him to the vet. If money is the issue there is CareCredit which offers 0% interest if paid off in a specific time or you can check with your vet for payment options.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
I am going to echo what everyone else says. He is in pain. It makes me wonder if you tripped over him because he wasn't feeling well. As in, I could be wrong but he might have been trying to get your attention and let you know something was wrong and you just missed it because you were busy. Sometimes cats get cuddly or needy when they don't feel good.
Just focus on finding out what is wrong and how to treat him.
I hope you can get him to a vet as soon as possible and get pictures taken of the abdomen.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 6, 2014
As far as tripping over him goes there was no stepping on him. He just got tangled in my legs and i fell. He actually plays catch me at night with me a lot so that's what he was doing. I can sense now if he's being needy cuz of not feeling good since we've been through some times so i can assure that wasnt the case.
I've checked the litter. I had changed it yesterday so there are no signs of diarrhea or any other poop or pee problem. And like i said he did eat as per normal during the day but when i filled his bowl he wasnt interested which basically triggered me as to something being wrong. Also there is no vomiting, sneezing, coughing or discharge or anything of the sort.
The twitching thing has subsided now, weirdly but he's still under my bed and i've thrown my duvet on him to make him warm and i'm afraid to pull him out.
Money is also not an issue. We actually live outside the city and it's night time right now. And travelling an 2hrs+ to the city and back is pretty unsafe at the moment. I'll try to get him to the vet tomorrow of course. I wanted to just know if there was something i could do at the moment right now.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Nothing to do in the moment but keep him comfortable. It could just been him having an off day but I usually take mine in even for that because I worry about missing something by waiting to see since cats do hide things so well.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 6, 2014
I absolutely agree with you. I know i'm a slightly paranoid fur mom but i take no chances with my baby and most of the times my gut feelings have been pretty accurate. I just panicked and just wanted help and this forum has helped me every time I've been in a fix about something.
Cat care is not pretty common where i live so apart from vet i got no one to ask from. And the internet is a very vast world so i wanted opinion of experienced pet owners. It's literally my knee-jerk reaction to post here whenever i'm confused about his health in some way.
Thank you everyone for your concern and advice. I cannot be thankful enough. I hope it's just an off day. I'll definitely post here however things take a turn (crossing fingers for the best)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 22, 2017
I absolutely agree with you. I know i'm a slightly paranoid fur mom but i take no chances with my baby and most of the times my gut feelings have been pretty accurate. I just panicked and just wanted help and this forum has helped me every time I've been in a fix about something.
Cat care is not pretty common where i live so apart from vet i got no one to ask from. And the internet is a very vast world so i wanted opinion of experienced pet owners. It's literally my knee-jerk reaction to post here whenever i'm confused about his health in some way.
Thank you everyone for your concern and advice. I cannot be thankful enough. I hope it's just an off day. I'll definitely post here however things take a turn (crossing fingers for the best)
Definitely let us know how things go! :crossfingers:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
As far as tripping over him goes there was no stepping on him. He just got tangled in my legs and i fell. He actually plays catch me at night with me a lot so that's what he was doing. I can sense now if he's being needy cuz of not feeling good since we've been through some times so i can assure that wasnt the case.
I've checked the litter. I had changed it yesterday so there are no signs of diarrhea or any other poop or pee problem. And like i said he did eat as per normal during the day but when i filled his bowl he wasnt interested which basically triggered me as to something being wrong. Also there is no vomiting, sneezing, coughing or discharge or anything of the sort.
The twitching thing has subsided now, weirdly but he's still under my bed and i've thrown my duvet on him to make him warm and i'm afraid to pull him out.
Money is also not an issue. We actually live outside the city and it's night time right now. And travelling an 2hrs+ to the city and back is pretty unsafe at the moment. I'll try to get him to the vet tomorrow of course. I wanted to just know if there was something i could do at the moment right now.
Totally understandable. I live in the country and usually don't have transportation until 5pm. Sometimes I have to deal with emergencies as best I can until I can get transportation. Also the ER won't even look at even a terribly injured yet salvageable animal without first seeing a $90 deposit. Learned that the hard way.
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 6, 2014
Okay random update.. He's out from under the bed. The twitching is totally absent. He has eaten his kibble and licked clean his wet food bowl as well. And has taken at least 10 rounds around the house
I'm still being pretty cautious with him.and will take him to the vet regardless.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
I am glad you will take him to the vet anyway. Glad he is feeling better too.
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 6, 2014
okay so i got swamped at work and was totally unable to post his update here.
But a day before his vet visit Leo started doing something that looked like vomiting but a bit different. So i video tapped him and took him to the vet the next morning and they told me it was a cough.
They checked him and concluded that he has a upper respiratory infection. might be due to changing weather here cuz i dont have no a.c. in my room and he's a totally indoor cat. the day he had that twitching belly thing we had a monsoon storm after a hot spell so maybe it's cuz the weather turned cold suddenly.
the thing i'm glad about is that it isnt serious. he's had meds and is better and hasnt coughed or anything since. i'm keeping him warm now through any means possible. he hates being in the duvet unless im sleeping but im forcing him in anyways lol
anyways thank you everyone for your help and everything ^_^

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Thank you for your update, I always wonder how things are going. I'm so glad he is doing better, don't hesitate to ask for help, and keep posting if you don't get a reply right away, there are different time zones, etc. Just post a one liner to bring your post back to the top.Good luck!