Elder cat having eatting, pan and behavior issues


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 14, 2014
My Sarah kitty has always been the perfect cat. She was a very traumatized rescue at first. She had been abused and her tail had to be amputated.

She is fixed so none of this is mating issues.

For the last 12 years she has been my constant companion - she was always on me purring - on my lap while working and in bed with me at night - even sitting on the side of the tub while I bathe.

Recently she has been more gradually distant. A little bi tat first and then more. I started to think she was being jealous of my mate because she started coming in the bedroom and complaining loudly when I went to bed wit him and walking back and forth. If I went back to the computer she curled up again and got happy. I've been with my mate longer than I've had her so it was not a new person coming into the home. it was new that we did not have the bed alone at that time since he just lost his job and his scheduled meant we usully had the bed at different times. It was really the first change that I noticed.

Then she started making the 'i need something desperate' low cry more than I ever heard. Normally she would not do this unless the door to her room got closed and she could not get to the potty but she did this standing on the counter with her food bowl and water - even if I but down fresh she kept at it and might nibble a bit.

I noticed she seems to have lost significant weight.

Over the last 2 weeks things have taken a turn for the worse. She definitely is having trouble with something.

Always happy inside she has taken to darting out the door and hiding. This is now every time the door is opened. Its like she wants to be away from us? She goes under the house.

In the last 3 days she has peed on us twice. Once she peed on me in the bed - it was rather deliberate after I kept ignoring her cries trying to sleep. Last night she peed on my mate while he was in bed the me way. The night before she tried to poop on my son in the recliner.

Litter pan was fresh each time - not just then fresh but not but a few bits in it.

Today she manned to get into the attic somehow and we could not find her. Just a bit ago she started crying or help and we got her down.

It would have been terribly hot up there today so I expected her to want to drink and eat right away but she just got on the counter and started crying. I was making some drink up and she pooped right beside my cup.

I tried her on some sardines - her fav treat - and she ate off the sauce. I thought maybe she was having trouble breaking it up so I smashed them and she ate a bit more of them but not really as much as I would expect of a cat not having eaten all day. It was really a tiny it-picking bit.

Then she went to crying the low cry again. Nothing would passify her. When hubby came home a few minutes ago she darted out the door and back under the house.

I'm at a total loss as to what I am seing. It seems sudden but when I look back on it things have been developing over a few months.

I should also note that over the years she has pissed on me when I made her angry. That is just one of her things so at first I was trying to figure out how I was upsetting her. I can think of nothing in that regard.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2014
oh Canada~
Has she been to the vet lately? If she's at least 12, she should have a geriatric blood profile done to see how her health is now that she's getting older. My biggest concerns would be the weight loss and whining. In most cases, we personify cats in a way that makes them seem vengeful, but this is a very human trait. If cats or other animals are acting out of the ordinary, especially if it's accompanied by physical changes, the most likely contributor is a health issue or pain that has developed.

I would see if you can get her to a vet as soon as possible before more symptoms appear or she loses even more weight.
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