Does a cat really go to the stranger in a group?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 18, 2011
On the internet, people write this story that a cat given 10 people will go to the stranger rather than 9 known people because the stranger is only one who doesn't look at the cat. My cat and me happily look at each other. Is it total nonsense as with humans go at far distances? Cats maybe react negative to other cats looking in their eyes as it is a dominance issue.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 18, 2011
Talking most cats.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Cats don't, exactly, see humans as a distinct animal. To them, we look like a big, clumsy, stupid-looking cat that doesn't have any fur. (How weird! ;) )

Cats are also territorial. Whether they see their territory as having distinct boundaries isn't really known. Still, their territory is all of the land they survey. Even if they don't physically defend that territory they still see your home as "mine."

So, when a group of humans comes to the cat's territory, it will want to investigate who they are. Do they know me? Are they a good human or a bad human? The cat will probably want to interrogate the newest, unknown humans first in order to ensure there aren't any "interlopers."

Once the cat has done security duty it will resume its regular business, seeking attention from the rest of the humans present or avoiding humans, depending on the cat's personality.

... Well, that's my stab at it, anyhow. ;) ;) ;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Usually not. Unless you have people over your house a lot, cats tend to be scared of strangers. I've had cats and periods of time where a cat was interested in strangers, but with the kids gone now we dont have people over enough, so we are back to fear.

I do like Caspers Human Caspers Human explanation of why it might sometimes happen that way. I had a cat that reacted exactly that way to a new kitten. He was distressed about the new kitten, but he *had* to know where it was and what it was doing, an "I'm watching you dont try anything" kind of thing.

But sometimes it might be simpler. When my daughter was around 12, several of her friends loved cats. So a new teen girl? That was a chance to get some love.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I've read that story/theme a little differently, where it says the cat will find the one person in the group who doesn't care for cats and approach them.

I had a group of five people at the house a couple years ago, three of which were cat people, one that wasn't particular either way and one who didn't care for cats. Darned if Poppy approached the last one and it made her so uncomfortable I had to retrieve him and put him in a bedroom 😻


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
My two will simply go to visitors whether they’re familiar or not, and regardless of whether they like cats or not, as soon as they sit down. They’re warier of men they don’t know if those men don’t sit down. As far as Phoebe’s concerned, anyone who comes in and sits down is doing it to provide her with a lap. Daisy used to be nervous of visitors but now she’s just as likely to come out for pets.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 18, 2011
Do your cats care if the people that know look at them?


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Sometimes people who like cats or who think they are good at reading cats aren't. There's a few studies on the subject, for example People are terrible at reading cats' facial expressions: study.

So cats are more likely to go to the one giving them space, letting them approach on their own terms (ex the one that doesn't actually like cats).

Caspers Human Caspers Human also makes an excellent point re: the new human being an individual that must be observed, for safety.

My, now late cats, were very social. They frequently approached new people because they knew we would be there later to give them attention. So, for example, Lily would sleep with my niece when she was over because she could sleep with me any night. If we had a new guest, Nobel wanted to sniff all the new smells and see what was up.

Now I have 3 cats and none of them will approach any strangers. That's what we mean when we say "depends on the cat." There's no answer that fits "most" cats. It's a big split right down the middle, especially after COVID, and depends on the cat's previous socialization and personality.
We had a new person over though who just settled in and gave the boys space and within 15 minutes had made friends with all the cats. That person truly is able to read cat body language. I have many friends who are "cat people" who are awful at it. Just this past weekend our friends' cat who hides from most people came and got lots of pets from me and rolled all over the floor in front of me; it's only our second time meeting their cat. Their other cat still hid.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Sometimes people who like cats or who think they are good at reading cats aren't.
Or they think that, because they understand their own cat, they understand all cats. We know that isn’t necessarily true because, like people, no two cats are exactly alike.

As with anything else, you shouldn’t overgeneralize.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 3, 2023
I think it really depends on the type of cat lol. I've got 7 right now (my old lady and my new clowder of 6 [all under 2 years]) and whenever i've had people over (new and familiar) they have fallen under one of three categories: Hiders, Watchers & Pet-me-whores.

From a personality stand point; I've found this website "You are being redirected..." matches my 6 young youngies pretty well and i've broken them down like this: 1 Alpha, 1 Alpha/Beta, 2 Betas, 1 Beta/Gamma & 2 Gamma

My Gamma and my B/G are hiders. Gamma for sure. He hides as far away from the new noise as can be. Every once in awhile; if its someone I've had over a lot, he will make the rounds about the house but he never interacts with the guests and will get super timid and run away if a guess approaches him.

My B/G will mostly hid or he will occasionally sit at the top of the stair landing and see what is going on until something spooks him and he's gone for a few hours. He's gotten a little better with repeat or long term visitors (relatives over night for a few days) of coming down and clinging to me but he hides a lot when it is new people.

My two betas will take up a position somewhere on the main floor where they can be seen but work will be needed to interact and they have a quick escape if necessary. My male beta will usually lay on a cat tree or hammock that is behind the couch (kind of a bitch to get to him fully) or under the dining room table There is a little cubby where the table meet the support where he can lay and see out but is pretty well hidden). My Female Beta will do pretty much the same. Her go to spots are either the hammock or cat tree if they are empty or some ottomans that have been moved to a wall (we set up a poker table in the middle of the living room so we can sit on the couch and game). They both are a bit more curious and are more willing to let someone approach and will get a good sniff/take a quick petting but for the most part they stick to themselves and just watch.

My Alpha doesn't give a shit who you are or what you are doing, he is comin for love. He was at the Vet; first time with that Doctor & Nurse, was super scared during the exam and when they gave him his shots. Not 5 seconds after the shots he is splayed out on the exam table getting side belly pets and bunt rubbing the nurse's hand. He has climbed onto the chest and laid down on 3 or 4 people for pets the first time they have been over. He has also climber 3 or 4 people for food they 1st time they've been over....and interrupted a game or two for attention.

My A/B isn't quite as "in your face" as my Alpha but she is not shy about getting what she wants. She takes a little longer to come around and is a little more picky but she's curled up on a few guess on their 2nd or 3rd visit. She climbed onto my one friend who is allergic to cats and took an almost 2 hour nap on his lap lol. More than a few times i've had guess say "i'll take her if have to get rid of her" ...which will never happen!!!! She is perfect!!...and she has also interrupted a few games for attention lol.

Oh and the old lady hates everyone and everything pretty much all the time. I get some love occasionally but it always comes with blood and battle scars lol. She mostly hides when there are strangers in the house. She has a history of opening the under sink cabinet doors in the Bathroom and climbing into the side drawer and hiding the entire time someone other than me has been in the house/apartment.

But those have been my brief observations from a very small and curated sample size.