Do you think your cat would save your life?


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
My current cats? Knee jerk guess is Rocket would sit there and watch, Link would hide until it was quiet. Link is my big boy and runs to protect his sister but human strangers are scary. He might surprise me, he does get brave at the vet when I am there, but I'd guess he'd be scared away before he realized I needed help. Rocket might surprise me too, she can be very aggressive about what is hers and she isn't as scared. When it's time to vacuum or mow the lawn, the boys run but Rocket sits at a safe spot and watches daring the offending machine to try something.

My rainbow kitty would have died to protect me. I was a teenager and he would walk me halfway to school everyday and wait at end of our street after school. Neighbors walked their dogs on the other side of the street because if I was outside he would go after any dog/cat/critter that got to close to me. He was a big time fighter and when he passed away had plenty of scars and ear nicks, despite being neutered before he was a year old he was very very territorial. We rarely saw any cats, raccoons or possums near out house while he was alive because he just didn't tolerate intruders. There is no doubt in my mind he would have thrown himself between me and any danger. He passed away way too soon at 10 from a very aggressive cancer. He fought to the end but #cancersucks.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
If there were smoke and fire...I think yes...they would wake me...since one is sleeping with me sometimes...I would hope so.:sleep:
Stranger breaking'd run and hide...but maybe my male cat Tripp (named after a star trek character)...would accidentally trip the intruder...but probably not.:running:
If I fell on the floor, and was laying there...they would only come over and lick me...especially the female Tepaul...and Tripp would tap me with his paw.:blackcat: :bluepaw:

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Not Graham. She would hide from any strangers and flee in fear at any loud noises. Maybe because she has never been exposed to outdoors all her life, and the only people she knows are me and my hubby.

Bourbon is a possibility, but I am not 100percent sure. Although, she has actually saved me from my deepest darkest depression in the past.

My other cats? Also a nay. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 8, 2016

Once someone broke into my home and I woke up to him standing over my bed. (I was fine.) Delilah was just sitting in the living room watching him break in, not concerned in the slightest. She probably went up to him for chin scratches.

She's dumb as rocks but I love her.

I also think I should get a dog.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 8, 2006
Hudson Valley NY
My current cats? No.
But my BoBo ,RIP,
I’m sure she would’ve. I had gotten her with my, at the time, live in boyfriend. She was a cuddle bug and very friendly. She would charm dinner guests into giving her table scraps. We had her for almost a year when he broke up with me. He had a friend come to help him move his belongings out and the next thing I know she’s latched into his leg biting and clawing his friend. He was screaming get her off me get her off me!
Ever since then she would growl and his and aggressively approach any one who came over. Even my family who she never had a problem with. One day my landlady needed to get in my apartment while I was at work. I never thought and told her go ahead. I get another phone call from her a few minutes later telling me if have to come home that BoBo was trying to attack her. It took months for her to accept my now husband but she did. And it took about 4 years for her to accept anyone other than me or my husband but finally she did.
so yes if she was still alive I believe she would have saved my life.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
:spew: We call Ozzy our Hall Monitor because at the first sign of distress--doorbell ringing, something falling on the floor, he hauls butt down the hallway and 'hides' in a bedroom, only peeking his head out from the safety of the doorway to see what's going on.

Zoe wouldn't even notice anything was going on. She's so oblivious to anything (except the sound of the treat box opening) that I've sometimes wondered if she's deaf. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
I am never sure about which of my cats will do what, when but they do surprise us! I have several truly remarkable experiences:
"Wild Kitty" ,a true feral who hid from other people, attacked a man who was attacking me when I was a naive 13yo. The man had kicked my dog who ran off with a yelp (dog was a great watchdog otherwise). WildKitty was yowling & clawing, biting his back,face,shoulders as I ran away. When she came home that evening, she acted especially proud and after that, would let my little brother get near her.

"Joey" clawed me awake when the wood paneling in our trailer was roiling with smoke from our woodburner being overloaded with specialty logs. The chimney was glowing red & almost see-through but I sprayed it down with the water hose and all was okay but discolored.

"Bunny" saved my 89yo mom from 2 pitbulls at large. The dogs pushed the frontwalk gate open enough to go at her Pomeranian-mix but couldn't get a good bite through thick fur so the dogs charged my mom & she partially fell on the front step. Bunny charged the closest dog's face then dashed up the apple tree, followed by the dogs, giving my mom time to get into the house and my grandson & neighbors a chance to grab the dogs for their useless owner who was crying, "Don't hurt my babies! Don't call animal control!" over and over.

"Miss Tobie", our office cat, who growled and eventually bit a new-hire male receptionist. I kept Miss Tobie home after that. The receptionist was fired for stealing from the cash box and lying to us about client communications.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
"Miss Tobie", our office cat, who growled and eventually bit a new-hire male receptionist. I kept Miss Tobie home after that. The receptionist was fired for stealing from the cash box and lying to us about client communications.
All your stories are absolutely fantastic examples of your heroic kitties...but I must say the above one really makes me smile. The intuition that cats have is amazing....


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
I ask this because my cat, Remy, is *very* protective. If he hears Flora or Maisie in distress he comes running and attacks whoever is distressing them (which is almost always me and most of the time it's an accident on my part while the other times it's trying to get Maisie in a kennel). I haven't been in any danger (God forbid I ever am) but I really believe that if someone was hurting me, Remy would attack the assailant.

Do you think, based on your cat's personality or even past experiences, that they could/would save your life? Has a cat ever saved you before?
No. They would be thinking how good I’m going to taste 🤣


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
I had a Siamese who lived with us for a little while when I was little and he would chase this older aggressive boy away from me. The weird thing was- he was not our cat. My oldest sister found him wandering around in a neighborhood when she was walking home from a party and of course she scooped him up and brought him home. He was with us for about two weeks until we could find his owner. The boy he chased was a known bully to younger kids, but what was not known was that this kid was scared of cats. Every time he would start to come into my yard to get me, my fearless Siamese would chase him back to his own house.

I never got a chance to thank that kitty. :)
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
"Bunny" saved my 89yo mom from 2 pitbulls at large. The dogs pushed the frontwalk gate open enough to go at her Pomeranian-mix but couldn't get a good bite through thick fur so the dogs charged my mom & she partially fell on the front step. Bunny charged the closest dog's face then dashed up the apple tree, followed by the dogs, giving my mom time to get into the house and my grandson & neighbors a chance to grab the dogs for their useless owner who was crying, "Don't hurt my babies! Don't call animal control!" over and over.
I'm glad your mom was okay, but that story in particular makes me so mad. The reason pitbulls have a bad reputation is because of owners like that not taking responsibility for their dogs. If my dog was aggressive in anyway, I wouldn't let her out of my sight, and especially not unleashed, until I got her trained to not act that way.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I ask this because my cat, Remy, is *very* protective. If he hears Flora or Maisie in distress he comes running and attacks whoever is distressing them (which is almost always me and most of the time it's an accident on my part while the other times it's trying to get Maisie in a kennel). I haven't been in any danger (God forbid I ever am) but I really believe that if someone was hurting me, Remy would attack the assailant.

Do you think, based on your cat's personality or even past experiences, that they could/would save your life? Has a cat ever saved you before?
Without any doubt. And I would give mine for them.
In the time I've been here, there hasn't been much to scare anyone except for natural occurrences; but I do recall cats growling when they've heard something inaudible to me that concerns them. I'm a light sleeper so I think I would wake up if I heard them growling.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
A friend of mine who breeds Abby,s had her neighbors dogs escape from their yard and come into hers while she was gardening. She had one of her cats "helping "her in the garden and the cat flew at both dogs giving Sue time to get into the house.
These dogs went on a rampage and were shot by the Ranger after attacking horses, alpacas, and people on the bike path along the river.
My previous cat would not let strangers into the house or yard and had to lock him away if tradesmen come to the house. He chased the gas meter man out of the yard and back to his car one day, I have no doubt he would have defended me if attacked.
Blue I think would just yell loudly like he does with everything else.
Very glad the dogs were destroyed.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 21, 2020
Nope. My sweet Juno is as lovey as they come but she does not seem to have much regard for my distress. Every one in a while, when I stub a toe or similar, I'll exaggerate my reaction just to see her response. Even my hamiest pleas of distress elicit no more than a fleeting look of curiosity or concern.