Do not use cheristin for cats!!!!!!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Wow, interesting information.  I wish Dr. Brooks was my vet!  He is so right when he says pets are sicker because of food and meds.  It all adds up doesn't it?  I'm so sorry about your kitty @Jules10, and I just can't help but wonder why it is that your cat took so long to develop the symptoms that quickly killed the OP's office kitty. :(


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
Southern California
My vet was the one who recommended Cheristin. It was only after I bought it that I looked online for reviews which was split into 50-good/50-bad. But I decided to give it a try. I made sure to stay home to watch his reaction. He was more mellow and mostly stayed until the next day. But reading what you guys have said, I'm definitely not going to use it again. Maybe Revolution since I heard good things about it.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Revolution also contains a macrocyclic lactone, selamectin.  However, since your cats didn't have a fatal reaction to the macrocyclic lactone in Cheristin, they should be fine with Revolution.  It has been around a lot longer and I believe the animals that have had reactions have shown neurological signs but have not died. 

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Wow, interesting information.  I wish Dr. Brooks was my vet!  He is so right when he says pets are sicker because of food and meds.  It all adds up doesn't it?  I'm so sorry about your kitty @Jules10, and I just can't help but wonder why it is that your cat took so long to develop the symptoms that quickly killed the OP's office kitty. :(
I would suspect that the office cat was unfortunate enough to have two copies of the defective MDR1 gene, and thus the protective P-glycoprotein was completely ineffective at protecting the brain, so the drug went straight in and acted on it like it would on an insect or worm.  This is what has happened to dogs with this defect in the past.  The macrocyclic lactones are all lipids, i.e. fat, and can pass freely through the body anywhere EXCEPT the brain, which is protected by the P-glycoprotein.  Furthermore, they are partially recycled back into the intestine through the liver (bile) and can be reabsorbed again and again.  That is why most of them work better over time, because they are cumulative.  After awhile, the cumulative effect is like an overdose, and an overdose of any macrocyclic lactone will kill any animal by inhibiting the P-glycoprotein and breaking through into the brain. 
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TCS Member
Jul 23, 2016
I put Cheristin on an 18 year old, two three year olds and three 3 1/2 month old kittens on 7/21 (All Rescues). My18 year old hyperthryroid cat died 7/23 and today (8/3) I found out my almost four month old kitten still has fleas, when I took him to the vet to get some vaccinations and asked her why he kept scratching his ears. She looked in his ears and didn't see anything wrong, but she saw fleas around his mouth.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
Southern California
Revolution also contains a macrocyclic lactone, selamectin.  However, since your cats didn't have a fatal reaction to the macrocyclic lactone in Cheristin, they should be fine with Revolution.  It has been around a lot longer and I believe the animals that have had reactions have shown neurological signs but have not died. 
I still have the box from last month (since I still have a couple of days until the 1 month dose expires) and looked for the ingredients. It wasn't stated on the box, but on the long paper inside. All it said was spinetoram as an active ingredient and the other ingredients aren't listed but contains 88.8%. So thank you for letting me know about macrocyclic lactone & selamectin. But can you please elaborate on the neurological signs you mentioned? I know about the hair loss (I'm not sure if it's cause he's a short-haired cat or because it's summer but I do feel/see he's been shedding A LOT), inflammation, itchiness, and vomiting as side effects of flea meds. 
I put Cheristin on an 18 year old, two three year olds and three 3 1/2 month old kittens on 7/21 (All Rescues). My18 year old hyperthryroid cat died 7/23 and today (8/3) I found out my almost four month old kitten still has fleas, when I took him to the vet to get some vaccinations and asked her why he kept scratching his ears. She looked in his ears and didn't see anything wrong, but she saw fleas around his mouth.
I'm so sorry to hear about your 18 year old cat & that the medicine did not do it's purpose. 
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2016
I believe it was cumulative.  Been doing research on the half-life of these poisons.  Comfortis has a half-life of up to 9 mos.; Cheristin up to 4 mos.  My cat had been on Comfortis for a few months before switched to Cheristin for Cats.  Being Cheristin for Cats has not been studied in cats and is NOT FDA approved, no one can be certain as to why my poor sweet cat died the horrific death she did. 

In hindsight, I wish she'd died much sooner than over a 9 month period of time where it was accumulating and being released into the brain and being stored there.  As she began to fail and lose weight, more and more of the poison was being used by her body as it is stored in the fats.  By the time she died, she was a skeleton of a cat whose body became more and more poisoned the longer this went on.

Why did she last so long?  I think she was not ready to die is part of the reason.  I'll never forget that a few weeks before she died, she managed to get up on her perch some how and sit there looking at me as if to say, "I am still here!  See how strong I am!  I am on my perch again watching over the home!".  She was a strong healthy cat in her day and it took a poison to kill her.

I suspect it it weren't for the poison, she'd be a cat that would have gone on to live many many years as most of the cats I have owned have. 

I am still in a state of shock over this and I am incredibly sad still.  I cannot stop crying and every time I think of her I hate myself and that vet that RX'd this poison still refuses to return my calls.  I have been contact by PETA however and they had some outstanding recommendations of things I could do!  I am glad this organization is still around despite all of the negative media hype that you hear about PETA.

So why did my cat take so long to die?  I believe God has the answer to that, not I. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2016
I have found two pages of toxic side effects noted in dogs that have used spinosad, the active ingredient in COMFORTIS and TRIFEXIS.  It is most disturbing to me as the side-effect listed is FEVER and my cat had a very high fever and the veterinarian knew not why.  Did the veterinarian even consider the fact that she was exhibiting symptoms of toxicity/poisoning when he saw her?  Answer = NO HE DID NOT! 

He just wanted to run more tests and suck more $ out of me I am convinced.  I have the records and they support this in fact! My late cat exhibited 16 of the symptoms that are listed on the two pages below!   I conclude that said vet is needs to have his license to practice veterinary medicine taken from him as he had not noticed that she was suffering the symptoms of poisoning back to the time I first took her to him in the fall of 2015!!  By the time I took her back at end of March, it was too late! 

Here are the two links re:  SPINOSAD toxic reactions in seen in dogs:

Page #1:

and ....

Page #2:

These above two pages give you a list of toxic symptoms found in dogs.

Sadly, they have not studied the cat and these poisons and yes, Cheristin for Cats is sold over-the-counter and NO it is NOT FDA approved!

If your cat has any of the symptoms described above in spinosad.png and spinosad1.png I'd suggest taking your cat to the vet ASAP and have it flushed out with charcoal before it is too late!   In the case of the vet I took her to, being he didn't recognize the symptoms of toxic poisoning, he would have done nothing and NO, I have never spoken to him since she got out of the hospital in late March 2016 and his office says that they are "not allowed to talk to me".    They do not believe she was poisoned as they are selling these poisons en mass and making a load of bucks off of the sales so why would they admit there is a problem when it is far easier to ignore the like of me and deny it?

As my late father used to say, "Money talks and B.S. walks".  I used to hate hearing this when he said it but it was absolutely right! 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2016
Today I found this info. re: a gene in cats that is blamed for a death of a cat that was on Revolution for flea control.  Cannot help but notice the similarities and in this case they actually state that it is due to a gene!

Revolution killed my cat

1 out of 5, reviewed on May 20, 2016

We have bought revolution every summer for the past few years. All 12, at the time, of our cats were reacting okay to it until recently. Our 8 year old cat started getting what looked like matted fur on his back closest to his tail. About 3 weeks after noticing this we found him dead in our yard. He had no other symptoms and the company claims that it was a gene that certain cats have. They also did not believe us when we told them about his fur. Now we have another cat going to a vet tomorrow for the same thing. Keep your pets away from this.


I wonder if this is the MDR1 gene?  Any idea re: this?

I think they've known about this all along and in the meantime, cats are dying with a DX of UNKNOWN cause for death!

Liars they are!  All of them! 

As for the product Revolution, perhaps a separate thread is in order for it?


TCS Member
Dec 22, 2016
I previously posted my story about my cat Baby's reaction to CHERISTIN in fall of 2015.
One dose only, because she immediately had extreme hair loss starting from site of application of med, awful itching for about a month+, and some noticeable weight loss.
Our two other cates had no reaction.
This past late summer, we had another infestation, and gave the two previously unaffected cats the CHERISTIN, but gave Baby nothing.
It didn't matter. Her being in the house with it exposed on the other two cats, brought out all the bad reactions in Baby anyway, after a year of not having it applied on her directly.
She went from a 12 lb, fluffy beauty to being unable to ear or drink, dying at 2 lbs, about three weeks ago.
I have not been to the doctor yet, but over the past 3-4 months my hair has also been falling out dramatically. Baby used to like to sleep on the bolster at the head of my bed, and, tho I have washed everything thoroughly, I'm concerned I may be having a reaction to exposure to Cherisitin' as well.
I'll be looking into this right away.
I would not risk using anything but natural and FDA approved products, ever again.
Our new vet was very concerned, listened well. Really discussed everything with me, and said to definitely report it to the manufacturer and insist our old vet take heed.
I am heartbroken over the loss of Baby, of course, but also for the many cats and kittens who may/will be affected before CHERISTIN is taken off the market.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 30, 2016
I work at a veterinary clinic we were told to try cheristin on our office cats. We did and it killed one of them! This medicine is EPA approved not FDA approved!! The Elanco Company first put this product on the shelves under the name Assurity and after numerous animal deaths they took if off the shelves and repackaged it under the name Cheristin.  When I contacted Elanco and told them about the cat's death, they told me nothing like this has ever happened before, but i highly doubt that our clinic cat would of been the first to die from this!! The Elanco Company offered to pay for a autopsy and when i asked the autopsy doctor about the results he said it was CHERISTIN that killed her!! I have been doing as much research as possible and I highly suggest you do too!! There is no expiration date on the box! How is that even possible? There is no way it could last forever and not go bad. The main ingredient is Spinetoram, a pesticide used to kill insects on trees!! I want this to be known so no one will ever use Cheristin and have anymore animals die!! PLEASE only use a product that is FDA approved for all animals!! Elanco told me the incident with my office cat passing away would be reviewed and not much else would be done about it. I can not believe it. We love our office cat and would never want anyone else to go through this heartbreaking ordeal!!! 

My Pepper is having issues with her back legs. Took her to the neurologist to see what's up. While there I told him about issues that Cheristan may have and he said to call Elanco.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
My Pepper is having issues with her back legs. Took her to the neurologist to see what's up. While there I told him about issues that Cheristan may have and he said to call Elanco.

Interesting!  In other words, they didn't record the complaints that were made.  That's why it's good to have independent websites like this one to keep people informed of the truth.  Shame on Elanco!   What did your neurologist say about this?

Also, I'd do a review wherever you can so you can inform many people about the risks of this drug.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
My Pepper is having issues with her back legs. Took her to the neurologist to see what's up. While there I told him about issues that Cheristan may have and he said to call Elanco.

Interesting!  In other words, they didn't record the complaints that were made.  That's why it's good to have independent websites like this one to keep people informed of the truth.  Shame on Elanco!   What did your neurologist say about this?

Also, I'd do a review wherever you can so you can inform many people about the risks of this drug.  
Unfortunately, this is not uncommon.  In the early 1980s, when I began having some neurological problems that disappeared when I cut Diet Coke (sweetened with aspartame) from my diet, I reported this to either Coca Cola or Searle (who had the patent on aspartame).  I was at that time in contact with a very large community of people who had had and reported similar problems from aspartame use, but the response that I got from the company was:
  1. It couldn't possibly have been caused by our product, which is totally safe.
  2. You must be mistaken, because no one else has reported similar problems.
Lies.  Totally lies.

Incidentally, there's a reasonably good chance that my brain tumor was caused by that exposure to aspartame, about 15 years before the tumor began growing.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
Cheristin is a pretty bad product from what i've experienced. The sticky residue stayed on my cats for a week. But i think any flea medicine can be harmful. I only put it on my cats during summer for a few months. Using it every month on them just seems toxic.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 30, 2016
Cheristin is a pretty bad product from what i've experienced. The sticky residue stayed on my cats for a week. But i think any flea medicine can be harmful. I only put it on my cats during summer for a few months. Using it every month on them just seems toxic.
What's so funny is that Cheristin never gave my cats clumpy hair and seemed to absorb rather quickly. It isn't greasy like others and has a rather pleasant pine smell. We never experienced hair loss or lethargy. In fact, my cats didn't like having it put on them, but once on them they were ok. They acted totally normal. HOWEVER, Pepper must be part owl because no matter where I placed it (and I tried several very high spots), she always was able to lick at it. Not good.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
What's so funny is that Cheristin never gave my cats clumpy hair and seemed to absorb rather quickly. It isn't greasy like others and has a rather pleasant pine smell. We never experienced hair loss or lethargy. In fact, my cats didn't like having it put on them, but once on them they were ok. They acted totally normal. HOWEVER, Pepper must be part owl because no matter where I placed it (and I tried several very high spots), she always was able to lick at it. Not good.
Maybe the formula was changed. Yea my orange tabby has a long neck so i have to apply it a little higher up. A little above shoulder blades doesnt work for him with that long neck.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Unfortunately, this is not uncommon.  In the early 1980s, when I began having some neurological problems that disappeared when I cut Diet Coke (sweetened with aspartame) from my diet, I reported this to either Coca Cola or Searle (who had the patent on aspartame).  I was at that time in contact with a very large community of people who had had and reported similar problems from aspartame use, but the response that I got from the company was:
  1. It couldn't possibly have been caused by our product, which is totally safe.
  2. You must be mistaken, because no one else has reported similar problems.
Lies.  Totally lies.

Incidentally, there's a reasonably good chance that my brain tumor was caused by that exposure to aspartame, about 15 years before the tumor began growing.

Yeah, totally safe.  Big companies and their apologists make me sick.  

As bad as sugar is, fake sugar is way worse.  I sure hope stevia doesn't ever fall into that category.  


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 25, 2017
Cat in the window
FYI: Freedom of Information Summary - New Drug Application - "Revolution" I only browsed this as I just happened upon it yesterday. I'm curious if there are any long term usage study reports available. Any illnesses that develop later in life from its use? Food for thought.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 1, 2016
Southern California
FYI:  Freedom of Information Summary - New Drug Application - "Evolution"  I only browsed this as I just happened upon it yesterday.  I'm curious if there are any long term usage study reports available.  Any illnesses that develop later in life from its use?  Food for thought. 
Thank you for this! After using Cheristin once on my cat, and he acted negatively to it, I had switched to Revolution. 

Laura Hammonds

TCS Member
Jun 19, 2017
I love my baby Bigfoot he has got me through the toughest times in my life.
I have been using frontline for flea treatment for a few years once a month or every other month as needed but it seems to be less effective.
Bigfoot has been itching a lot and then pulling his fur out by the clumpfuls
I see piles of fur all over the house. I couldn't believe it
I brought him to the vet they diagnosed him with flea allergies gave him steroids
I gave it to him for a few days saw no difference so I stop giving it to him.
About a month ago Bigfoot had a swollen foot so I brought him to the vet where she gave him antibiotics and pain shot and gave me cheristin flea treatment I said I was unfamiliar with it she assured me it was the best to use.
Since he already had gotten a shot and antibiotics I asked if I could wait to apply cheristin since I already was very concerned about any reactions to the shot The vet still applied it anyways and said it was fine.
When I got Bigfoot home he was freaked out bad ran and stayed under the kitchen table eyes were dilated and he was super confused. I just lied under the table with him and cried
I felt this was my fault I trusted the vet and now he was not himself anymore
Bigfoot was gone mentally he didn't even know who I was
He did finally pull out of it took a few days was tough to see him go through so much
I don't know what caused the bad reaction the antibiotics are fine he has had them along with my other cat bob and it's a great antibiotic didn't see any side effects and worked great so
I thought can't possibly be the flea treatment but reading these posts it very well could have been a bad side effect from it. I am so thankful I didn't lose him,
I will not make that mistake again I am so glad I didn't buy and apply more on him
Me and him are super attached he is my support who I love soooo much
I just prayed he would come out of it and vowed to never have this happen again
A month has past now and the fleas are returning
I am in dispare trying to find a flea treatment with no harmful chemicals
the chemicals always hurt the body in someway I cannot bear the thought I am giving him something that could kill him and is hurting him
I am so greatful to read the info about diatomaceous earth
Thank you soooo much I just ordered it and waiting to apply