Do not buy Temptations Cat Treats, They are slowly killing your cats & Whiskas is not doing anything

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I hope this isn't true.  I've been giving my cat a big handful of Temptations treats when i wake up in the morning and before i go to sleep at night.  For the last 2 years i think.  And he is perfectly healthy.  Other then that he eats only Meow mix.  Nothing else in kibble.  He eats boiled pieces of chicken sometimes and loves licking the cream off my fingers from a cream filled snack.  Which he only gets a little bit of.  But he looks forward to his big handful of Temptation snacks.  He goes through a big 7 dollar container of them in a month.  Now i'm worried.  Is this Temptations treat rumor just a rumor?  I really hope so.  My cat seems normal.
I definitely don't think that much of these treats would be safe! These are junk food. Probably don't feed more than a few each day. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
my pumpkin face won't eat anything else other than kibble and temptations. she is now 13. she wont eat people food either. no freeze dried treats either. my other cat Honeybee will pretty much eat anything I put into my mouth so if she sees me eating it she will eat it but no I won't eat cat food.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 1, 2012
I think kidney disease is common in cats and giving Temptations cat treats is also common, so you will inevitably wind up with a lot of people whose cats get kidney disease after they've been given the Temptations. It doesn't mean the two are connected. I mean, you could probably find enough people who have gotten into car accidents on the way home from a Chinese food restaurant to fill a webpage with emotional testimonials about how they ate Chinese food and then suddenly got into a car accident, but it doesn't mean Chinese food causes car accidents. 

I also think it's funny when people use anecdotal evidence to debate the average lifespan of cats. However many cats you've owned, it's not enough to calculate an accurate average, the sample size is too small. Also, saying you can think of lots of old cats doesn't mean the average is higher. I've known cats who died of natural causes at the age of 2 (one from kidney disease). Obviously, there will be plenty of cats that fall outside the average. That's why it's called an average. 


TCS Member
Oct 5, 2016
I have been giving my cat, adult cat, whiskas treats for over 3 years. He has no problems, is healthy and active. He's not losing weight and is running around playing. I probably give him more than what I should, but he also eats his reg wet and dry food.  He's an active hunter, runs here and there. I don't for one minute believe its Whiskas Treats that are causing these issues with any of your cats.  I think it's either your cats have prior med problems, or other issues going on, but I don't believe Whiskas is one of them. Now, If my cat drops dead in the next day or two, I'll let you know, but in the meantime he has things to do, and so do I.

good luck.

catherine bundy

TCS Member
Jan 3, 2017
I lost my Marley due to the poisoned cat food from China.  In my case it was Iams.  Just because all cats do not succumb doesn't mean that the food isn't tainted.

catherine bundy

TCS Member
Jan 3, 2017
I am wondering about the treats.  Two of my cats LOVE them!  One of them actually swatted me and drew blood because I wouldn't give her some treats.  This seems like a real addiction.  I am weaning them off of them now.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 22, 2008
I have 8 cats. I feed them temptations a couple of times a week. My oldest is 14 the next oldest is 9 and the others are 5. None have kidney issues. This is like saying eating Twinkies give you diabetes. No, the Twinkies don't give you diabetes, the Twinkies cause issues if you already have diabetes. Same maybe said for the treats. They may not cause kidney issues but maybe if the cat has underlying kidney issues the treats may react to that?

So many people look for something to blame when something goes wrong. Sometimes it is just coincidence. Like I said maybe the treats could possibly cause something with a cat that has un diagnosed kidney issues but I don't believe they are the cause. 
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I have 8 cats. I feed them temptations a couple of times a week. My oldest is 14 the next oldest is 9 and the others are 5. None have kidney issues. This is like saying eating Twinkies give you diabetes. No, the Twinkies don't give you diabetes, the Twinkies cause issues if you already have diabetes. Same maybe said for the treats. They may not cause kidney issues but maybe if the cat has underlying kidney issues the treats may react to that?

So many people look for something to blame when something goes wrong. Sometimes it is just coincidence. Like I said maybe the treats could possibly cause something with a cat that has un diagnosed kidney issues but I don't believe they are the cause. 
Cats are just like people. Some react differently to different things. I personally am not a big fan of Temptations but they do get them on occasion- as in a few a couple of times a month. The treats they get most often are Pure Bites or plain cooked chicken breast. This works for mine. If yours are eating Temptations and doing well on them, then keep doing what you are doing! A couple of times a week is really no big deal though. That's  not a lot at all. 

We all have to decide for ourselves what is best for our pets. 


TCS Member
Jan 15, 2017
In regards to Temptations Treats, let me tell you about the last nearly 2 weeks for my 4 cats. 

My Peaches, 14 years of age, started acting very out of sorts. She decreased the amount of food and water she was taking in and her stomach started to do this weird thing. It was like a baby inside giving her a good swift kick in the stomach. The "kick" would happen once each time it happened and it happened several times

per day. I know my cat and I knew she was in pain. I don't have a car and I had to get her to the ER vet on  Sunday via bicycle, 8 miles away. They couldn't figure anything out and we came home. Took her to my vet across the street the next day and we found via xray that she was full of fecal matter and gas all through her stomach and intestines. LOTS of fecal matter and gas. Impacted you might say. An enema was given and seemed to be the trick. The thing is, her stomach was still doing that weird "kick" thing. When it happened to her she made a sound similar to what you would make when something knocks the wind out of you. A diagnostic blood panel and a pancreatic specific test all came back normal. 

By Thursday that same week my Onyx (est. 10 years old) was having a problem as well and even whapped me when I tried to rub his belly very, very gently (I just do it enough to move his fur around) indicating an issue. Off to the vets, xray and an enema. Doing better. 

Lexi (5 years old) had a dental that same week as well and pre-surgical labs came back perfect but guess what? I had to take her back there a few days later for an enema as well. Now.... just this past Friday Lexi's stomach has started with that "kick" issue. At this point we didn't bother with an xray and went straight to the enema.

My other cat Katie (est 4-5 years old) isn't showing any signs of an issue at this time so she's handling whatever it is much better. She was a "neighborhood cat" where I used to live after her family moved away and abandoned her outside (likely couldn't find her when they had to leave) as a kitten. She was about a year and a half old when I rescued her from a dog attack and got her to the vet for emergency surgery. I just kept her after that. My point is that she probably is able to deal with these things better because there's no telling what she was eating on her own. Everybody is pooping now.

I'd like to add that between the vet trips with Peaches and Onyx the cats - all four of them - refused to eat their Temptation Treats. It was the big plastic container and we were near the bottom of it. I thought maybe that container went bad and opened a brand new one of catnip treats and they wouldn't eat them either. Something isn't right with the treats. I've been giving them those for years now. Perhaps they changed the formula or something but something isn't right with the treats. 

Right now the big concern is what is causing that "kick" thing to Peaches and Lexi's stomachs. It's very random and there is no warning it's going to happen so I can't get it on video for the vet. It seems to be uncomfortable for both cats who are now what I call "Velcro cats" because they won't move away from me for anything so whatever it is, is painful or uncomfortable or whatever. As for Onyx, who after nearly 8 years with me still exhibits feral behavior (hides all day long and only comes out at night), I cannot determine if he has that "kick" thing happening in his belly because, well, he only comes out when I'm sleeping but I am concerned. 

Due to the fact that now Lexi is also having the belly thing happen, that kind of rules out a physical issue only with Peaches and leads me to believe even more that it was something to do with the treats. I should also add that I AM giving both Peaches and Lexi baby simethicone for gas and it seems to have absolutely NO EFFECT on the belly kick thing. None. Also, for the very first time EVER, Peaches regurgitated undigested food. She has NEVER done that before. I forgot to mention that to the vet when I called this morning. Peaches very rarely throws up anything including hairballs. I try to keep them all groomed as much as possible. There was no hairball in her upchuck. 

I have stopped giving them the Temptations and switched to Friskies Party Mix. Hopefully, things will start to settle down now....but I'm still very worried about my babies with that stomach thing.... nobody has ever heard of this kind of symptom before (ER vet or my regular vet). 


Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
In regards to Temptations Treats, let me tell you about the last nearly 2 weeks for my 4 cats. 

My Peaches, 14 years of age, started acting very out of sorts. She decreased the amount of food and water she was taking in and her stomach started to do this weird thing. It was like a baby inside giving her a good swift kick in the stomach. The "kick" would happen once each time it happened and it happened several times

per day. I know my cat and I knew she was in pain. I don't have a car and I had to get her to the ER vet on  Sunday via bicycle, 8 miles away. They couldn't figure anything out and we came home. Took her to my vet across the street the next day and we found via xray that she was full of fecal matter and gas all through her stomach and intestines. LOTS of fecal matter and gas. Impacted you might say. An enema was given and seemed to be the trick. The thing is, her stomach was still doing that weird "kick" thing. When it happened to her she made a sound similar to what you would make when something knocks the wind out of you. A diagnostic blood panel and a pancreatic specific test all came back normal. 

By Thursday that same week my Onyx (est. 10 years old) was having a problem as well and even whapped me when I tried to rub his belly very, very gently (I just do it enough to move his fur around) indicating an issue. Off to the vets, xray and an enema. Doing better. 

Lexi (5 years old) had a dental that same week as well and pre-surgical labs came back perfect but guess what? I had to take her back there a few days later for an enema as well. Now.... just this past Friday Lexi's stomach has started with that "kick" issue. At this point we didn't bother with an xray and went straight to the enema.

My other cat Katie (est 4-5 years old) isn't showing any signs of an issue at this time so she's handling whatever it is much better. She was a "neighborhood cat" where I used to live after her family moved away and abandoned her outside (likely couldn't find her when they had to leave) as a kitten. She was about a year and a half old when I rescued her from a dog attack and got her to the vet for emergency surgery. I just kept her after that. My point is that she probably is able to deal with these things better because there's no telling what she was eating on her own. Everybody is pooping now.

I'd like to add that between the vet trips with Peaches and Onyx the cats - all four of them - refused to eat their Temptation Treats. It was the big plastic container and we were near the bottom of it. I thought maybe that container went bad and opened a brand new one of catnip treats and they wouldn't eat them either. Something isn't right with the treats. I've been giving them those for years now. Perhaps they changed the formula or something but something isn't right with the treats. 

Right now the big concern is what is causing that "kick" thing to Peaches and Lexi's stomachs. It's very random and there is no warning it's going to happen so I can't get it on video for the vet. It seems to be uncomfortable for both cats who are now what I call "Velcro cats" because they won't move away from me for anything so whatever it is, is painful or uncomfortable or whatever. As for Onyx, who after nearly 8 years with me still exhibits feral behavior (hides all day long and only comes out at night), I cannot determine if he has that "kick" thing happening in his belly because, well, he only comes out when I'm sleeping but I am concerned. 

Due to the fact that now Lexi is also having the belly thing happen, that kind of rules out a physical issue only with Peaches and leads me to believe even more that it was something to do with the treats. I should also add that I AM giving both Peaches and Lexi baby simethicone for gas and it seems to have absolutely NO EFFECT on the belly kick thing. None. Also, for the very first time EVER, Peaches regurgitated undigested food. She has NEVER done that before. I forgot to mention that to the vet when I called this morning. Peaches very rarely throws up anything including hairballs. I try to keep them all groomed as much as possible. There was no hairball in her upchuck. 

I have stopped giving them the Temptations and switched to Friskies Party Mix. Hopefully, things will start to settle down now....but I'm still very worried about my babies with that stomach thing.... nobody has ever heard of this kind of symptom before (ER vet or my regular vet). 
I'm so sorry to hear your cats had to go through this. Have you contacted Whiskas about this? Maybe they'd like to test that batch and see if there are any contaminants in that specific batch?


TCS Member
Jan 15, 2017
I haven't contacted them yet  but I will. I have kept the two containers of treats specifically for that purpose. 

lily paddy

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 23, 2016
Maxx threw up Temptations.. got a HUGE container as an Xmas gift.. gave away... will let my brother know!! I did get my first order from Chewy this weekend.. changed to all Wellness foods.. bringing him over slowly.. i did get 

PureBites Chicken Breast Freeze-Dried Cat Treats.. and he loved them.. i gave him a couple thru the day.. went downstairs.. he had yacked them all up.. i saw four of them.. in a row.. i have yet to find a treat he does not get sick from.. Kinda giving up... 

Do some cats not tolerate them? 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I don't know about those treats, as I've never bought them, but I do know that cats will often regurgitate food if they eat too fast, and something like treats that they like a lot are going to get snorked up pretty quickly.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
Most cat foods and treats are just not species appropriate and have terrible ingredients. So with treats i try to stay safe and give them human kinds. I usually give them a little bit of what im eating or using like raw egg yok, piece of grilled fish, raw piece of rib eye, sweet potatos, etc. Oh and my ex stray cat loves french fries. They also only get these things a couple of times a week.

But of course the key is to start them off early with these healthier treats. My ex stray cat used to live off of junk so he doesnt like some of the healtheir treats my other cat loves.
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TCS Member
Jan 21, 2017
My cats have been eating these treats since they came out, I remember my vet was giving out sample packs and I was amazed Hobo liked them because he was so picky. I swear he acts like a junky around these things, I always wondered what could be in these to make him act so crazy for them. My concern was his weight I noticed he did gain some weight and some days he would not even touch his wet food and tried to manipulate me into giving him Temptations. My other kitty Peanut would eat one or 2 here and there.

I have not stopped giving them Temptations but am looking for healthy alternatives, if anyone has any suggestions. He does not like chicken, so picky...Lol!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 1, 2017
Anyone who owns a cat, if you are giving them Temptations Cat Treats PLEASE STOP IMMEDIATELY! It is causing kidney and renal failure, Some cats are affected by it right away, some it takes years of eating them, none the less they have connected this treat to renal failure, Look it up in consumer affairs website and you will see all those that lost their pets or has their pets and a ton of vet debt!
My cats immediately throw up on these treats...I bought them and all three could not take them without throwing up. I gave treats away thinking maybe allergy or something to what was in them. My daughter said her cats loved them. I tried them again about a year later, same thing throwing up. I agree there is something in them causing this.
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