Difficult Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 11, 2014
So my cat Stella is giving me a hard time. She's 2 and has stomach issues which are easily resolved by not feeding her anything with grain. Its actually kept her fit. But what's really hard is her attitude.

First she bites me. I mean she either noms hard at my shins or she will full out try to rip them apart. If I manage to get her to stop and follow her, she usually goes to her food bowl, and had refused to eat anything. Even wet food. I use limited ingredients which is very expensive and have even tried making food. Doesn't matter. She won't eat. Tried switching foods, tried different and dry foods or topping it with wet foods. Nothing. So I'm being attacked for food she doesn't want. I've run out of ways to approach the situation. Even tried putting her in "time out" in a dark room but she still continues after she's let out. Tried playing with her and doesn't work which leads to next issue.

She will not play. I mean it doesn't matter what type of toy, she won't play. I've tried all different methods and styles of toys and she only responds for a one paw swat and then she's done. Even tried cat nip and she'll eat it and beg for it but that's it. The only thing I found to work is long peacock tail feathers but they cost so much I can't afford a bushel. The shorter ones usually result in bloody fingers. Any suggestions would be great. I have already tried the wand feather toys and they don't work?

Third, she's needs to be carried all day. I've tried to ignore her whining and crying but she'll climb up on whatever is near me and jump on my chest and hang herself on my shoulder. If I move to put her down she tries to impale my flesh. She must be carried like a baby everywhere I go while I'm home. She'll even climb up my leg and hang on my pants till I pick her up. For the life of me, I don't know what to do with her and obviously I can't possible take her everywhere. I have never seen this behavior before. I didn't start this..she did this since the day she came home with me.

All I know She's a mix of what I know was a Siamese and tabby or possibly something else. I knew her great great grandcat had the Himalayan gene but the rest of the generations after had tuxedo ir tabby coats. She looks like a black Siamese or Bombay mix.
I got her because her owners were friends and left her in my care temporarily but the refused to come get her. To add to this, She threw a fit when I tried to give her back to them. I had some many bites and scratch marks from her fit. Any suggestions on what to do? I like her but she's so picky and needy I'm not sure what to do. Her care is expensive because she's so picky.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 7, 2016
HK wouldn't eat healthy food - he absolutely wouldn't.  we put him back on fancy feast, which he's been eating ever since - and he's over 18.  at around 15, he started having digestion problems, so the vet had us try pepcid and a steroid. 

does the vet say your cat needs to play?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 11, 2014
Vet said she appears fine and she's fixed. Made sure of that. As for food, I've tried regular foods and the results are less than pleasant. She gets the runs or rancid poops and starts getting sick or gaining weight. So I tried grain free and she's been fine. As for the play, it was suggested to me as a reason why she maybe acting out. But she won't play and everyone in my house pets her and picks her up when I'm working so she's really not lonely or neglected for attention. She has special angst against me that the entire family picks up on. Not sure why. she's sweet one minute then gets noddy and digs her claws or teeth into me. as so her social needs, I felt bad when I couldn't rescue her fave companion she grew up with and She's social for a cat. I'm just not able to put two cats in my house. Do you think maybe that's the issue? I don't know many cats that are very social.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Perhaps she has "whiskas stress". My cat does it. So when he eats all in the middle, he cant eat the dry food on the margins of the bowl. I am planning to repalce the bowl by a dish.

Also, I came across a cat that needed so badly to climb than her guardian let some shelves empty for her to climb :-). 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
sometimes we have to try different things as "play". I have one cat who only chases after small fuzzy mice with rattles. My other cat chases sticks that I run under a sheet. or the stick part of a wand toy. Some cats only like things that move. or when you move it-keep it still for a few seconds-watch their hind end wiggle and then they take off to jump on said toy. Othertimes take the toy and move it out of their sight=that will drive them nuts..and make them move closer.

some cats like crinkle balls of paper, empty boxes. or put chairs against a cabinet/book case so they can perch up high. Honeybee goes up on her tree and pitches ball. I toss the toys to her and she bats them back at me or sits and licks the feathers. Try a wand toy with feathers..Many cats have different things they like. my cats don't play with 80% of the toys I buy them. The only things they play with are rabbit hair toys or crinkle balls. also balls with a bell inside...but watch out that you don't step on them and break them like I have!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I've lived with cats all my life, and in my experience, cats are VERY social and affectionate toward one another once they accept each other, or are family members, in most cases.  Many "experts" advise adopting cats in multiples, which is good for your cats and for cats in general, as it saves more lives.  Cats with feline companions play together and in many cases, sleep together as well, which makes them happy because of the companionship and the warmth.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2016
Has she attacked you since day one or has it gotten worse in the past 2 years? What food was she eating as a kitten?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 7, 2017
Hey did you try the laser pointer that is the only toy my cat is interested in and will chase it till he can't run anymore