... did we give fleas to Grandma and Grandpa, or the other way around!?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2011
Ridgewood, Queens
So... a little backstory. The first weekend after we got Harvey, we went to his Grandma and Grandpa's house in NJ in order to introduce the new kitten to them as well as get his first vaccines. Crumb, Harvey, Db, and I all got there Friday night, and by Sunday, I realized both kitties had fleas. I assumed that the kitten had come with flea eggs, as I know he did not have any live fleas on him when we got him; I checked him from head to toe. He was at our home a full 4 days before we all took the trip to NJ. Obviously, I felt terrible... I boraxed and vaccuumed their home before I left, sprayed Raid flea spray, etc. We never got bitten ourselves, surprisingly, even though the cats slept with us each night. Grandma and Grandpa have an indoor outdoor cat, and they insist neither they nor their cat have noticed any fleas since then. However, their cat is rather antisocial, so they don't really get close to him that often.

Once I got back to our apartment, I immediately boraxed and sprayed our own apartment. The kitties were treated with Revolution and given Dawn baths, and we removed all the flea bodies from them both. A live flea was never found in our apartment.

Fastforward to 4 weeks later, when we went back last weekend to spend the night to get Harvey's second vaccines. We were only there overnight, arriving in the evening, going to the vet in the morning, and then coming back home in the afternoon. We left Crumb at home. In the car on the way back, Harvey jumped into my lap... and I spotted a flea on his neck. Upon giving him a Dawn bath once we got home, we found 30 fleas on him! We first worried he got them at the vet, but he never touched anything but me and the exam table there. It was quickly realized that obviously, the fleas are at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Grandma and Grandpa were on vacation all last week, but they said they hadn't seen any fleas or gotten any bites before they left. Now I'm wondering... did Harvey give them fleas 4 weeks ago, or did Crumb and Harvey CATCH the fleas from their house? I offered to pay to get rid of the fleas if they discover they have a problem once they get back, because I feel horrible to think that we inflicted this problem on them. But... I'm now left debating which came first... the kitten or the fleas! Is it possible for a kitten to carry flea eggs and not fleas, and then not have shed any of them at our home before going over there? It just seems unlikely, especially with their indoor outdoor cat. The kitten had never been outside, although he lived with dogs.

It's a moral conundrum!


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
The fleas are almost certainly coming in on the indoor/outdoor cat. The eggs drop off as the cat walks around, waiting for another animal to get onto. Your cats are the bus the fleas were waiting for.

Have you treated them with Advantage or one of the other topical treatments?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2011
Ridgewood, Queens
Originally Posted by mrblanche

The fleas are almost certainly coming in on the indoor/outdoor cat. The eggs drop off as the cat walks around, waiting for another animal to get onto. Your cats are the bus the fleas were waiting for.

Have you treated them with Advantage or one of the other topical treatments?
Both cats were given Revolution a month ago, but since we haven't had any problems here in our NYC apartment, we didn't replace it. My DB is very defensive, saying it must be the kitten since his parents hadn't had fleas before we got there... but I just wasn't sure after this visit! It just sounded less and less likely for the kitten to have "flea eggs" that magically hatched only at their house after 4 days and didn't fall off or hatch here at home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I don't see why it matter where the fleas came from. Fleas happen. Maybe your neighbors have a pet with fleas. Maybe they hitched a ride on your shoes/clothes from outside. Maybe Harvey came with fleas. Maybe the indoor-outdoor cat brought them in to your cats (since any critter who goes outside almost certainly has fleas, if no preventive meds are applied). That's the most likely scenario, but it doesn't really matter at all. Just treat your kitties and move on. Bugs are a fact of life.

If you want to, offer to send his parents a pack of Revolution so they can treat their cat. But if they don't think it's a problem, I doubt they'll start worrying about it now (fleas rarely bite humans, and if their cat isn't sensitive they may not see him scratching). But be sure to always treat your kitties before going to visit them.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2011
Ridgewood, Queens
Honestly... because we are a young couple without a lot of extra finances to go around. My work resumes in mid-September, but we're currently living off our savings. If we caused the fleas I want to do the right thing and pay to get rid of them, but if we didn't cause it, then I don't feel we should have to. I know it can be long and costly to get rid of fleas... especially in an older, cluttered, 3 story house.

And their indoor/outdoor cat does have Frontline, for the record.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I wouldn't worry about offering to treat their house (espeically if they aren't even asking you to!). If they have an indoor/outdoor cat or dog, some fleas will hitch a ride in on him (before being killed by the Frontline, which incidentally is losing its efficacy in many places), that's just a fact of life. Or maybe the fleas sense an untreated kitten is in the house and immediately come inside for a meal.

It just sounds like this is turning into a real point of contention in your family, and I don't think it's worth that. It's like arguing about who let the fly into the house. . .bugs go where they want to go.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
If Grampa has an indoor outdoor cat and does not Advantage him, then chances are they have fleas from that cat.

But I agree, what does it matter now? Maybe they should treat their kitty and you treat yours and everyone should happy.

I hope all goes well for you!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 1, 2011
Also don't forget the life cycle of a flea - the eggs don't just hatch into adult fleas, they hatch into larvae, which then must feed for a while before wrapping themselves up in their cocoons for at least a week before hatching into adult fleas. The pupa (cocooned ones) could have been in your grandparents house and the vibrations from the additional cats could have triggered a mass hatching. That is what it sounds like to me, anyway.