

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 24, 2012
I hope everyone is having a great Friday! Just wondering if anyone may be able to help as I am a hypochondriac and currently spiraling myself. :)

My Maine Coon has random periods where she will have diarrhea and numerous vets have not been able to figure it out. We always do the bloodwork/xray/antibiotics and it eventually clears. Last Summer, she had it for about a month on and off and vets couldn't figure out why. I know she has seasonal allergies, but they mentioned it may be food related. She had been on Hills C/D fish dry and Hills C/D fish wet for years. We switched to Hills C/D chicken dry and Hills I/D wet chicken last Summer, and all has been pretty okay. Wednesday she had a blow out in her litter box, but there was some hairball in there, so I figured that was what it was from as she's done that before. She wasn't eating much Weds though, but I did give her pumpkin which she ate. Yesterday she didn't eat much wet food for breakfast, but ate it all at dinner. She didn't eat much of any dry food. Her poop yesterday was a little mushy, but better. This morning she has gloopy poop (sorry ugh) but not full diarrhea. She hasn't eaten dry food but did eat some pumpkin and has eaten wet food. I bought her a new bag of dry food a few weeks ago, and when it arrived I could tell the pellets were larger than normal. After reading reviews on Chewy, I realized other people had the same complaints and they were saying their cats weren't even eating the food, and some that were, had diarrhea and vomiting. I asked Hills if the ingredients changed but no one has gotten back to me yet. Could this just be a weird thing and maybe she isn't eating the dry food because the shape is larger? I know cats are picky and she has proven to me in 13 years that she can be too. :lol: When she has had diarrhea before like this she does kind of stop eating much. I mean I feel better that she's at least eating her wet food and is drinking a little bit. But anytime she sticks her head to her dry and walks away I spaz out. Welcome to my hypochnodria. :) Anyways thank you to all who listened and who may have any feedback!


And! I forgot to say that her skin is flaky! It's flaky kind of once in a while, but it's been a lot more the last few weeks. We moved to another state (FL) in Sep from CA, so obviously a weather change. I'm wondering if that may have something to do with it, or if it's from some allergy. I have no idea. We brush, we bathe, and here we are. ahh!!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. The randomness is what make this a conundrum. Have you had a fecal PCR test done to look for viral conditions - and what about other viral conditions that require specific blood testing? If this is related to a virus of sorts, it can crop up in the form of a flare up of the virus, which would explain the intermittent incidents.

Since you have lived in two different environments, and made a few dietary changes, with no difference in these diarrhea events, it could go deeper than either.