

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
My beloved cat Snuggles, 11 years old, has been struggling for the past few months. She first started having symptoms of stomatitis and struggled to eat back in August of last year and had all her teeth removed in September. She seemed to do better, but still had inflammation. After trying the Depot shot, etc. I finally got her to start eating better (not perfect, but better) by spoon feeding her and trying Lysine, PlaqueOff, and liquid Prednisolone. For months she has been my life- in my hopes to get her through this. Last week she was eating like a pig and then this week comes and she just stopped eating. Took her in today and was told she has a mass now. I am devastated. I really thought if I just kept trying she would eventually heal. If she's not eating by Monday then I will choose to end her suffering. I have read so many similar stories about how hard this is, but I am just feel so lost right now and I know once she is gone it is going to be even worse since she has been my main focus. I know no one can make this easier, but just wanted to talk to others who have been in the same situation.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
It's the generosity of heart that helps us to love them so much, but unfortunately doesn't help when their time with us comes to an end. I wish I could reach out and lift your pain.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
It might be too late, but perhaps a product called "Transfer Factors Plus" might help, it is very good for the immune system, but I don't know if it would be of help with this and at this stage. I am so sorry that you have reached this point, it is never easy no matter how old or young or how they pass, just the down side of having pets, but you did well by her and she loves you for it.

I pray that you have strength to handle this, and that when the time comes she passes peacefully, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
Thank you both. She is still acting perky, but now even struggles to drink water. After watching her hover over her water bowls and just poke at the water, we finally figured out she would or could drink from the faucet so, I will leave that running for her. The food, I have tried it all and she allows some syringe feeding, but I think we have finally reached that point where it is prolonging the inevitable. It just hurts, but I don't want her to suffer.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Continue the Prednisolone, I had a cat that the mass shrunk markedly while on this, and he lived happily for more than a year. Get the pill steroid form and 'paste' it in bacon with a tiny piece of pill pocket for cats. This may be a set back but she MAY improve too if you can get her to start eating again. Don't worry about nutrition right now, offer anything you can think of, cut up and warmed hot dogs, Gerber Turkey baby food, my own senior cat's favorites when he stopped eating were bacon and Arby's roast beef.
If nothing works, then she is trying to tell you she is done fighting. A cat that stops eating is using the only way they can to tell you this. You both put up a valiant fight, but there comes a time when it is time to rest. You don't want her to leave you, but you can't let her last days be filled with suffering either. Just love her as much as you can this weekend, and let her say goodbye. Most cats will pull back somewhat and not want to be with anyone, they are trying to distance themselves and spare their loved ones the pain of seeing them go.
I can tell you that there is absolutely no way to prepare yourself for the pain of losing her. When the reality hits it is heartbreaking. I have learned one thing though along that path of grief, please remember she would NEVER want you to be in such pain because of her, she would want you to go on and live your life again, just as you would want for her to live if you were the first to go.
My heart cries for what you are going through, because I know too well how much it hurts. I'll pray for you both, please kiss that sweet head for me and tell her how much she is loved. And come back to us when you need a shoulder, we will be here to help you all we can. Bless your heart for caring and loving that precious little girl so much, take care.......
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
Thank you so much. Ithe has helped so much to hear everyone's responses so far. Unfortunately, we have tried just about everything to get her to eat....tons of different kinds of cat food from treats to gravy, etc. We've also tried baby food, roast beef juice (which she loves), etc. I think the stomatitis she struggled through, but the msss is just too much for her. She's been on some form of steroids pretty much since right before her extraction surgery in September and we tried the depo shot again yesterday along with an anti-nausea shot. I've tried higher doses of the prednisolone, the depo shot, and we tried the pills but they were too hard for her to swallow. The strange part is the more she gets in her the better she acts, but it seems to cause more bleeding around the mouth. She had pretty much given up on eating any kind of solid food since all of this started, but just last week had eaten some dry food and then this week she crashes. I know she's tired although I think she is continuing to fight- her interest in water and toleration of me is evident of that. I just hope I can make her as comfortable and happy as she can be until Monday.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
Can cats have prednisolone right after having the depo shot? Her face looks better today and I can't feel the mass as much. Don't want to make her feel worse, but thought maybe a combination of steroids might shrink this thing. She's a tiny thing...was staying at about 5.3 lbs but yesterday she weighed only a little over 4.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I can't speak to that, I just didn't want you to feel nobody was reading. Hopefully someone with experience can answer. Also I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that she finds an interest in food. Goats milk or Pedialyte maybe? Please know that there's a whole slew of people rooting for you-all!
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
Furballsmom- thank you...

I wish I had found this site sooner. It is so reassuring not to feel alone in this. Since my initial posting, I have cried so much- not only for Snuggles, but for the kind words and support that I am receiving. It means the world to me.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
If you pop on to there is some info regarding drug interactions for prednisolone and you could also look at the other drug you mentioned as a cross reference to double check. WebMD also has pet drug info I think.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
No, you are not alone. We will be with you every step of this journey, no matter the final destination. A candle is lit for you both.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
Can't sleep. Can't help but think this will be her last full day here with us. On top of that, I started coming down with a cold yesterday. After thinking about her preference for running water, we went and purchases a pet fountain to try with watered gravy, puree food. She of course hasn't come near it. Still drinking out of the faucet, purring, stretching, grooming, and has gone back to using the cat litter box (she had been avoiding the cat litter for awhile because of the stress of medicating her, etc. since all this started). That's what is so hard....everyone says you'll know, but do you? She seems to have improved in so many other ways. She's always been a light eater, but last week ate enough for three cats....could it be she is just storing it and not hungry this week? I just don't want to make the wrong decision.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I don't know how to advise you on this...if she is really feeling good, perhaps you can wait. But do watch her carefully, and be prepared to go as soon as. Darlin, you have to make this decision. You are there with her. Is she enjoying her life right now? If she is, then it may not be time. Only you have the experience with that to know.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
It's a hard decision to make, I just did it for one of mine this past Saturday. I had a very special connection to Patches and yes I knew it was time. Once I made the decision and made the appointment I actually was at peace with it. I was sad but at peace with it. I was holding him when it was done and I actually felt relief when he passed. Again I was sad but I knew it was the right thing to do. I am still sad and will be for quite some time but I am at peace with the decision that I made.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
My baby was put to sleep shortly after 11:00 today. She didn't eat anything this weekend except for the little bit she would tolerate from the syringe. This morning she licked a little bit gravy out of a can which gave me a shimmer of hope, although I could tell she couldn't do much more. She was still drinking from the faucet and running back to me as if to tell me it was okay. We snuggled together all weekend and I talked to her and told I loved her as much I could. After bringing her body home, I took a little bit of time to clean her up some (since she had syringed food matting in her fur) and got a good look at her mouth. The stomatitis looked completely gone, but the right side showed I guess the mass at the bottom and then she had an awful looking hole at the roof of her mouth (abcess). All I could think was how long had this been going on...again, she ate like a pig last week. I don't know if the mass just suddenly reared its ugly head, but I pray that she was at least comfortable as long as she was not attempting to eat. The sad part is, other than not eating, she acted happier than she had been in awhile. Then, on top of it all, if looked like there could have been parts of teeth still in her bottom gums (both seemed to be in the same place on either side of the mouth), but I'm not sure if it was teeth or just where her jaw was poking through. That almost made me have a panic attack- thinking possibly it was just leftover teeth parts causing all this. There was no more of the hamburger looking inflammation in there like before she had surgery and the left side of her mouth looked great even with that piece. I can only hope that is what it was or that will forever tear me apart wondering if possibly the mass was just swelling from the piece on the right side and maybe the part at the top was a leftover root causing an abcess. I had the vet feel her mouth again today before putting her to sleep, but she didn't look in it and I wish I had her do so now. She stated that it was mass. So desperately wanted to hang onto her for a little while longer, but I would not have been able to live with myself if she had starved to death or couldn't breathe later on as a result of the mass/issues she was having. It hurts. And I know it will continue to hurt more, but there was an overwhelming since of relief once she passed which I did not expect. And then on the way home, a car passed by with a license plate that read IMNHVN. I'm in Heaven- yes, you are baby girl and I bet it is wonderful up there.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
So sorry for your loss. Please take comfort in knowing that from your posts, anyone could tell that you were such a loving cat mom to her, and that you tried everything you could. I know the emptiness you are feeling now, but please know that the memory of this special kitty will live on every time you talk about her, look at a picture, or remember her little feet coming to see you. From her picture I can tell she is absolutely adorable and special. Heaven has become a little brighter today :angel: