dental hygiene


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2010
does anyone here brush their cat's teeth and how do you accomplish this, what do you use to brush the cat's teeth with, what sort of solution or toothpaste do you use or is safe to use for the cat?

i have brushed my ex gf's cats teeth b4 and i used a regular toothbrush and regular toothpaste but i used EXTREMELY little toothpaste. like the tiniest smear of toothpaste to just barely get it to suds up and i tried to use the softest bristle brush i could find and i was as gentle as i could possibly be, but i just don't know about how safe that is. a vet tech once told me that regular people toothpaste can b dangerous to cats.

i dunno about how dangerous it is the amount i used. it was miniscule and i would augment the cleaning power of that toothpaste solution with some baking soda which also helped to eliminate bad breath on the cats. only i would brush their teeth as often as i gave them baths, which was infrequent.

so i wonder, how often should a cat's teeth be brushed if one plans on brushing their cat's teeth? i want my little cat squeakie to live a long healthy life. i want darth vader to live a long healthy life too but darth vader won't even let anyone hold him, let alone brush his fur. i'm fairly certain brushing his teeth are out of the question. my little cat squeakie is a little more compliant.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
You can buy cat toothpaste, also pet toothbrushes are available.

Mine eat bones and chunks of meat to keep teeth clean.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Human toothpaste is toxic to cats, please do not use it any more.

The only veterinary toothpaste worth using is an enzymatic toothpaste (breaks down bacteria) called c.e.t. by Virbac. The ones you get in the pet stores are not any use at all.

c.e.t. also has a product you can add to cats' water, and dental chews, for cats who won't allow teeth brushing.

Here is how I get my cats used to having their teeth brushed:

I started by just getting them used to me rubbing my finger lightly along their lip line, either side. Most cats like this any way. (if you are planning to use a brush, you might start this with the brush. I have always just used my finger)

While doing this, I was putting the c.e.t. toothpaste on a paw for them to lick off, and get used to the taste. (they actually like it!)

This helps them associate the finger (or brush) rubbing along the mouth with the taste of the c.e.t.

Then, I started making the action more purposeful, putting them in the "holding position", which is: me on my knees, feet crossed behind me, cat between my knees facing out.

Using a little more pressure which parts the lips, I'd be rubbing their teeth and gums instead of the lips, while they get used to me restraining them while doing it. After the action, again, putting a little paste on the paw.

So now they are associating the action with the taste of the c.e.t.

From there, I put the c.e.t. toothpaste on my finger, hold them in position, and rub it into their teeth and gums.

This was a bit messy, so lately I've learned to use my other hand to kind of pry open the lips so I can make direct contact with the molars and gumline.

All this took time of course, but most cats can get used to any sort of handling if it's done gradually and gently enough.

Oh,I forgot to mention..I always wash my hands before starting and between each cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by otto

Human toothpaste is toxic to cats, please do not use it any more.
Humans aren't even supposed to swallow it, and cats can't spit.

Baking soda isn't harmful - but have you ever tasted plain baking soda? A cat will not like that.

I, too, use CET. There are other brands, and those outside of North America certainly have to use something else, but CET tends to be the easiest to find here. Your vet should carry it, with the brushing kits and by itself. You can use a baby/small child tooth brush if it's small enough to brush the back teeth. The kits also come with tiny brushes that fit even better.

I got my kittens used to having their mouths handled, but mostly just sit down with them on the floor - cat in my lap, and give their teeth a quick brush. I have too many mouths to do so I try to keep it quick, which the cats approve of.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2010
Originally Posted by otto

Human toothpaste is toxic to cats, please do not use it any more.

The only veterinary toothpaste worth using is an enzymatic toothpaste (breaks down bacteria) called c.e.t. by Virbac. The ones you get in the pet stores are not any use at all.

c.e.t. also has a product you can add to cats' water, and dental chews, for cats who won't allow teeth brushing.

thanks so much for the info!! that was very helpful. yeah, to be sure, when i would use regular toothpaste on the cats i would use such a tiny amount and i would rinse their mouths with copious amounts of water, i was mindful of not letting them swallow much if any of the stuff. i recognized even before being made aware of its toxicity to cats that the toothpaste was probably not something they needed to ingest. i love all those cats soooo much, even the big dumb retarded one my exgf has that used to $#!t all over my carpet even when the litterbox was pristine. i'm not sure why he would do that, certainly not for lack of attention, because i gave him as much attention as i did the other cat when i was taking care of them. he was a special case, but whatever. he's her problem once more. she has her cats back and they live with her. not so sure about how well they are taken care of now tho.

i've seen how she cares for them, the litterbox filled with excrement and only maybe a 4 inch square area that the cats could even step in to do their business. i've talked to her about taking care of the cats' needs and she says she is now more mindful of them, however i somehow doubt that they are receiving the same care they did when i took care of them and quite possibly still are inadequately cared for. i think of taking them from her at some point when i might actually be able to provide not only for myself but for those cats as well. in the meantime i still need to find a job. i hate my life.