Dear friends please help me


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 8, 2015
This is my first post and I really didn't know where to post on these forums.

Sorry if it's the wrong section.

I have a big problem with stray cats and my car. (I am not sure if stray is the correct word. English is not my first language. I mean cats who do not belong to anyone).

There are some cats around the building and unfortunately my neighbor's balcony is above my car's parking place.

He throws food etc to the cats next to my car and cats are almost all the time sitting below or on my car. The poor creatures unfortunately scratched my car's paint and I really don't like that.

I don't want to discuss this with the neighbor. I just want to deter the cats from jumping and scratching my car. Moreover, it might be dangerous for them as I find cat hair under my car's engine hood which means they entered there from below.

I want a solution that will not hurt the cats, deter them from my parking place and attract them somewhere else.

Below is a photo to get a picture how the cars are parked in my building (the photo does not show my actual building but it's something similar to that)




TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Hello and welcome to the site. I can understand your frustration. I don't know if there's a way to really remedy the situation without speaking to your neighbor. Are you sure that these are not his/her cats? 

This is what I would do. I'd go to the neighbor and explain that you know that he/she is just trying to help these cats by feeding them but by doing so where there are cars around, they are in danger of being hit. I wouldn't mention the cat scratching the car. That would only create tension and would cause the neighbor to become defensive and pretty much shut down any kind of solution that is good for you, them and of course, the cats. 

I would suggest finding a place where the cats could be fed that is away from traffic (and your car). Maybe a place near trees or something like that where a feeding station could be set up? I'd also offer to help them find an organization that could help the cats find homes. A rescue group or something similar. By offering to be part of the solution, the neighbor should be receptive to you and it should go better than if you went at it like a lot of people do- with threats and aggression. Many people see stray/feral cats and immediately go after the person trying to help them by reporting them to a homeowner's association or animal control and that rarely ends up well for the cats. Thank you for caring enough to want the cats to be safe. A lot of people wouldn't do that. They'd just want the cats gone regardless of how. 


TCS Member
Sep 21, 2013
Orange party
I don't want to discuss this with the neighbor.
Is there a reason why? This really is the best way to handle it. Cats don't know about cars and paint, and they will go where there is food. If you can get your neighbor to feed them somewhere else, they'll be less inclined to be near your car.

Do you have cold weather where you are? Sometimes cats go under the engine area when it's cold because it's warm. In the winter I always tap the hood before starting the car just in case there's a furball under the hood.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 21, 2014
Do bang on the car hood before you get it. Cats often climb into engine compartments. When I was a child, one of my cats died that way.  I was upset about my cat, my parents were angry because it was expensive to repair the car.