Day 1 Post Tooth Extraction


Loving Mother of a Flower Petal
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2018
Hi all. So, My sweet girl Ellie had a lightly sedated operation yesterday afternoon at about 11 AM. They removed one of her broken canines and put in a stitch due to another broken incisor. She is 5 years old, spayed, and the picture of perfect health besides some bad genetics tooth wise. It seems like her front teeth don't sit in the jawbone as solidly as they should which is most likely why her right canine broke so easily.

She was prescribed Clindamycin for 10 days as well as Gabapentin, twice a day as needed for pain.

My main concern right now, is she is not talking to me. :sniffle: Miss Ellie is a very vocal girl. She is constantly talking to me and makes her presence very known. However, she only let out one meow when we got back from the clinic yesterday evening when I let her out of her carrier. She has not talked at all, not a single peep, which is not like my girl. Since she was not put under general anesthesia so there were no tubes put down her throat so there's no chance of her vocal cords being scratched up...which would be the only explanation for no talking, but she didn't have any tubes, so why is my daughter giving me the silent treatment?:bawling2::bawling2:

I know this might seem silly, but I am really starting to worry. She is acting like herself completely, beautiful appetite, normal potty habits, and not showing any signs of pain. Any clue what could be going on? I am really sad, I did not realize how much we talk to each other until it completely stopped, I miss my Ellie Bear talks.:confused2:

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
BTW: Clyndamycin is one of those antibiotics that can make a person (or animal) hypersensitive to UV rays and sunlight.
Keep your kitty indoors if she's not already an indoor cat.

The stuff can also cause nausea and digestive upset.

So, I'd say she might be feeling under the weather and needing a few days of rest before she gets completely back to her old self.
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Loving Mother of a Flower Petal
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2018
BTW: Clyndamycin is one of those antibiotics that can make a person (or animal) hypersensitive to UV rays and sunlight.
Keep your kitty indoors if she's not already an indoor cat.

The stuff can also cause nausea and digestive upset.

So, I'd say she might be feeling under the weather and needing a few days of rest before she gets completely back to her old self.
Oh wow, I was not told that! Thank you so much for the important information. Luckily Miss Ellie is strictly indoor, as we have nasty coyotes here and are heavily in the winter months. I will remember this all for future reference, I really appreciate it. So far her appetite is good, hoping it stays that way. :crossfingers::crossfingers: Blessings to you and beautiful Casper. :happycat:

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Yeah, it's one of those things that often flies under the radar.

Most of the "-cycline" antibiotics such as tetracycline and doxycycline or the "-mycin" antibiotics such as erythromycin and clyndamycin can cause UV hypersensitivity.

Also, drinking milk with the "-cycline" drugs is a no-no. It blocks the medicine from being absorbed and basically de-activates it.
I don't know for sure about the "-mycin" drugs but I would probably avoid milk with those, too, just for safety.

Besides... Cats shouldn't be drinking milk past kittenhood. Right? ;)

Casper sends vibes! :whitecat: :vibes:
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Loving Mother of a Flower Petal
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2018
See, this is why I love TCS. I am always learning more info, and able to be a better parent to my children.:yess:

No milk! Got it...although I think I got a defective kitty from the Sky Fairy since she doesn't even pay any mind to my cereal bowl..:crackup:

Alas, thank you so much again Caspers Human. Miss Ellie and I are armed and ready with this helpful info now.:clap:

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Casper doesn't eat any human food at all. Once in a while, I can encourage him to have a lick of butter or a teaspoon full of the bits left over from the bottom of a tuna can but it's a red letter day when he eats anything but cat food and kitty treats.

No milk. No eggs. No meat, raw or cooked. Vegemite? Nope! Pepperoni? Uh-uh! Not even a tiny taste of sushi!
I have never had a cat that didn't go koo-koo for sushi until Casper came along!

Just to be clear, it's not harmful to have milk while taking tetracycline. Milk just inactivates it by preventing the body from absorbing the medicine. If you drink milk while taking it you might as well just throw your money away.


Peanuts Mom
Adult Cat
Jul 31, 2021
aw, poor baby ! all the advice you have been given is right on target ! I had a kitty who had 8 teeth extracted at once and came home on meds as well. took some time for her to get back to her sweet self ;) Once she healed up , she felt so much better. I am sure those bad teeth felt worse than having them out ! What I do know about those meds is : clindamycin can cause tummy upset; gabapentin causes mild sedation ; so she is probably just not feeling 100 % , and it is not personal. I think our kitties know we are helping them, but they just feel yucky. They are masters of hiding how miserable they really are ( by nature) . when she feels better , you will see it :) By the way.. adult kitties shouldn't have milk , meds or not; many people are surprised by that . they dont have the enzymes they need to digest it and it causes diarrhea .. even if they do love it ! and absolutely not with those types of antibiotics ! it binds them up and renders them useless... why people are told that more clearly I will never know ! ( my husband is allergic to penicillin and has to take these types of antibiotics) ... here's hoping your fur baby is much better today !!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I would feed her fancy feast chicken broth (not the creamy) or chicken baby food that is just paste garlic & onion free (you can thin it out with a small amount of water)....... maybe with some cooked mushed up sweet potato in it (the orange kind) & when she was feeling better I would try something like a nice pate with a tuna lil soup (just the liquid) or the liquid from a tuna broth or the juice from canned tuna in water. Just a little liquid to make the pate wet food more enticing & keep her hydrated. (My cat hates pate but if it is half lil soup he will eat it.) You can buy cat safe chicken broth that is onion & garlic free .

When the vet says it is safe to feed her minced wet food in gravy, I would give her fancy feast gravy lovers until her mouth is all healed up (my picky twerp likes gravy lovers in beef, turkey, tuna & sometimes ocean whitefish with tuna.)

I hope she has a speedy recovery!
