Daily Thread Thurs Sept 23rd

trouts mom

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Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
Morning folks!

Sunny with some clouds today but a little chilly.

Off to work in a few, should be a busy day today. We only got one claim yesterday.

Tonight is the third meetup with my other forum members. There are a ton of us in Ottawa so we meet once a month. We are going to have chinese food tonight!

You all have a good day!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2008
Originally Posted by Trouts mom

Tonight is the third meetup with my other forum members. There are a ton of us in Ottawa so we meet once a month. We are going to have chinese food tonight!

You all have a good day!
Have a great time Nat.

Morning folks..... been going through a couple weeks of thoroughly cleaning our house....we refer to it as our "clean and purge". We've completed the main floor aside from some minor renovations, and spot painting. Now we're on to the second floor.
<<< that would be me not looking forward to it because there is soooo much to C&P.

I've been picking away at my stuff in my room, so far got my chest tidied and decided to purge the chest itself (wasn't made well, and don't really have the space), me and DH switched nightstands, and I've done the top of my dresser. You know, gotten rid of perfumes that I won't wear as over the yrs I've become way more sensitive to fragrence, and it kills my head.... and the like.

This week we only have 3 garbage bags, and 5 or 6 goodwill bags LOL. Last week we had 4 or 5 garbage bags and the same for goodwill.

I'm waiting for a phonecall for an appt with a company that specialises in helped disabled persons find a job, and even before that, they help find out what position you could do, explore limitations, etc.

Once that happens, my free time becomes very limited. So I'm trying to get done what I can now.

Have a good day folks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
Morning Everyone!!!

Im kinda sad today, Bertha (my cavalier) was retired last Wednesday because darling amazing BF bought me an Explorer for my bday (Hank the Tank). He happened to mention to someone he works with about her and the guy wants to buy her for his 17 yr old son who is killing his insurance rates by driving one of their trucks haha. While Im glad shes going to go to a good home and get used again Im sad because Bertha was kind of a part of my life when things got better. She was my first car after getting license back and getting sober, shes been my little go-to girl. She had her issues but she was a good little car so Im sad to see her go. I told the guy that if she acts up he needs to tell his son that he has to call her Bertha and talk nice to her and he laughed and said dont worry Bertha will be well taken care of. Yes I know I have an odd attachment to my cars and pick some weird names for them. Although Hank the Tank was named by Bfs bosses son with D.S.

Anyways grocery shopping tonight and possibly a cheeseburger from McDonalds..num num num.....Probably a whole lotta nothing else cuz this seems to be my lazy week!!!

Have a good day everyone!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Morning guys!

We had some nasty t-storms last night. Most of it went to the north where several areas lost trees and roofs. Not a lot of rain for us, but it was very windy. We're to get into the mid-80s today. We still have a lot of outside work to get done this weekend, so we need good weather for awhile.

Have a good one!


TCS Member
Jan 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
I still feel like hell.
I'd so much rather go home and go back to bed, but well, there's work to be done. I'm so super cranky today though because my account team is pushing me to do a LOT of things I don't think are a part of my job description, so I may need to have a meeting with my manager and see what he thinks. I need it to be a little clearer as to exactly what I am, and am not responsible for.

We have a bunch of chores to do this evening then we'll be heading to the gym for a workout before homing home to watch the newest episode of Sons of Anarchy.


TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
Afternoon all

I have had quite an eventful day so far today

It is nice weather so we went out for a few hours to an Aircraft museum (yes my fb friends thats why i was standing under a plane
) then we went to a local pub for some lunch and even splashed out on dessert so now i feel the size of a house lmao!!!

Flash and Sooty are friends woohoo one hiccup...he sniffed at her wound she swatted him she must still be a little tender

I think a movie is in order for this afternoon

Have a nice day everyone


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 27, 2009
The seat of a John Deere tractor
Another wet day today - sick to death of rain and slogging through mud, been doing it since late April; not even sure what this sun thing is anymore!!! Off wallowing down the road to town later - meeting a cousin I didnt know I had today and am not keen on having to pull her and her city car out of the ditch, muich safer for me to tackle the mess with a real Jeep!!!LOL Guess I will buy her lunch


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
The summer is finally over and today is the first full day of Autumn, things can only get better NOT...it's supposed to go into the upper 80's today and tomorrow possibly 90 degrees. This is not Fall to me but this happens every year, summer is officially over but Mother Nature isn't keeping up
I want it to feel like Fall, cool and brisk outside. Hopefully it will come soon.

I have had my a/c going since yesterday and it looks like it will continue to be on for the next day or two.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 9, 2009
Long Beach, CA
Morning... Happy Fall! Gosh, I didn't even know Summer came and went!
Ah well, I won't be complaining when 'winter' comes.

aj- I'm so happy Sooty is finally getting over Flash's surgery and loving her again!

So I am putting off starting studying right now, but I must get to it soon. Big test tomorrow morning. I might meet BF and colleagues for lunch at the Mexican place near his work today, not sure yet. I hope so, I haven't been there in ages!

Other than that, I may do some planting in the front that I didn't do yesterday, or I may save it til the weekend.

Tonight is Hopheads night, it's going to be a 'movie night' at the home of one of the Hopheads couples. The Big Lebowski projected on a big canvas sheet outside in their yard, with beer tasters and tacos. Depending on how studying goes, I might skip it. There's a good chance I will skip it actually.

Well have a good day everyone!

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Good afternoon

So glad it's finally fall, although our weather doesn't necessarily reflect it
It's supposed to be 90ºF today. Blah. The mornings have been gorgeous in the 60s though. Had lunch with the "work husband" since everyone else flaked out on our group lunch today. Rob is having trouble at work, since someone stole the copper backflow box for the water system at the shop
Hate thieves. They stole one from another company on the street also.

Planning to go to my friend's house this afternoon and knock out a few hours of pole, hoop, and silks exercise/practice
Excited! We were supposed to yesterday but her kid had pink eye when she woke up, today she's doing great though. Also cannot WAIT to love on her foster kittens!!
I took some pictures of them last time I was there, still need to upload them.

Might pick up a treadmill tonight, woohoo! I've been wanting a treadmill for awhile, and am convinced I'll work out more if I can walk in front of the TV
Hubby caved last night and started looking for one since he wants to get cardio in his exercise plan with his weight lifting.

Killing time at work til 2ish, then off to work my booty off - my body killed the next day last time, and my abs hurt for 3-4 days
Guess I used them a lot more than I thought I did.