Daily Thread Monday June 11th


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 24, 2007
New York
Originally Posted by babyharley

I'm ready for another weekend... Monday's come too fast!!
Agreed 100%!!

Morning all! Despite being cooped up in an office on this beautiful day I am in a wonderful mood!! Had a very nice weekend with BF but Friday can not come soon enough, it's my birthday! I am going to be 21

Hoping tomorrow will be as beautiful as today, although I heard rain in the forecast
-- always on my day off!!

Have a good one all!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 26, 2006
Another boring Monday here! Don't know what to do with myself today.
We finished painting our bedroom this weekend (few details to finish when we move in). Nothing left to do but pack. Just can't find the energy to do anything.

It's supposed to be lovely this week with some shower here & there. It's so nice to have the A/C off.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 17, 2007
on the shores of Georgian Bay
Beautiful morning here, crisp clear not to hot or cold. Unsual Monday for me, up to my ears in laundry this morning heading off to work after lunch. Woke up feeling slightly under the weather due to allergies but am feeling much better now(thanks dristan).
Hope everyone has a fantastic day...


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Hi me cat people friends!

DH and I got in last night from our vaca. Then I went to visit a friend and her 4 month old son who was in town while we were gone. (She left today) Today I'm spending the day with my Best friend and her almost 5 month old daughter, who are visiting from Japan! I'm SOOOOOO excited!

Seems to be that last week was the week everyone who went and moved away all came back this last week. I have 3 friends who all had babies out of state (or country) in the last year who were here, while I wasn't!
Then I also found out via the friend I visited last night that my teenage crush has come back to town.
For some reason I think they were trying to get a reaction out of me by telling me. Typical for them...don't know why I'm 'suprised' over it!
I love em anyway!

I also found 2 good job openings I'm applying for today! Say a prayer, cross your eyes and fingers and legs and heart and whatever else you can for me! I'm absolutely dreading going back to work on Wednesday! My Mom gave her 2 week notice today (we work for the same company) and from the sounds of the way things went while I was away, I really might get laid off in a few weeks. I've been looking for a new job anyway so part of me is ok with it. The other part of me wants to parade into my boss' office and sing "Take this job and shove it!" Not that I would....but I can just pretend!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 17, 2005
Originally Posted by MoochNNoodles

Hi me cat people friends!

DH and I got in last night from our vaca. Then I went to visit a friend and her 4 month old son who was in town while we were gone. (She left today) Today I'm spending the day with my Best friend and her almost 5 month old daughter, who are visiting from Japan! I'm SOOOOOO excited!

Seems to be that last week was the week everyone who went and moved away all came back this last week. I have 3 friends who all had babies out of state (or country) in the last year who were here, while I wasn't!
Then I also found out via the friend I visited last night that my teenage crush has come back to town.
For some reason I think they were trying to get a reaction out of me by telling me. Typical for them...don't know why I'm 'suprised' over it!
I love em anyway!

I also found 2 good job openings I'm applying for today! Say a prayer, cross your eyes and fingers and legs and heart and whatever else you can for me! I'm absolutely dreading going back to work on Wednesday! My Mom gave her 2 week notice today (we work for the same company) and from the sounds of the way things went while I was away, I really might get laid off in a few weeks. I've been looking for a new job anyway so part of me is ok with it. The other part of me wants to parade into my boss' office and sing "Take this job and shove it!" Not that I would....but I can just pretend!
Have fun with your friend visiting from Japan! I know how excited you must be!!

I'm sending many prayers to you, in regards to getting a new job!!