Daily question Wednesday 03/25/15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Good morning TCS! :)

here´s the Question of the day

GrandPhas :einstein:

12.- Your GrandFathers live near to you? They are still alive? how deep they took part of your education in your life? DID you went to visit frecuently? What can you told us about they? :)

Have a nice Wednesday!:wavey:

Note: Gosh! :sweat: last wed of March! :eek: how flyes the time! :thud:...... :dash:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
I had one grandfather who lived across the street, another was 2000+ miles away. I rarely saw either one and they both died when I was fairly young.

I remember being very intrigued about grandparents when I was about 3 or 4 years old (both grandmothers died before I was born). I don't know which grandfather it was - could have been either one - but in my strongest memory he was sitting in a chair and we were all outside. I summoned up my courage and walked up to him to shyly say hi, but he immediately lurched out towards me and yelled in my face to scare me, and boy it worked. I learned to never approach another grandfather again. Could have really used one back then too, or an aunt or uncle or somebody.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Both of my grandpa's have passed away. I only met one a few times, he lived on the other side of Canada. I was going to go visit him July but he passed away in May (9 years ago I think). My other grandpa lived in the town I lived in from 10-18. He had dementia so I didn't know him very well.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
My paternal grandfather died before I was born.

My maternal grandfather passed on when I was about 15 or so?  I don't really remember exactly.  He was not involved in my life to any degree.  Complicated family relationships.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
My favorite subject. 

I am very close to my maternal grandfather.
  My parents divorced when I was 2 and I spent a lot of time at her parent's house.  We lived down the street when I was young but eventually moved out of state.  After that I spent 4-6 weeks of my summer vacations at their house.  My other Grandparents live a few blocks away so I would go between their houses.  My Grandpa is awesome.  He always let me help in his wood shop or with whatever project he was working on around the house.  He taught me to hammer, saw, drill, paint, swim, shovel, garden, hang a picture, use a camera, etc.  He taught me about birds and weather too.  He read me the comics from the newspaper every morning before I'd go to school.  Gram was a fantastic cook; but Grandpa could hold his own too!  

Right now he isn't doing too great.  We lost Gram 5 weeks ago and almost exactly 2 weeks later he started having trouble with his own heart.  He has been in rehab at the nursing home my Gram spent the last 7-8 years in.  My Aunt works there so he is very very well taken care of.  It looks like we are now facing him selling his home and moving to an assisted living place.  He is 93; so it's for the best, even if it's hard.  My Aunt and mother came home from the hospital to that house.  The memories run deep! 

My DD was born on his birthday and my son has his name for his middle name.  He's an "old school" kind of guy; hand shaking, no swearing in front of women, beer drinking, fishing, DIY sort of man.  But he dried my teenage tears, sobbed at my wedding, and almost cried when I called him to say my DD was born and did get choked up when I told him my son's name. We have hour long talks about once a month usually.  Especially when my garden is growing.  He loves my husband; they are alike in a lot of ways.  And I love that.  I love him. 

My other Grandfather passed away almost 4 years ago.  He was very quiet unless you got him talking about "the war" or photography.  We were not as close; but he is very missed.  My cousin's on my Dad's side were close to him because they spent a lot of time with him as kids; much like I did with my other Grandpa.  He was very intelligent and always busy helping someone; especially other veterans.  It made his funeral services very moving.  He was also very devoted to my Grandmother.  She had a lot of health issues her entire life and he really was an example of unconditional love, in sickness and in health.  Gram was to him as well; thankfully she is still with us at 96. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I don't think I did too well in the grandfather department ;). I also was a Navy brat so we always lived several thousand miles from family, only saw them on occasional visits.

My paternal grandfather was a functioning alcoholic. He was a Captain, very stressful job, so he used this as an excuse to drink. I also theorize that he probably had Aspergers (due to its prevalence in the family) and many adult Aspies struggle with alcohol. Anyway, he seemed nice enough but was somewhat occupied with trying to keep others from noticing his alcohol consumption, so he would spend a lot of time alone. He was comfortably well-off and would buy us expensive things, so that was nice. And he had a sailboat and that was fun. I don't actually remember HIM, though. I think he was pretty quiet. He died when I was 12.

My maternal grandfather was not a nice guy. Oh, everybody in town thought he was the bee's knees, he did a lot of volunteer work after he retired so a lot of people knew him and liked him. But his family knew what he was really like. He never was mean to me directly and never did anything inappropriate, but my mother was very suspicious of him and so he was never allowed to be alone with any of us, so I don't know what would have happened if he had the opportunity. He was prone to shouting fits and always demanded that people treat him with "respect", but I would just go outside when he got like that. He was too old to get physically abusive like he used to, so as long as you weren't in arm's reach you were pretty safe. He would try to bully people verbally but at least he couldn't bully them physically anymore. And there were "other" allegations as well, though the details were kept from the children. But none of the adults in the family would let him be alone with kids. I know more details now and they're not really appropriate for sharing on a forum :eek:. I mostly just remember him yelling a lot, although he could also be very charming when he felt like it. He died when I was 23.
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Good morning TCS!

here´s the Question of the day


12.- Your GrandFathers live near to you? They are still alive? how deep they took part of your education in your life? DID you went to visit frecuently? What can you told us about they?

Have a nice Wednesday!

Note: Gosh!
last wed of March!
how flyes the time!
Both of my grandfathers died a long time ago. Maternal grandfather passed away in 1984 and paternal grandfather in 1987.  We did see them fairly often when I was a kid. They didn't live near us. 

Hope you had a nice Wednesday too and an even better Thursday 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I did not know them really, other one I never saw and other one died when I was around 5 years old and I have only one or two very faint images in my memory, not single spoken word that I could recall.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Am I really the only one who had a good experience with their grandfathers!? 
I had good experiences with them it's just that they passed away so long ago. We did see them just not that often because they didn't live in the same state as we did. So holidays and things like that. I remember more good times with my maternal grandfather because we used to go stay with them with my parents would go on vacation. He was a great man. 